Shared Flashcard Set


CBU comp exam # 118 - 141
CBU comp exam

Additional Psychology Flashcards




118. A therapist doing brief therapy would most likely treat:

a. Schizoaffective Disorder
b. Generalized Anxiety
c. Premature Ejaculation
d. Dysthymia
119. A recently licensed therapist is referred a homosexual couple. The therapist learned very little during his education and training about “alternative” life styles. When counseling a homosexual couple, any counselor should be particularly aware that:

a. homosexual couples have exactly the same problems as heterosexual couples

b. the counselor’s comfort level with a homosexual life style can affect the therapeutic process

c. issues of confidentiality differ when clients are homosexual

d. homophobia is the most important issue for homosexuals
120. On the basis of research evaluating treatment approaches for phobias, a therapist treating agoraphobia would probably use which of the following:

a. insight therapy
b. systematic desensitization
c. group therapy
d. hypnosis
121. Which of the following defense mechanisms is inaccurately illustrated:

a. reaction formation: a woman who hates her sister always buys her sister expensive gifts

b. displacement: an unfaithful husband accuses his wife of having an affair

c. sublimation: a man with high levels of aggressiveness becomes a professional football player

d. regression: a lonely college student acts very child-like whenever she goes
home for vacations
122. An eight-year-old boy tries to have control over his parents. His parents are frustrated that the child is disobedient, defiant, and surly. The MOST appropriate form of treatment should include:

a. communication family therapy
b. psychoanalysis
c. couples therapy
d. play therapy
123. Problem drug use among adolescents is most linked with:

a. peer pressure
b. lack of information/education
c. alienation
d. early experimentation with drugs
124. A primary goal of the Education for All Handicapped Children Act (Public Law 94-142) is to assure that children with special needs receive free and appropriate public education. Among other things, this Act requires that an IEP (Individual Education Plan) be designed for each handicapped student. Further, the Act requires all of the following EXCEPT:

a. the IEP be approved by a licensed school psychologist
b. the IEP provide for the “least restrictive environment”
c. parents take part in the development of the IEP
d. tests used to assess children must be nondiscriminatory
125. A client you have been seeing for a while has started coming late for her sessions. The recent sessions with her have been dealing with family of origin trauma issues that she has never dealt with before. The tardiness of the client is MOST likely a reflection of which of the following:

a. enactment
b. manipulation
c. resistance
d. non-compliance
126. In general, which of the following types of disorders are the MOST difficult to treat:

a. Mood Disorders
b. Personality Disorders
c. Conduct Disorders in Children
d. Adjustment Disorders
127. Continued substance use, despite knowledge of having persistent or recurrent problems likely to have been caused or exacerbated by use of the substance is characteristic of:

a. substance dependence
b. substance abuse
c. either substance dependence or abuse
d. neither substance dependence or abuse
128. The therapist is seeing a mother, father and two children, ages 8 and 10, for issues relating to the parents’ impending divorce. The parents have separated but there is no custody agreement signed as yet. One reason for the divorce is the father’s drinking - mother describes him as an alcoholic. She says he may see the children while they are separated, but not if he is drinking. In a family session, she tells the children that, if they see dad drinking while they are visiting, they are to call her and she will come and pick them up. Father denies any alcohol problems and asks the therapist to tell mother that she is being unreasonable. What should the therapist do:

a. speak to the father without the children present, letting him know that being intoxicated around the children is dangerous, and that you will have to report him for child abuse

b. speak to the parents without the children present and refuse to take sides in the argument about what is “reasonable” but encourage them to see their lawyers to formalize a visitation arrangement that protects the children

c. with the entire family present, give some information about alcoholism as a disease affecting everyone; focus on the mother’s co-dependency as well as the father’s dependency, and encourage both parents to get into treatment; develop a plan with the children regarding who they should call if they are frightened or uncomfortable around their father

d. interview the children alone to determine the level of danger since neither the mother nor the father is likely to be a reliable informant; interview the parents together to help them separate their conflict as a couple from their job as parents; and, in the parental interview, discuss what constitutes child abuse or neglect and make sure both parents are aware of your obligation to report
129. The various disorders classified in the DSM-IV as “mood disorders” all share in common which of the following:

a depressive syndrome

b. mood disturbance as the primary symptom

c. mood disturbance along with a period of hallucinations and/or delusions

d. labile affect or mood swings
130. Which of the following is NOT a conclusion that can be drawn regarding the effectiveness of family therapy:

a. conjoint marital therapy is usually more effective than collaborative, concurrent, or individual therapy

b. some forms of family therapy (structural) appear to be highly effective for treating chronic asthma and Anorexia Nervosa in children and adolescents

c. in treating agoraphobia, the inclusion of the client’s spouse in treatment has not usually resulted in better recovery

d. family therapy is at least as effective (probably more effective) as individual therapy for problems related to marital and family conflict
131. A 15-year-old client is being stalked. She begs you not to tell her parents because she is afraid they would be mad and think she somehow provoked the stalking. You should:

a. report to protective services
b. report to protective services and call her parents
c. assess for the client’s best interests
d. maintain confidentiality
132. A college freshman comes to see you saying that before he takes exams, he feels dizzy and jittery, is unable to catch his breath, and wants to run out of the room. He does not experience these reactions in other situations. The MOST likely diagnosis is:

a. malingering
b. histrionic personality disorder
c. panic disorder
d. specific phobia
133. Which of the following illustrates the use of negative reinforcement:

a. a child’s usual allowance is reduced by a specific amount each time he misbehaves

b. a child is allowed to watch television for one hour when he finishes his homework

c. restrictions on a child’s activities are removed each time he helps with household chores

d. restrictions on a child’s activities are imposed each time he argues with his sister
134. You are a therapist who works with adolescents. You make a practice of taking the teens to movies or on picnics. A colleague confronts you. You say, “I am not going to stop. It is effective and makes the kids feel special and cared about.” This is an example of:

a. blurring of boundaries
b. enmeshment
c. collusion
d. a misinterpretation of the ethical standards
135. What is the MOST important thing for a newly-licensed MFT to consider when deciding whether to accept a case:

a. scope of competency
b. training and experience
c. the client’s ability to pay
d. scope of practice
136. A teacher’s assistant is working with a teacher who is also an MFT. The assistant asks the teacher to be her therapist. This is considered:

a. a dual relationship
b. an acceptable practice
c. illegal
d. exploitation
137. You are a counselor for emotionally disturbed adolescents at a high security hospital. Your client is a borderline 14-year-old girl who is very angry at her parents for checking her into this facility without her consent. While in an individual session, she begins to scream, jumps up, and throws a chair across the room, barely missing your head. Growling and spitting, she then grabs a nearby telephone and rips it from the wall. You should:

a. offer her a bataka to hit against a couch
b. leave the room immediately and get help
c. tell her to leave the room
d. try to talk her down by reminding her of the consequences she will receive for her bad behavior
138. Use of catharsis in therapy would be contraindicated when:

a. the client is resistant
b. the client’s ego strength is low
c. the client has developed negative transference
d. the client has developed positive transference
139. A client comes for help in her relationship with her boyfriend. They are both in their twenties and, until recently, had been sexually active with each other. She reports that, a few months ago, she panicked as he approached her, and she has been unwilling to have sex with him since then. She also says she actually cannot describe or even remember what it was like to have sex with him. The most likely diagnosis is:

a. dissociative disorder
b. hypoactive sexual desire disorder
c. specific phobia
d. amnestic disorder
140. Under hypnosis, a person is LEAST likely to:

a. become passive, never initiating activity until told to do so by the hypnotist

b. believe just about anything, no matter how preposterous

c. do things he or she is otherwise fundamentally opposed to doing

d. stop feeling pain (even severe pain) to a greater degree than if he or she had been given a pain killer
141. A client tells you that she had a sexual relationship with her former therapist. She states she is embarrassed and just wants to forget about the whole thing, but she still has feelings for her therapist and tries to contact him once a week by leaving messages on his answering machine. She says she just told you to prove to you that she trusts you with anything, but she knows that you therapists stick together and you probably won’t do anything. Despite the many therapeutic issues involved here, your ethical obligation is to:

a. call the therapist to find out more
b. inform the client of her legal rights and options
c. do nothing since this is not addressed by ethical standards
d. report the therapist to the Ethics Board
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