Shared Flashcard Set


Chapter 1&2
11th Grade

Additional History Flashcards




The Great Ice Age
-It shaped more than the geological history of North America and it contributed to the origins of the continents human history. It set much of the world’s oceans into massive ice pack glaciers, lowering the level of the sea. As sea level dropped, it exposed a land bridge connecting Eurasia and North America (present day: Bering Sea between Siberia and Alaska). It was called Beringia or the Bering Strait.
Importance of Maize
- (Incas in Peru, Mayans in Central America, and Aztecs in Mexico) Their advanced agricultural practices, were based primarily on the cultivation of maize. Corn growing accounted for the size and sophistication of the Native American civilizations in Mexico and South America. It became their staff of life and the foundation of the complex, large scale, centralized Aztec and Incan nation-states that eventually emerged. Everywhere it was planted it, it began to transform nomadic hunting bands into settled agricultural villagers. This process went forward slowly and unevenly. Corn growing molded Pueblo People and they constructed intricate irrigation systems to water the fields. (Three sister farming: beans, squash, corn)
The Iroquois Confederacy
-In the northeast woodlands(Mohawk valley aka NY), leader= Deganawidah & Hiawatha, in the 16th century created perhaps the closest North American approximation to the great nation states of Mexico and Peru. It developed the political and organizational skills to sustain a robust military alliance that menaced its neighbors. It bound together five Indian nations, Mohawk, Oneida, Onondagas, the Cayuga, and the Senecas. Its building block=loghouse (fams whom live in there were two and by blood running through the maternal line) Oldest woman= honored matriarch. Men dominated the society, but they owed their position of prominence to their mother’s families. Eastern Flank=Mohawks= Keepers of the Eastern Fire= middlemen with Euro trading. Senecas= keepers of the Western Fire=fur suppliers. Further expanded by mourning wars, objective was the large-scale adoption of captives and refugees. American Revolution most sided with the British and the ultimate British defeat left them in tatters. Handsome Lake=preacher and gospel
European Contact with Native Americans
-Once Euro. Made landfall, it was a disaster for the Indians ( all the bad things we brought)ex: war (Powhatan war), banishment, disease (smallpox) and slavery. Positive=new technology
-Europeans brought other organisms in the first on their boots and the dust on their clothes. In their bodies they carried the germs that caused small pox. World disease would quickly devastate the Native Americans. The Deadliest killers were microbes not muskets. (Smallpox) In the centuries after Columbus landfall as many as 90% of Native Americans perished. The Spanish did not intend this depopulation, but it was nevertheless so severe that entire cultures and ancient ways of life were extinguished forever. Disease took more than human life; it extinguished entire cultures and occasionally helped shape new ones.
-Was in Search of fabled golden cities that turned out to be adobe pueblos. He discovered two awesome natural wonders: Grand Canyon of the Colorado River and enormous herds of buffalo.
Ponce de Leon
-He explored Florida and he first though it was an island. He was Seeking Gold, but instead met with death by an Indian Arrow
-He set sail to Cuba with 16 horses and several 100 men aboard 11 ships, bound for Mexico and its Destiny. On the island of Cozumel, he picked up the Indian Slave Mallinche. (She knew both Mayan and Nahuatl). He now had an advantage, with these two interpreters understanding the speech of the natives. Mallinche learned Spanish and was baptized as Dona Marina. He made his final landscape near Vera Cruz. The Aztec chieftain sent ambassadors bearing wonderful gifts and Moctezuma thought he was the god Quetzalcoatl.(Spanish hunger for gold tired them) On noche triste, Aztecs attacked driving the Spaniards down. Cortes then laid siege to the city and it capitulated it. The Aztec empire gave way to three centuries of Spanish rule. He intermarried with surviving Indians and the result was mestizos. (Indian and European heritage)
-He crushed the Incas in Peru.
The Spanish Armada (1588)
-Phillip the 2nd of Spain used part of his imperial gains to amass an invincible armada of ships for an invasion of England. The Spanish flotilla of 130 strong hove into the English Channel. The English sea dogs fought back and they used craft, which was more maneuverable and inflicted heavy damage on the Spanish ships. The devastating storm arose scattering the crippled Spanish fleet (Protestant wind). The Route of the Spanish armada marked the beginning of the end of Spanish imperial dreams. England’s victory over the Spanish armada marked a red-letter day in American History. It dampened Spain’s fighting spirit and helped ensure England’s naval dominance in North America. It started England on its way to becoming master of the world oceans. England was now strong, unified national state under a popular monarch, a measure of religious unity after a protracted struggle between Protestants and Catholics, nationalism, and national destiny.
Joint-Stock Companies
-It enabled a considerable number of investors called adventurers to pool their capital and it provided the financial means.
John Smiths Contributions to Jamestown
-He saved Virginia from collapse at the start largely by the leadership and resourcefulness. He states he who shall not work shall not eat.
Virginias House of Burgesses
-Representative self-gov. was also born in primitive Virginia. The London Company authorized settlers to summon an assembly known as the House of Burgesses. It was a miniature parliament to flourish in the soil of America. It also branded a seminary of sedition. AS time passed James, I distrust it. Instituted private ownership of land, maintained right of colinsts. Election to a seat was limited to voting members of the charter colony at fisrt all frree men. Later rules said men that owned atleast 50 acres of land to vote.
Tobacco and its importance
-John Rolfe became the father of tobacco industry. The European demand for it was nearly insatiable and a rush swept over Virginia. Colonists hungered for land instead of food. Virginia’s prosperity was built on tobacco smoke. King Nicotine was something of a tyrant. It was ruinous to the soil when greedily planted in successive years and it enchained the fortunes of Virginia to the fluctuating price of a single crop. It was a brisk demand for fresh labor and it promoted the board acred plantation system.
Barbados Slave Code (1661)
-It denied even the most fundamental rights to slaves and gave masters virtually complete control over their laborers, including the right to inflict vicious punishments for even slight infractions.
Carolinas major exports
-Rice emerged as the principal; export crop in Carolina. It was an exotic food in England. It was grown in Africa and the Carolinas were soon paying premium prices for west African slaves experienced in rice cultivation.
-When Smith was captured she saved him by interposing her head between his and the war clubs of his captors. She is an intermediary between Indians and the settlers. Daughter of Powhatan. He husband was John Rolfe.
Southern Plantation colonies
-Staple Crops= tobacco and rice, churches and schools were difficult to maintain and open, slavery was found, all plantation colonies permitted some religious tolerant, aristocratic atmosphere
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