Shared Flashcard Set


Church Reform
Church Reform
Medieval Studies
Undergraduate 2

Additional Medieval Studies Flashcards




Iconoclasm: what was it, where did it originate, nd what connection did it have to the papal-Frankish alliance?
Iconoclasm was an attack on the use of images in worship.  Started in Greece and Italy by emperor Leo III.  The fist iconoclastic decree of 726 produced a decisive breach between Rome and Constantinople.  Pope Gregory II refused to obey Leo's decree and addressed the emperor in harsh, defiant language.
Problems that developed within the Western Church itself (i.e. not just secular power over it)
The pope's position was now a political puppet.  Inheritance and cerical marriage
What attempts were made by the Church in the early eleventh century to protect itself and the people from the warring Frankish nobles?
Beginning in the year 1000, the church tried to curb the violence by promoting the Peace of God and the Truce of God.  Thee Peace of God protected certain vulnerable persons - the clergy, nuns and poor folk.  The Truce of God forbade any violence at certain sacred times of the year, especially around Chritmas and Easter.
What new monastic order emerged from the first attempts at reform of the tenth century?
Te monastery in Cluny of 910 was free from Rome because only the monks could elect the abbot, priors of the other monasteries were only under the Cluny abbot and the only accepted free alms.
  1. Which pope started to exercise proper papal authority in the eleventh century? 
  2. What main issue was he attacking? 
  3. Which of the secular rulers fully supported him?
  1. Leo IX
  2. Simony and papal marriage
  3. Henry III
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