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Camp Hill AP Euro
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12th Grade

Additional History Flashcards





[image]ROMANTICISM (Artistic Trend)



The Antithesis of the Enlightenment

 Philosophical standpoint that stresses emotion over reason.  Nature over man.  The mysterious over the understood. Check out Mr. Z's effective graphic org.  said, M.S.

Sir Robert Peel (Domestic)
The sponsor of the bill responsible for the creation of London's Metropolitan Police Force
Realpolitik (Domestic & Diplomatic)
Red Shirts (Continental War and Diplomacy)
The nationalist forces of Giuseppi Garibaldi. Added Sicily to the New Kingdom of Italy. Cavour feared that they would provoke the French.
Burschenschaften (Domestic)
Student societies of Germany desiring the spread of German nationalism and comradeship, as well as a Grosse Deustchland
Risorgimento-(Domestic Political Trends)

Movement led by Giuseppe Mazzini for a united, republican Italy.


Occured after the breakdown of the concert of Europe.Voctor Emmanuel II was king of the united Italy.

Charles Darwin (Intellectual)
Scientist who proposed the theory of evolution and natural selection.  Wrote On the Origin of Species in 1859.
Louis Pasteur (Intellectual, Economic, Culture)
Chemist who pioneered the process of fermentation and bacteriology. Changed the way Milk was produced, also came up with the Rabies Vaccine. Implications? What did this mean for the masses?
Guiseppe Garibaldi (Continental war and diplomacy)
Italian revolutionary who dreamed of uniting Italy to bring about change; focused on nationalism. Settled the questions of Italian unification by accepting a Constitutional Monarchial solution.
Basic Ideas of Liberalism (Economic)
Revolved around Laseiz faire policy and economic liberty. This definition needs more refinement. Can someone clean this up?
Decembrist Revolt (Domestic political trends)

Setting:  Russia

Context:  Alex I died suddenly in 1825.  In his later years he became increasing conservative and reactionary.  For example, used secret police.  Young liberals wanted a new direction (many of whom had been exposed to Western notions of liberalism brought by Napoleon's forces.)  They hoped Constantine would become the next Tsar. Constatine, passed the torch to Nicholas (his brother).  Uprising ensue.  The effect?  Made Nicholas a reactionary and conservative. 

Founder of Conservatism (Domestic Politics)
Edmund Burke
Richard Arkwright(Domestic, Economic)
Creator of inventions such as the water frame- a founding father of the Industrial Revolution. Helped foster Taylorism as result of his desire to create more efficient technology in the workplace.
Origin of Species (Intellectual)
Darwin's publication concerning the theory of evolution; not the first to propose theory, but biggest popularizer; stressed struggle for existence; mostly focused on evolution of plants and animals
Otto von Bismarck (domestic, contiental war and diplomacy)
Prime Minister of Prussia who dominated European politics by effectively uniting Germany.  Practitioner of Realpolitik
One of Mr/ Z's finest-used at the Reading Comedy Club with multiple success stories. Italian don't like it though.
Benjamin Disraeli (Political)
Conservative British prime minister who helped pass the Reform Bill of 1867, which lowered monetary requirements for voting which lead to a rise in the voting populous.
John Gover
Conservative, future Repubican leader. Anti-Palin.
Great Exhibition (Technology)
The world's first industrial fair in Great Britain at the Crystal Palace. It had 100,000 exhibits and six million visitors. Its purpose was to display the progress of the Industrial Revolution, especilly in Britain.
Conservatism (Intellectual Trends)
a political attitude that advocates institutions and traditional practices. emphasizing stability and continuity. post French Revolution. Congress of Vienna.
example: Edmond Burke the 18-19C father of Conservatism
The artistic movement that emphasized the daily, common experiences of the masses.
Friedrich Nietzsche
German philosopher, prototype for existentailism wrote Thus Spoke Zarathustra, Birth of Tragedy; Human, All too Human, and Beyond Good and Evil.
Thomas Malthus[image]
British scholar who argued "The power of population is indefinitely greater than the power in the earth to produce subsistence for man" during a time of the optomistic Industrial Revolution. His theories inspired Darwin through his essay, The Principle of Population.
[image]Nationalism (Intellectual Idea, ism)
Identification of an ethnic identity with a nation state, used by Bismark to unify German states.

Art portraying the people rallying behind the identity of the French.
The Second Empire (of France)
Headed by Louis Napoleon who declared himself the emperor of France. He was extremely popular and reconstructed Paris, and expanded the economy. However due to poor foriegn policy he was invaded by Prussian forces during the Franco-Prussian War and succeeded by Otto Von Bismark
Iron Law of Wages (Intellectual, Economic)
Ricardo's theory of wage determinism. When wages are high, workers have more children, creating a surplus of labor. This makes wages go down, meaning workers will have fewer children. It is a cycle.
Rooted in the long regency of queen of Great Britain (1837-1901) Characteristically, it represented by norms, style, and ideals of the queen. Historically these might be described as prudish, fussy, or stuffy. Other ways one might describe this ism: high moral standards, respectibility.
Luddites (Culture)
British skilled workers who attacked the frames and power looms. They believed the new technology dehumanized what they had done for work, and that the industry meant prices would fluctuate.
Why is England the first nation to experience the first Industrial Revolution?
England's Agricultural Revolution leads to the enclosure movement-resulting from this is a closure of peasant lands by corporate agriculture. From this comes the rise of labor forces in cities leading to rise in production. System of rivers, natural resources and entrepreneur funding lead to a rise in factories built and their production rates.
What were the three terms the French were foreced to accept at the Congress of Vienna? Think Balance of Power....
Legitimacy(An actual stable monarchy)
Compensation(700,000,000 francs worth!)
Occupation(Coalition Forces would stablize the government)
All three are thoughts of the Conservative Zeitgeist.
What is Interventionism, and what is an example of it?
The involvement of a country in a dispute which does not directly involve the aforementioned nation.
Examples- Revolts crushed in Spain, Italy because of the threats they posed to the ruling monarchs
Revolt in Greece against Ottoman Empire- Classic base of Western Civilization liberated, Muslim occupants crushed.


Karl Heinrich Marx (The Man, The Myth, The Legend)

philosopher, found inspiration from Bruno Bauer and Hegel, Foreign theories revolving around Capitalistic collapse and wanted socioeconomic change occuring through the working class and Socialism would replace Capitalism.
Karl Marx's Dialectical Materialism[image]
This is Hegel's Dialectic as applied to Karl Marx's theory of Communism.
Congress of Vienna (Continental War & Diplomacy)
background: Vienna, Italy. November 1814-June 1815
conference held to tie up the loose ends that resulted from the French Revolution and Napoleonic Wars.

key principals established: legitimacy, balance of power, compensation.

key players: Prince Klemens von Metternich (Austria), Viscount Castlereaugh (Great Britain), Mauricae de Tallyrand (France), King William Frederick (Prussia), Tsar ALexander I (Russia).
Franco-Prussian War (Continental War)
Bismarck realizes that Germany is a threat to French security. Napoleon III in desperate need of a diplomatic triumph. Bismarck edits a letter from William I so that it offended the French. France and Prussia go to war, France is humiliated. Results: William I becomes kaiser of Second German Empire; Bismarck is called a diplomatic genius.
Auguste Comte (Intellectual)
System of Positive Philospohy; created system of sciences in a hierarchy. Math was the base for physical, earth, and biological studies
Holstein and Schleswig (War and Diplomacy)
The two territories that the Danish War was fought over. Denmark tried to incorporate them even though there was a high German population in both. Austria and Prussia easily beat the Danish. Holstein went to Austria and Schleswig went to Prussia.
Robert Owen (Domestic)
British cotton manufacturer and social reformer; believed that the creation of voluntary associations that would demonstrate to others the benefits of cooperative living and not competitive.
Nicholas II (Domestic, Political)
The last tsar of Russia-Desired to preserve absolute power. After a loss to Japan in the Russo- Japanese War, an early defeat by the Germans in WWI, and a poor handling of his government, the Russian people revolted in 1917.
Second Industrial MIddle Class (Culture)
The upper portion of the middle class was somewhat incorporated into the elite faction. The group beneath the upper middle class was composed of professionals in law, medicine, and civil service, as well as industrialists and merchants. New groups of professionals emerged such as engineers and architects.The lower end of the middle class was comprised of shopkeepers, traders, and prosperous peasants; they provided goods and services. Inbetween these two groups, there was the white-collar workers which held positions such as sales reps, bank tellers, and secretaries. The ideals of the middle class are hard work and knowledge. They wanted better education for their children. They also believed in the right way of doing things and were avid churchgoers.
Michael Farady
Builder of the First Generator of Electricity, English Chemist
Factory Acts (Domestic/Economic trends)
Placed standards on the working conditions in factories to protect children during the Industrial Revolution.
Austro-Prussian War (Continental War)
1866, spurred by desputes concerning provinces of Schleswig and Holstein, Prussia - largely advised by Otto von Bismark - allies with a newly united Italy to wage war on Austria. As a result, Austria is excluded from German affairs (which leads to the unification of a German state) and Italy gains land in Venetia.
Edwin Chadwick (Economic trends)
Urban reformer who used his background in law to try to eliminate poverty and squalor in industrial age metropolitan Britain.
Edmund Chadwick (culture)
Setting: Britain

Context: Overcrowded industrial cities were creating horrible living conditions for the working poor. Sanitation was horrible and disease was rampant.

Effect: Chadwick studied these ubran poor and their lives and then published his observations to bring more awareness to the growing problem.
When and why did the British end slavery in the 19th Century?
In 1833 it was banned. Why? despite the profitability of using slave labor on British plantations, the influence of reform minded groups and individuals impacted MOPS to purge the institution. A huge (political)liberal victory. And hats off to those Quakers!

(Causes of ) Agricultural Revolution


1. Occured in England and Holland due to methods of landownership that encouraged investment and entrepreneurship.

2. New Technologies: See drill, Jethro Tull and the hoe

3. New Breeding techniques with animals

4. New Fertilizers

5. Enclosure Movement

Results: population growth, more food and consumers, increased job opportunities (urban centers grow).
by product dehumanization, and may be a way for increased efficency in the work place via scientific formula. For example, many factories were taylorized for efficency.

Guglielmo  Marconi (Economy & Culture)

The man attributed with sending the first radio waves across the Atlantic Ocean in 1901. This development is often attributed to having a large impact on mass society because of its use help lead to the creation of the "mass media."
Prince Klemens Von Metternich (Political)
The host of the Congress of Vienna. He was the foreign minister of Austria. Highly conservative he wanted to restore the power of monarchies after the French Revolution; he believed in authoritarian, absolutist control of a nation.
It is the philosophical and epistemological position that science is the final and ultimate source of knowledge for understanding reality. Developed by Auguste Comte, he thought that knowledge progresses through three stages:

1. Theological (religious)
2. Metaphysical (abstract)
3. Postivism (Science)

Therefore, science can be used to understand all different kinds of subjects.
Simon Bolivar (Politcal)
The liberator of much of South America, he organized rebel troops to overthrow the Spanish control of the Venezula, Colombia, and Peru. Inspired the overthrow of Spanish government in Mexico, Central America, and Latin America.
Steel industry
The Steel industry was a necessity for progress in the 2nd Indusrial Revolution. With the production of steel, stronger, lighter, and higher buildings could be built along with the production of new transportation, such as railways and ships.
Mass Society (Culture)
The whole of the people; the shared culture among different classes and regions. Influenced by the enlightened and increased civil liberties.
[image]Tsar Alexander II
This Tsar instituted many different reforms in Russia. His name should be associated with the Imperial Decree, which freed the peasants from serfdom. Peasants could now marry as they chose, bring suits in law courts, and own property.
Explain how democratic rights and civil liberties contributed towards the development of a mass society
Improved civil liberties allowed members of all estates greater freedom within society. This would perhaps allow them to better develop a sense of identity and role wihin society. It made citizens feel less like they were under the government's control and more likely to view the governemnt with a negetive perseption. Alongside these new freedoms emerged new voting rights that gave citizens a chance to have a say in government. These ideas promoted a shared culture of unity and nationalism among the citizens.
Who was the person responsible for truly developing the Mass Production system?
Henry Ford with his production of the Model T
What distinguishing characteristics made Germany-rather than Britain- the leader of the Second Industrial Revolution?
Germany-because of its later introduction to the Industrial Revolution- was willing to apply new concepts, strategies, and technology to come out on top. Establishing trade schools and investing in more modern technology- unlike Britain- gave Germany the advantage.
Impact of Sports during Second IR (Culture)
Because of the rapid urbanization at this time, sports, which were chaotic and spontaneous in rural areas, were organized with rules and regulations which made them more enjoyable to watch and led to professional sporting events. The development of sports during the second IR became a very marketable area. The improvement in transportation during this time resulted in thousands of people being able to attend different kinds of events. Sports were not only fr leisure, they were also intended to provide training for adolescents, such as in teamwork which would be important for any kind of military service.
Alexander Graham Bell (Intellectual)
Credited with inventing the first practical telephone. An intellectual from the second Industrial Revolution
person responsible for truly developing electricity
Thomas Edison
Baron Haussmann (Culture)
Emperor Napoleon III hired him to lead the reconstruction of Paris by widedning the streets and making the city more aesthetically appealing.
[image]Florence Nightingale
Famous woman during the Crimean War who used strict sanitation methods when treating patients and kept thousands alive. She helped make nursing a profession for middle class women.
Compromise of 1850
was a group of five bills that were intended to stave off sectional strife that would eventually lead to the Civil War.
Reichstag (Political)
This is the German parliament. It was made up of a lower and an upper house.
These people demonstrated a violent response to the Industrial Revolution by physically attacking the machines. The term "luddite" is used to describe someone who "rages against the machine."
Count Camillo di Cavour
Prime Minister of Piedmont. Was a liberal minded nobleman, favoring constitutional government. He used diplomacy to succesfully unite Italy.
Factory System (Second IR)
Created to better supervise labor, workers came to a centralized location and were supervised by managers while working machinery.

Effects: Replaced skilled workers with unskilled workers, therefore increasing supply of workers and then decreasing wages with the surplus of labor; increased productivity allowing for lower prices of goods and more profit; eventiually decreased need for workers with increased efficiency of machines and created a rise in unemployment.
Giuseppe Garibaldi
Unified Sicily 1860, Conquered much of the Italian Peninsula. Made an alliance with Piedmont-which then unified to become one country.
Elizabeth Blackwell (Culture, Gender Issues)
Blackwell graduated from Geneva College in New York, the first woman to earn a medical degree. She established her own clinic in NYC.
The Day Trippers (Culture)
background: to be updated shortly :]
Age of Progress
Name used to describe the era of late 1800's Europe. People believed they were moving forward and that they were going somewhere. It was inextricably associated with technological progress. The telegram, infrastructure, new technology, mass society, etc. was happening all at once and people were fascinated and amazed at their rapidly changing world.

Napoleon III/Louis Napoleon (Leader)


Nephew of Napoleon Bonaparte, practitioner of realpolitick, declares himself the Emperor of France after being elected President overwhelmingly, fan of economic and social welfare, liberalized politics within France (allowing campaign and debate amongst opposing political parties), legalized trade unions, loses the Franco-Prussian War and loses his title,

Peterloo Massacre

(Battle of Peterloo)

when cavalry charged into a crowd of 60,000–80,000 gathered at a meeting to demand the reform of parliamentary representation. Occured at St Peter's Field, in England.
Gustave Flaubert (Culture)
Flaubert is the author of Madame Bovary. He was considered to perfect the realist novel.
People's Charter of 1838 (Domestic, Culture)
Demanded universal suffrage for males, pay for members of Parliament, and that Parliment would have to meet annually.
This was an artistic movement in the late 1800's that used individual points of paint to create a picture. It took an incredibly long time and expressed the underlying belief of positivism. It demonstrates positivism by the exactness with which color was analyzed (so called "color science theory"). Everything was exact down the smallest detail and scientifically thought out.
Explain how the Crimean War brought about a turning point in the destruction of the Balance of Power.
Crimea was an outreach of land in the Black Sea that was seized by the Russians from the fading Ottoman Empire, who had declared war on Russia as a result of thier demands to protect Christian shrines in Palistine. France felt that the position of protector of chirstian shrines belonged to them, so they used this reason to declare war a year later with Britain. Austria refuses to aid Russia during this conflict and as result their previously strong relationship breaks down, upsetting the balance of power.
Health Care (Doestic & Intellectual Trends)
backround: began in Paris 1820's

large advancements in natural science led to a revolutionary brekthroughs in health care. clinical observation and autopsies led to the discovery of microorganisms, or germs, as the agents causing disease.

Louis Pasteur was a chemist that proved that germs were the cause of disease. (1822-1895).
What was Eduard Berstein's big idea of the late 19th Century? 
As a member of the German Social Democratic Party he championed the idea of socialism working within the parameters of a democratic / capitalistic state. In other words, the orthodox message of Marxism was wrong as he argued through the democratic process many socialist policies have come to fruition. Moreover, capitalism was the root of all economic / political / social woes for the working class. Capitalism was at the heart of a robust and expanding middle class.

For example, workers were experiencing a higher standard of living due to capitalist expansion and industrialization.
Decembrist Revolt
Russian army officers led about 3,000 soldiers in a protest against Nicholas I's assumption of the throne after his elder brother Constantine removed himself from the line of succession. Because these events occurred in December, the rebels were called the Decembrists
Napoleon III[image]
He was another Bonaparte who made himself Emperor of the proclaimed Second French Empire. He wanted to be a world leader and go back to French hegemony. He sided with Great Britain and the Ottoman Empire in the Crimean War to check Russian influence. He went to war with Prussia (Bismarck) for fear of Hohenzollern hegemony surrounding France. He attained Venetia, Nice, and Savoy. He withdrew from the Papal States. Involved in the Franco-Prussian War and the Wars for Italian Unification. Terrific example of Realpolitik.
Bobbies (Domestic, Culture)
British police force dedicated to preventing crime; they were a purely civilian police force; did not carry guns
Ludwig van Beethoven (Culture)
Born in Bonn, Germany, he composed and transformed music. His music created the transition from the Classical Era to the Romantic Era.
Phalansteries (Culture)
Voluntary economic communities advocated by Charles Fourier. Robert Owen successfully created two examples of this utopian society at New Lanark in Scotland and New Harmony in Indiana.
[image]Guiseppe Mazini
Known as "the Heart", this Italian nationalist was the philosophic, almost mystical force behind Resorgimento (the unification of Italy).
Gottlieb Daimler (Culture, Technology)
Daimler invented the light engine in 1886. This invention was key in developing the automobile.
August Bebel (Political)
Bebel was the Marxist co-founder and co-leader of the German Social Democratic Party. He helped make it powerful enough to compete in the Reichstag. Later he branched off to lead the Revisionist Party, also based around the main ideas of Marxism.
What were the three wars that Otto von Bismark waged which allowed him to unite Germany?
The Danish War, the Austro-Prussian War, and the Franco-Prussian war.
Eduard Bernstein[image]
He was a German social democratic theoretician and politician, a member of the Social Democratic Party of Germany, and founded evolutionary socialism as well as the revisionism of Marxist theory, claiming that:

1. Revolution through force not necessary to achieve a socialist society.

2. Pursue a socialist state through democratic means.

3. Denied the idea of the inevitability of "class conflict" and the sudden collapse of capitalism.
The Great Famine
Irish populations, largely impoverished and oppressed in the surrounding times of the Industrial Revolution, were devastated by the potato blight that eliminated a core part of their diet. As a result, a flood of Irish immigrants pours onto the shores of America; "emmigration is the safety valve for overpopulation".
How is the Monroe Doctrine related to European affairs?
French victories over Spain and Italy weakened their powers in Latin America. Seeing an opportunity, revolutionaries, such as Simon Bolivar in Columbia and Venezuela, fought for independence. The European nations that had trumped Spain and Italy, however, did not like Latin American independence and wished to restore it to Spanish control. Both Britain and the US strongly stood against those European: The US put forth the Monroe Doctrine, warning Europe not to encroach on the Western hemisphere. Britain, with her enormous navy, was another solid threat to keep her neighbors in check.
Anarchism (Intellectual trend)
Initially, anarchist movements sprung out of beliefs that men were good by nature, but corrupted by government and its institutions, and that society would be better off rid of them. Anarchism as it later took hold in Spain, Portugal, Italy and Russia (where it was strongest) saw the accomplishments of these goals coming from violent means. Assassination became a vital tool of terror for anarchists.

Anti-Corn Law League of 1845 (Domestic political trends)

This term refers to the result of the Corn Laws, which were
import tariffs designed to protect corn prices in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland against competition from less expensive foreign imports between 1815 and 1846.

Some of the items passed by this league include:
1. gave manufacters more outlets for products
2. expanded employment
3. lowered the price of bread
4. made British agriculture more efficient and productive
5. promoted international peace
6. exposed British economy to foreign competition
The Paris Commune of 1871
The Paris Commune (French: La Commune de Paris) was a government that briefly ruled Paris from March 18 (more formally, from March 28) to May 28, 1871. It existed before the split between anarchists and socialists had taken place, and it is hailed by both groups as the first assumption of power by the working class. Debates over the policies and outcome of the Commune contributed to the break between those two political groups.

In a formal sense, the Paris Commune was simply the local authority, the city council (in French, the "commune"), which exercised power in Paris for two months in the spring of 1871. However, the conditions in which it was formed, its controversial decrees, and its ignominious end makes its tenure one of the more important political episodes of the time

Ultimately, the Commune was the result of an uprising in Paris after France was defeated in the Franco-Prussian War. This uprising was chiefly caused by the disaster in the war and the growing discontent among French workers.
Barbara Bodichon (intellectual/culture trends)
She is attributed as being a pioneer in the field of female education.

Specifically she and a group of friends began to meet regularly during the 1850s in Langham Place in London to discuss women's rights, and became known as "The Ladies of Langham Place". This became one of the first organised women’s movements in Britain. They pursued many causes vigorously, including their Married Women’s Property Committee. In 1854 she published her Brief Summary of the Laws of England concerning Women, which had a useful effect in helping forward the passage of the Married Women's Property Act 1882.
Kulturkampf (Domestic political trends)
The German term Kulturkampf (literally, "culture struggle") refers to German policies in relation to secularity and the influence of the Roman Catholic Church, enacted from 1871 to 1878 by the Chancellor of the German Empire, Otto von Bismarck.

Until the mid-19th century, the Catholic Church was still a political power. The Pope's Papal States were supported by France but ceased to exist as an indirect result of the Franco-Prussian War. The Catholic Church still had a strong influence on many parts of life, though, even in Bismarck's Protestant Prussia. In the newly founded German Empire, Bismarck sought to bolster the power of the secular state and reduce the political and social influence of the Roman Catholic Church by instituting political control over Church activities.

Priests and bishops who resisted the Kulturkampf were arrested or removed from their positions. By the height of anti-Catholic legislation, half of the Prussian bishops were in prison or in exile, a quarter of the parishes had no priest, half the monks and nuns had left Prussia, a third of the monasteries and convents were closed, 1800 parish priests were imprisoned or exiled, and thousands of laypeople were imprisoned for helping the priests.
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