Shared Flashcard Set


CBU comp exam #166-189
comp exam questions and answers

Additional Psychology Flashcards




166. You just passed your MFT oral examination and are now a licensed MFT. After leasing an office and getting stationery printed, you sit down to establish some basic management issues. You are unsure how much to charge your clients, but know that establishing appropriate fees is an important part of starting a private practice. How should you set your fees?

a. fees should be set according to whatever the individual MFT determines is appropriate

b. fees should be set based on a percentage less than what psychologists in the area charge

c. the BBS has established an appropriate guideline, which determines appropriate fees for MFT's at differing levels of experience

d. fees should be set by community standards, so you should charge about the same as other MFTs in your area

167. In distinguishing between agoraphobia and social phobia, it is important to keep in mind that:

a. only agoraphobia involves a fear of acting in a way that will bring about humiliation or embarrassment

b. only agoraphobia involves distress over the possiblility of experiencing severe anxiety or a panic attack

c. agoraphobia involves a fear of places, while social phobia entails a fear of people

d. agoraphobia involves a fear of numerous social situations, while social phobia entails a fear of a single circumscribed social situation


168. A young child learns that the family pet is a "dog". Soon thereafter, she begins calling not only all other dogs "dog", but also all four-legged furry animals. According to Piaget, this child is exhibiting which of the following?


a. assimilation

b. accomodation

c. conservation

d. decentration


169. Frequent conflicts, especially those involving open expressions of hostility, between husbands and wives:


a. are more likely to lead to increases in undercontrolled behaviors in male children than in female children

b. are more likely to lead to increases in undercontrolled behaviors in female children than in male children

c. have similar negative behavioral consequences for male and female children

d. have not been linked to particular behavioral problems in either male or female children


170. The best test to give a client who is considering a vocational change would be the:


a. Rorschach

b. MMPI-2

c. Myers-Briggs



171. Studies of abused children seem to indicate that:


a. most abused children are under the age of six

b. abused children almost never develop emotional attachments to their abusive mothers

c. socioeconomic status is not a factor in child abuse

d. among young children, girls are the most common victims of abuse


172.  Mr. and Mrs. Smith, in their mid-thirties, have a 3 yr old adopted daughter. The adoption occurred when the girl was an infant. They reported that, since the adoption, they have quarreled frequently and longer feel intimate. Mr. Smith is particularly disturbed because he feels that his wife is directing all of her energies and attention to the child. The couple also mentions that their daughter may have developmental problems - their pediatrician is concerned about delays in her language development. Mr. Smith says he resents the fact that they have adopted "damaged goods". Mrs. Smith is defensive and minimized the girl's problems. Both parents acknowledge feeling frustrated and unable to control their daughter's behavior at times. All of the following would be appropriate to do with this family EXCEPT:


a. family-of-origin work to identify messages Mr. and Mrs. Smith got about parenthood and adoption

b. role-playing to help the parents say good-bye to the perfect daughter they thought they had and hello to the one they actually have

c. behavioral assignments to increase intimacy between Mr. and Mrs. Smith

d. structural techniques to strengthen the mother-daughter dyad

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