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Chapter 26 Note Cards
Note Cards
11th Grade

Additional History Flashcards




USSR and US have fundamentally different views of the world. Each views the other as a threat.
The side that we like.. or have to like.
The U.S. came out of World War II more powerful than any other country. The U.S was looking to spread their values to other countries. They were also looking at economic opportunities, with their economy going full speed ahead. U.S. wanted to open trade and in 1947 the U.S had 14 billion dollars in export.
The side that was right, but we were opposed to
The USSR emphasized socialism within their country rather than world revolution. The USSR had to rebuild their country first. The USSR was looking to protect their western border from invasion. They wanted friendly western neighbors.
If I was a leader at this time we would be world leaders.
The U.S had Harry Truman who was very straight forward yet insecure and ill prepared. Believed in rapid response "The buck stops here." In 1952 Dwight Eisenhower becomes president. He was easy going and well liked, but had no political experience, but was good at getting people together. Both men supported the U.S way of life and both were anti-communist. USSR had Joseph Stalin who was ruthless, brutal, and put down revolution heavily and wanted Eastern Europe under his sphere of influence. In 1953 Nikita Kruschchev took power and was a very strong, but sought more peace. "Peaceful co-existence."
Why the Cold War Started
Starts in 1917 with the Russian Revolution. This created a mutual distrust for each other. This was put on hold during the war, but would restart after the war.
The lies we told to make the Soviets seem terrible
In February of 1946 only 35% of Americans trusted the Soviets. Many started to compare the USSR to Nazi-Germany. Saw them as repressive and dictatorial. In 1949 George Orwell was published in 1984 a book about a big brother watching over everything that happens. Many saw this as exactly what the USSR was like. Many said that the free world in the past had not responded quickly enough to dictators so this time we must.
Why was Poland so important? Personally I would have gone with Korea or Vietnam.... Oh wait :)
Poland was the clash between the U.S and the USSR. The USSR wanted a government that had sympathy to them and the U.S wanted democracy. In July 1945 the Big Three met in Potsdam to discuss Poland and the dividing of Germany.
Breaking Ties.. Go Figure
After VE day in May of 1945 Truman cut the Lend Lease program. This hurt the USSR the most so they asked for a 6 billion dollar loan to rebuild their country. This was reduced to 1 billion. The U.S agreed to it only if the USSR opened up trade to all areas of the USSR and the countries it controlled. The USSR and Stalin said no to this and he out in his 5 year plan instead.
War is declared,,,, but not the good kind.
In 1946 Stalin proclaims that communism would prevail and capitalism would fail. He also vowed to increase and improve his military. Churchill responded with a speech saying an Iron Curtain descended across Eastern Europe. All English speaking people were to work to contain the USSR.
Containment became the U.S post-war policy.The U.S felt that the USSR would not cooperate no matter what, so they must be confronted. They knew that they could not stop the USSR, but they must be contained. The U.S wanted a free world for military and economic activities.
Doctrine, Marshall, NATO, NSC-68
The USSR had no conflicts with Greece or Turkey and U.S feared that communism was spreading. On March 12th 1947 Truman addressed Congress and said that must support the free peoples in resistance to military movement. The U.S sent 400 million dollars to Greece and Turkey. The U.S was the police force of the world.U.S sent economic aid to Europe to stop communism. This also provided markets for U.S products. The Secretary of State George Marshall wanted to help all countries. The Soviet bloc countries did not join. 17 billion dollars went to 16 nations over four years. Germany was divided into four zones. U.S, France, and Great Britain got West Germany and the USSR got East Germany. Berlin was divided the same way. In mid-1948 the USSR tried to force other countries out by building the Berlin blockade. GB and US did the Berlin airlift to send in 2 million tons of supplies to Berlin. Twelve nations also formed a military alliance of NATO. They said that if you attacked one, you attacked them all. In 1949 communists took over China and the USSR got the atomic bomb. The U.S foreign policy was shaped by NSC-68. This said that the USSR was amoral and there was no need to try to negotiate with them. This led to a huge increase in defense spending. Went from 5% budget to 20% budget.
More Containment
Secretary of State John Foster Dulles wanted to move beyond containment. Promoted democracy under communist rule. Eisenhower is against this and would stand by twice while countries tried to leave communism. East Germany and Hungary. U.S. is very concerned about the expansion of communism. The U.S. took greater and greater steps to stop it.
China Fights Some Wars and then We Hate Them
During WWII China fought a civil war. Communist Mao Zedong against Nationalist Jiang Jeshi. Communists won the peasant class and on October 1st 1949 they officially became communist. They announced an alliance with the USSR against an imperialist U.S. U.S. saw China as a puppet of the USSR. Truman was seen as weak and to have "lost" China.
Korean War
After WWII Korea wants independence but instead will be divided 38 parallel. North will be control by the USSR and South controlled by the U.S. the Powers leave but still support. June 25th, 1950; North will invade the South. U.S responses by going to the UN and sending General Douglas MacArthur and U.S troops to Korea. The U.S push into the North and China becomes involved and will send troops and push back. Truman and MacArthur fight over war strategy. Truman wants limited war and MacArthur was for all-out war, Truman will remove MacArthur. Eisenhower elected president in 1952 and wants to get out of the war. July 27, 1953; an armistice will be signed. Results: The U.S loses 54,000 lives, Korea loses 2 million. This will be the first war that had U.S integrated units. This will mean a change in U.S policy for the army all around the world. At wars end it ends in a draw. The 38 parallel is still the dividing line between communism and democracy.
Vietnam Starts a Civil War
During WWII Vietnam was occupied by Japan then went under French control. Ho-Chi Minh wanted Vietnam to be independent. In 1945 they established the Democratic Republic of Vietnam. U.S. wanted to help France because Ho-Chi Minh was a communist. U.S. paid 3/4 of the war cost by 1954. Eisenhower believed in the Domino Theory; if one country falls to communism they all will fall. France lost the battle at Dein Bein Phu and then quit. Vietnam was divided along the 17th parallel. The North was under Ho-Chi Minh and the South was under Ngo Diah Diem, an anti communist. U.S. backed the South and started sending advisors.
Middle East and Latin America
During WWII the U.S., GB, and USSR occupied Iran. After the war GB left and the U.S. and USSR threatened war with each other over the land. In 1953 the U.S. helped overthrow the government and puts the Shah of Iran in power. He was backed by the U.S. In 1948 Palestine was divided into two; an Arab and a Jewish state. The Jewish state became Israel. U.S. backed Israel and were also involved in Lebanon to help stop communist forces. The U.S. stopped a communist revolt in Guatemala. The U.S. was seen as interfering and in a number of areas became anti-U.S. In Cuba Castro and the communist took over and took assets. The U.S. cut off relations with Cuba so Cuba turned to the USSR.
Atomic Age
The U.S. policy was that massive retaliation, which was that if one attacks the others will attack full out. Should the U.S. share secrets of the bomb with their allies or not? Most people, including Truman, said no. The U.S. tried to negotiate with the USSR about the number of bombs, but never reached an agreement, thus starting an arms race. At first the U.S. was not worried about nuclear weapons until the USSR gets them in 1949. In 1953 both countries had developed the hydrogen bomb. In 1957 the USSR launched Sputnik, the first satellite. This worried the U.S. because they didn't know what it was. The U.S. also saw itself as being behind the USSR. People for the first time and also started to understand the idea of a fallout from nuclear weapons. Millions of Americans built fallout shelters for protection.
Retaliation (Or Just the Idea of it)
U.S. military cut back on conventional weapons and built more bombs. U.S. went with the idea of brinkmanship, which is an all or nothing attitude. It meant that if one country dropped one bomb on one country, the other country would drop three on them.
At Home
The people at home wanted to get rid of communism, so they were starting to get paranoid and the government stepped into action.
TruMAN is More Loyal Than Nixon
Many feared communism at home. The U.S. started an internal investigation. In 1947 the Federal Loyalty Program started. People were not innocent until proven guilty. Only a few hundred were found not loyal, and even those were even questionable.
CONgress Starts to Be Loyal
In 1940 the Smith Act was passed and it said that you can't teach about overthrowing government. In 1949 Dennis Smith and ten others were convicted. In 1950 the McCarran Internal Security Act was passed. This stated that communists had to register with the attorney general and cannot work in the defense department. The House Committee on Un-American Activates were formed. They started by investigating the motion picture industry. Many were blacklisted for not testifying. Alger Hiss a former Assistant Attorney General who was convicted of being a communist spy. Richard Nixon took on the case. The 1st trial was hung and the second one sentenced him to 4 years in prison. A great deal of questionable evidence. (Pumpkin Papers) People now believed that communist were everywhere and increased the search.
The Not Green Scare
(Red Scare)
Joseph R. McCarthy took up the anti-communist cause. He claimed that there were 205 communists in the State Department. He attacked anyone who was against him. He had little to no evidence and only did this to advance his own career. The time was right for the with-hunt due to the feelings in the country. Julius and Ethel Rosenberg were convicted of being spies and were executed. In 1952 the Republican Party was in control of Congress. McCarthy were at its peak with a 50% popularity rating. In 1953 he started an investigated of the U.S. Army. McCarthy held TV hearings on the Army. 36 days on TV exposed McCarthy as a fraud and proved that he had no evidence to support his accusations.
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