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Chapter 18
Chapter 18
9th Grade

Additional History Flashcards




Elizabeth I
3rd of Henry 8’s kids to rule England. Fierce temper, yet graceful. “Virgin Queen.”
§ Resisted pressures to marry for good of England & preservation of her power.
§ 4 troubles: religious conflicts, rival queen, Spanish ambitions, financial difficulty
Religious issues: inherited religious problem from father. Protestantism vs. Catholicism.
§ Decided to establish a state church that moderate Catholics & Protestants might both accept.
§ For Protestants, priests were allowed to marry & deliver sermons in English, not Latin.
§ For Catholics, Church of England kept elements of formal priesthood-rich robes & golden crucifixes.
§ What mattered most to Elizabeth was the loyalty & obedience of her subjects.
Act of Supremacy (new)
Declared Elizabeth the Supreme Governor of England’s institutions, its church as well as its state. (Her father, Henry 8, passed the original Act of Supremacy).
Mary Stuart
Queen of Scots. Elizabeth’s Catholic cousin.
§ Pope & rulers of Spain supported her in her quest to unseat Elizabeth b/c she was Catholic.
§ 1567-fled to England where Elizabeth provided protection the revolt of Presbyterian subjects.
§ 1586-caught plotting to overthrow Elizabeth Ù beheaded.
§ Her death marked the low point of relations between England & Spain.
Elizabeth’s financial problems
Meager income compared to Spain. House of Commons denied requests.
§ Spain’s wealth came from American colonies.
§ England played little part in exploration Ù thought about building an American empire.
Joint-stock company
English business leaders set up special organization to attract capital from many people.
§ Investors bought shares of ownership. If company prospered Ù investors’ shares of ownership entitled them to collect proportional share of profits.
§ Sign that Commercial Revolution (began in Netherlands) had spread to England
§ Most successful: Received charter from queen-1600-British East India Company
o Goal: carve a share of rich East Indies spice trade.
§ Ventures did not enrich queen directly, but strengthened England economically.
largest invasion force Europe had seen. Assembled by Philip II.
§ Causes: Elizabeth aided Dutch Protestants in revolt against Spain, execution of Mary, & English sea dogs (raided Spanish treasure ships).
§ Invincible Armada: 130 ships, 8,000 sailors, & 20,000 soldiers.
§ Destroyed by skilled English sea captains
§ Spanish arranged ships in tight crescent shaped formation.
§ English had developed fast, maneuverable ships knowing Spanish strategy.
§ English sent 8 unmanned fire ships into Spanish fleet Ù broke the crescent.
§ Outcome: Defeat signaled decline of Spain’s political power.
§ All Europe viewed battle as contest btwn Catholics (Spanish) & Protestants (English).
§ As Spain’s influence declined, England’s power increased.
o English were now free to develop overseas trade & colonize North America.
o Great burst of national pride for English Ù Elizabethan Age.
Elizabethan Era: late 1500s. Golden age economically, politically, & culturally. Center: London.
(1564-1616) Poet & dramatist. Best symbolizes England’s golden age.
§ Remarkable understanding of human nature.
§ Poet who understood sound & weight of every word.
§ Most famous plays-1st performed at the Globe. Wrote 38 plays in total.
James I
of England:
§ Inherited all unsettled problems of Elizabeth’s reign (how much say Parliament had in gov’t)
§ Believed that as king he had absolute authority to govern England as he wanted.
§ Quarrels w/ Parliament: revolved around money. Elizabeth left sizable debt.
§ James needed money & Parliament said no. Felt it was beneath his dignity to bargain for money.
§ Puritans member of Parliament complained that Church of England was too Catholic.
King James' Bible
James was very interested in religion & scholarship.
§ Commissioned group of Bible scholars to create single authoritative text b/c found other translations unsatisfactory. First printed in 1611. Still used by English-Protestants today.
Divine Right
royal power came from God. Kings were answerable only to God, not people or Parliament.
§ Declared by James I. Believed also by Elizabeth I.
Charles I
son of James I and 2nd Stuart king to rule England.
§ Inherited & worsened problems w/ Parliament.
§ Firm believer in divine right of kings.
§ 1627-war w/ Spain & France. Charles demanded loans from knights & nobles.
§ 1628-financial needs forced king to call Parliament
Petition of Right
document that Parliament forced Charles to sign if he wanted money.
o Examples of concessions he made: Charles would not imprison subjects w/o due cause.
o Would not force loans or levy taxes w/o consent of Parliament
Next year, tired of Parliament, Charles dissolved it. For 11 yrs, refused to call Parliament.
Resorted to all kinds of fees & fines on English people Ù unpopularity grew.
Charles I’s religious policies angered people more than taxation policies.
§ During reign, Puritans fled England to escape persecution.
§ William Laud (archbishop) forced Scottish Presbyterians to follow England’s style of worship
§ Scots threatened to invade England to defend their religion.
§ Charles called new Parliament b/c needed money to meet new danger.
§ Charles tried to arrest five of the leaders of the House of Commons Ù angered Londoners Ù fled.
English Civil War
started by king’s flight to north in 1642. Cavaliers vs. Roundheads.
§ 1646-Oliver Cromwell’s New Model Army defeated king’s forces.
§ 1647-Parliament tried to dissolve New Model Army. Army leaders refused to obey.
o Army & leaders were strongly Puritan. Did not intend to give up control of country.
§ Desperate members of Parliament joined forces w/ king Ù defeated by Cromwell.
§ Cromwell captured Charles in 1648. Surrounded & expelled members of Parliament.
§ 1649-Cromwell & Puritans brought Charles to trial for treason Ù beheaded.
§ Never before had a monarch faced public trial & official execution.
or Royalists: those that remained loyal to King Charles I.
§ English nobles & church officials.
§ At first, had advantage b/c controlled ¾ of country. Had England’s experienced military leaders.
Puritan townspeople & Parliament-supporting merchants
§ Had great financial resources b/c made up of Parliament.
New Model Army
Oliver Cromwell's military machine
Oliver Cromwell
: military genius. General for the Roundheads. Organized the New Model Army.
§ After Charles I was killed, he was left with power.
§ To set up a new gov’t, drafted a consitution in 1653-the 1st written consitution of a major European nation.
o Set up a republic which Cromwell ruled England as Lord Protector = military dictator
§ Conquered & massacred the Irish.
Men & women who wished to purify the Church of England of practices that they thought were too close to Catholicisim. Hated gold crucifixes & rich robes. Formed strong group in English Parliament.
§ Made up the Roundheads in the English Civil War. Followed the leadership of Cromwell.
§ Came to power when Oliver Cromwell was announced Lord Protector. Reformed English society.
o Shut down theaters, forbade sporting events.
Charles II
Invited by Parliament back to England. A Stuart once again ruled England.
§ Because he restored the monarchy, the period of his rule = the Restoration.
§ Also restored theater, sporting events, dancing, & merrymaking. Theater & arts flourished.
§ Comedy dominated the stage. For 1st time, women appeared on English stage to play female roles.
§ Moderate ruler: did not try to restore idea of divine right of kings.
§ Wanted to give both Puritans & Roman Catholics some religious freedom.
o Parliament opposed. Church of England remained only legal religion.
Hableas Corpus Act
Law passed by Parliament in 1679
§ Gave every prisoner the right to obtain writ or document ordering prisoner brought before judge.
§ Judge then decides if prisoner should be brought to trial or set free.
§ Now not possible for king/queen to put someone in jail simply for opposing ruler
§ Impossible for monarch to hold someone in jail indefinitely w/o trial.
§ Today, remains 1 of most important guarantee of personal freedom.
James II
Charles Brother
Open Catholic Ù this concern led to political parties. Became king in 1685.
§ “Whigs” = James’s opponents. Dedicated to keeping him off throne.
§ “Tories” = James’s supporters who defended king & Catholic brother.
§ James II asserted divine right to rule without Parliament’s consent.
§ Appointed Catholics to high office Ù everybody protested, even the Tories.
§ When his 2nd wife gave birth to son. English Protestants were terrified by the idea of a line of Catholic kings.
WIlliam and Mary
Mary = eldest daughter of James II’s 1st wife. Raised as Protestant.
§ Mary married William of Orange, powerful Protestant prince of Netherlands.
§ Invited by Whigs & Tories to overthrow James II for sake of Protestantism.
§ 1689-Asked by Parliament to rule England as joint sovereigns.
§ Oath they took showed significance of Glorious Revolution.
o Recognized Parliament as leading partner in ruling England.
Glorious/Bloodless Revolution
William landed on English shores in 1688 & marched to London.
§ Nobody stopped him. With no troops fighting for him, James exiled to France.
§ Peaceful revolution in comparison to Cromwell’s civil war.
Bill of Rights
document drafted by Parliament to make clear limits of royal power in 1689.
§ No suspending of Parliament’s laws
§ No levying of taxes w/o specific grant from Parliament
§ No interfering with a member’s freedom of speech in Parliament
§ No standing army to be kept in peacetime
Thomas Hobbes
Said there was no such thing as a right to rebel. NO
§ Most famous work: Leviathan
§ Horrors of civil war convinced him that all humans were naturally wicked.
§ Gov’ts were created to protect people from their own selfiness.
Absolute Monarchy
Having complete power. Hobbes saw this as the best type of gov’t b/c the chief purpose of gov’t was to stop society from falling into disorder.
John Locke
Said people oppressed by gov’t had every right to rebel. YES
§ Believed that people had the gift of reason. Had natural ability to govern themselves.
§ Gov’ts were formed to protect 3 basic human rights: right to life, liberty, & property.
§ If gov’t abused these rights, people were justified in rebelling.
§ 1690-Treatises on Government served to justify overthrow of James II.
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