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Civilizations Past and Present: Volume 1: Ch 1-6 Test
Civilizations Past and Present: Volume 1: Ch 1-6 Test
Undergraduate 1

Additional History Flashcards




1-4.. What was the role of the pharaoh in Egypt in society/the economy? 2 significant pharaohs?
The pharoah maintained maat. Their power was hereditary. They maintained military and food. They had pyramids built as their tombs. The labor force was voluntary. They were human and divine. Hatshepsut was the regent of Thutmose III. She adopted the royal insignia. When Thutmose took power, he erased all of her inscriptions. Thutmose conquered Mesopotamia. He created obelisks. He also took hostages.
2-5. Who was Shi Huangdi (and when did he live)? Describe his political, economic, and cultural
reforms and their effects.
-King Zen of Qin
-nobles to capital "friends close, enemies closer"
-suppressed Confucianism
-stimulated economy
-standardization of money, weights, measures, language
-1st version of Great Wall
-Terracotta army (
-forced labor
-state approved history lessons
-feared filial piety
-created canals/roads
-laws replaced w/ legal code
1-3. What are the dates for the Old Babylonian Empire? What are their major achievements in
law, mathematics, and literature?
-took over Mesopotamia
-2000-1600 BCE
-Hammurabi law code, first law code
-minimum wages established
-eye for an eye
-geometry, pythag theorem
-base 60 counting
-collecting data
-Epic of Gilgamesh (oldest piece of lit ever)
-conquered by Hittites (1600)
-Hittites used horse drawn chariots
3-3. Describe Gautama Buddha’s early life and his Great Awakening to the Four Noble Truths.
-Siddhartha Gautama
-Prince of Shakyas
-end to suffering
-saw sick, old, and dead
-started w/ asceticism
-renounced wealth
-gave up aceticism b/c it made his mind weak
-meditated in Great Awakening and found 4 noble truths
-4 noble truths path is called Middle Way
-way of life was Dharma (religious law)
-Noble Eightfold path leads to Nirvana
-ashes divided among 8 stupas
3-5. Describe the rule of Ashoka and the results of his death.
-grandson of Chandragupta
-expands Mauryan empire
-8 years military expansion
-violent take over Kalinga
-later adopt ahimsa
-religious tolerance
-buddhist temples
-missionaries to various lands
-edicts carved on rocks (oldest indian documents)
-spread buddhism
-death=death of empire
-famous lion on his pillar is indian seal of indian republic
4-3. Compare and contrast the main social features of two famous Greek city-states: Athens
and Sparta.
-athens democratic
-women excluded from politics
-men had extramarital sex
-homosexuality common
-slavery common
-wife must bear children
-sparta had 2 kings, and annually elected magistrates
-also had slaves (helots)
-land divided among spartan citizens
-boys educated by state at age 7
-males=professional soldiers
-women=more independent
4-4. What were the key events in the conflict between Greece and Persia (give dates)?
Describe how this resulted in Athenian imperialism.
-Persian empire (550-330 BCE)
-conflict btween Asia Minor
-490 BCE Darius battle of Marathon, Athenian victory
-480 BCE Xerxes and Spartans at Thermopylae sack Athens
Persian victory
-battle of Salamis, Persians defeated at Plateau in 479 BCE
-Athenian greater confidence in democracy
-Delian league (478)
-Athenian navy was great
-refused to disband league
-used to receiving money/being center of it all
-becomes Athenian empire
-Pericelan Age: Pericles appointed as general (461-429)
4-7. Describe some of the key points of Alexander the Great’s life and conquests, and what
happened to his empire afterwards.
-succeeded in 336 at age 20
-macedonian, son of Phillip II
-gained support of Phillip's generals
-defeated greek rebels
-334 BCE-persian campaign
-331 defeated Persian king @ Gaugamela
-turned back @ Indus River
-died 323 in Babylon at 32
-greco-persian syncretism, mixed cultures
-empire divided among generals
-became Hellenistic kingdoms (Ptolemic, Seleucid, Atigonus)
5-7. Describe the historical background of early Christianity. How did it spread in the Roman
Empire, and why were Christians often persecuted?
-Hellenized jews
-Temple in Jerusalem
-Jewish believe messiah
-Jesus of Nazareth accused of treason for declaring himself king of Jews, crucified
-Paul of Tarsus first persecutes Christians
-Became an instructor to Christians and name changed to Paul
-Christians refused to sacrifice to Roman gods, held secret meetings
-Nero, Diocletian persecuted them
-appealed bc of spiritual equality and happy afterlife
-Bishop of Rome became 'pope', lineage through Peter
-Christianity legalized in 311
-Official religion in 380
5-3. Summarize the events and results of Rome’s conflict with Carthage between 270 BCE and
146 BCE.
-Carthage Phoenecian city in Africa
-excellent navy
-Dispute over Sicilian islands
-1st Punic War (264-41 BCE)
-Roman fleet called corvus
-Carthage loses in 241, surrender Sicily, Sardinia, Corsica
-Carthage extend control to Spain
-Conflict over Spanish city, Hannibal marches C. troops to Italy
-2nd Punic war 218-201 BCE
-multiple victories under Hannibal
-defeated at Zama in 202
-Carthage given as war indemnity, gives up Spain
-destroyed in 146 BCE
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