Shared Flashcard Set


China !
For end of Q1 wrap up test D:
9th Grade

Additional History Flashcards




Explain the Mandate of Heaven and Dynastic Cycle with examples from Chinese History.
The mandate of heaven was when a ruler had divine approval, and when they didn't, floods, earthquakes and other natural disasters occured. When dynasties would rise and decline, such as the Zhou Dynasty to Han dynasty was the dynastic cycle
Compare and Contrast the 3 philosophies of China. Which to you agree most? Explain.
CONFUCIANISM; believed in Filial Pity (respect for parents & ancestors), Believed that social order will be restored if China was organized by five basic relationships, govern wisely, kind, education was key, and he lay groundwork for a Bureaucracy. DAOISM; Believe in the natural order, belief in the force of the "Dao" or the way. Search for knowledge and understanding or nature. LEGALISTS; Highly and efficient way of governing was key to restoring order. Controlling ideas as well and actions. Harsh punishments.
How did Shi Huang Di live out legalist principles?
He murdered hundreds of Confucian scholars, burned "useless" books, set same standards for writing, law and currency. Very controlled government.
How were people socially ranked in the Han Dynasty?
Emperor - King & Governor - State Officials & Nobles & Scholars - Peasants - Artisans & Merchants - Soldiers - Slaves.
What lessons do we learn from the art of war? How can they be applied?
It can be used in team sports, athletics, etc. Teaches you about the importance of spies, disband teams or armies, distract, strategy.
What do Chinese Characters teach us about Chinese culture?
Word "good" consists of the woman and a child, so China is family orientated. "Peace" is shelter and a woman underneath. Shows that a woman in the house brings peace, or also to have a home, as opposed to homeless, is peace. "Home/Family" is shelter with a pig underneath. Pigs are eaten. So a roof over your head and a meal to eat...
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