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Chapter 7-2 - The Orbital Description of the Alkene Double B
Organic Chemistry 307: Chapter 7 - Structure and Synthesis of Alkenes; Section 2 - The Orbital Description of the Alkene Double Bond
Organic Chemistry
Undergraduate 3

Additional Organic Chemistry Flashcards




The __________ __________ __________ tells us that two pairs of electrons can go into the region of space between the carbon nuclei only if each pair has its own molecular orbital.
1) Pauli exclusion principle
In ethylene, each carbon atom is bonded to __________ other atoms and there are no nonbonding electrons; three hybrid orbitals are needed, implying __________ hybridization.
This hybridization corresponds to bond angles of about __________ degrees.
1) Three
2) sp2
3) 120
Each of the carbon-hydrogen __________ bonds in ethylene is formed by overlap of the __________ hybrid orbital on carbon with the __________ orbital of a hydrogen atom.
1) Sigma
2) sp2
3) 1s
The C-H bond length in ethylene (1.08 angstroms) is slightly __________ than the C-H bond in ethane (1.09 angstroms) because the __________ orbital in ethylene has more __________ character (__________-__________ s) than an sp3 orbital (__________-__________ s).
The __________ orbital is closer to the nucleus than the __________ orbital, contributing to shorter bonds.
1) Shorter
2) sp2
3) S
4) One-third
5) One-fourth
6) s
7) p
The C=C bond in ethylene (1.33 angstroms) is much __________ than the C-C bond (1.54 angstroms) in ethane, partly because the __________ bond of ethylene is formed from __________ orbitals (with more __________ character) and partly because there are __________ (number) bonds drawing the atoms together.
The second carbon-carbon bond is a __________ bond.
1) Shorter
2) Pi
3) sp2
4) s
5) Two
6) Pi
For pi overlap to occur in ethylene, the second group of electrons must have parallel __________ orbitals which requires that the two carbon atoms be oriented with all their C-H bonds in a single __________.
Half of the __________ bonding orbital is above the C-C __________ bonds, and the other half is below.
The __________-bonding electrons give rise to regions of high __________ __________.
1) p
2) Plane
3) Pi
4) Sigma
5) Pi
6) Electron density
The two ends of the __________ molecule cannot be twisted with respect to each other without disrupting the __________ bond.
Unlike __________bonds, a carbon-carbon __________ bond does not permit rotation.
This is the origin of __________-__________ isomerism: if two groups are on the same side of a double bond (__________) they cannot rotate to opposite sides (__________) without breaking the __________ bond.
1) Ethylene
2) Pi
3) Single
4) Double
5) Cis-trans
6) Cis
7) Trans
8) Pi
Alkenes are said to be __________ because they are capable of adding hydrogen in the presence of a catalyst.
The product, an __________, is called __________ because it cannot react with any more hydrogen.
1) Unsaturated
2) Alkane
3) Saturated
The presence of a __________ bond of an alkene (or an alkyne) or the __________ of a cyclic compound decreases the number of __________ atoms in a molecular formula.
These structural features are called __________ __________ __________; each element corresponds to __________ fewer hydrogen atoms than in the saturated formula.
1) Pi
2) Ring
3) Hydrogen
4) Elements of unsaturation
5) Two
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