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Books for Exam #2
Miss Peregrine's; The Giver; Harry Potter; Cirque the Freak; Lighting Thief
Undergraduate 2

Additional Literature Flashcards




The Giver by Lois Lowry
o Jonas → 12 years old; gets assigned a job for the rest of your life; gets the job of the Receiver gets the memories from the Giver → has light eyes.
o Fiona → Works with the Elderly
o Asher → Director of Recreational Sports
o The Giver → keeps the memories
o Lily → wants to be a Birth Mother
o Mother → judge
o Father → nurturer
o Rosemary → blue-eyed, the Giver’s daughter.
o Gabriel → baby from the care center that cannot sleep through the night.
What are the memories that the Giver gives to Jonas?
1. Snow
2. Sunshine
3. Sunburn
4. Rainbow
5. War
6. Pain
What rules is Jonas exempt from?
1. Being rude and can ask any questions that he wants.
2. Prohibited from story-telling.
3. Does not have to take medication
4. Cannot apply to be released.
5. Can lie.
Mufaro's Beautiful Daughter
o Manyara – Mean daughter
o Nyasha – Nice daughter
o Nyoka – garden snake
• Actually the king who transformed into a small (hungry) boy, an old woman, and a snake.
A Story, A Story
o Osebo – leopard of terrible teeth
o Mmboro- hornet who stings like fire
o Mmoatia – fairy who men never see
Cirque de Freak: who are the members of cirque de freak?
1. Wolf-Man: bit off the hand of a woman.
2. Mr. Tall: owner of Cirque de Freak
3. Alexander Ribs: skinniest man and plays music on his ribs and is a contortionist.
4. Rhamus Twobellies: can eat anything!
5. Truska: could grow a beard and grow it back, no one could cut her beard.
6. Hans Hand: born with no les, could run really fast with his hands.
7. Mr. Crepsley: a vampire (Vur Horston)
8. Madam Octa: a one-of-a-kind spider that can be controlled telepathically and with a flute.
9. Gertha Teeth: could bite through anything and her teeth were indestructible.
10. Twisting Twins (Sive and Seersa): contortionists.
11. Snake-Boy: covered in scales of green and gold with webs hands and can control snakes.
What did the Blue-hooded People sell and what did Darren buy for himself and his sister?
They sold gifts: like the chocolate model of the nuts and bolts that Rhamus ate, rubber dolls of Alexander Ribs, a clipping of wolf-man's hair, glass statue of things Rhamus ate, beards like Truska, rubber spiders like Madam Octa, candy webs.
- Darren bought: clipping of wolf-man's hair, rubber spider like Madam Octa (2- one for Annie), six candy webs (some for Annie)
Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children: who did Golan pretend to be?
1. Mr. Barron - Jacob's bus driver
2. Yard cutter man
3. Dr. Golan
4. His grandpa's neighbor who watered the lawn (he thought he was blind)
What are the children's different powers?
1. Emma - fire
2. Millard - invisible
3. Jacob - can see hollowgast
4. Olive - float
5. Victor - strength
6. Enoch - can bring people to life
7. Brynwyn - strong
8. Claire - has a backmouth
9. Fiona - controls plants
10. Horace - prophecies
11. Hugh - bee dude
Who kills the hollowgast?
Jacob by using shears and driving it through the hollowgast's head.
Who gets taken away in a submarine?
Mrs. Avocet
What different creatures does Percy encounter?
1. The Furies
2. Satyr
3. Centaur
4. The Fates
5. Minotaur
6. Medusa
7. Chimera
8. Echidna
9. Hephaestus' mechanical spiders and net
10. Procrustes
11. Charon
12. Cerberus
What did the Oracle tell Percy?
1. He will go west and face the god who has turned (Ares).
2. He will find what has been stolen (Zeus' lightning bolts) and see it safely returned.
3. He will be betrayed by one he calls friends (Luke)
4. He will fail to save what matters most (his mom)
Who gives Percy the three pearls and who is he forced to leave behind?
Nereid gives Percy three pearls; he is forced to leave his mother in Hades.
Where are all the places that the trio go to?
1. Aunty Em's Garden Gnome
2. The Gateway Arch (St. Louis)
3. Waterland (Tunnel of Love)
4. The Lotus Hotel and Casino (spend five days there)
5. Santa Monica Pier
6. Crusty's Waterbed Palace
7. River Styx
8. Asphodel Fields
9. The Garden of Persephone
10. The Empire State Building (Mount Olympus)
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