Shared Flashcard Set


Australian Sea-lion research
For Pre AP Science!
8th Grade

Additional Biology Flashcards





Research for Australian Sea Leon

Card 1

Work Cited



Research for Australian Sea Leon

Card 2



males and females:

The adult males measure between 2-2.5 m (length) and weigh 250-300kg, while adult females measure between 1.3-1.8 m (length) and weigh 61-104 kg. Both male and female have stocky bodies, a large head and short narrow flippers. ABoth the females and males can be easily identified by coat color. The male is dark brown with yellow areas on their neck's and the tops of their head's. The females are silver gray/light tan/dark brown on the back and have a creamy coloring underneath. 


Research for Australian Sea Leon

Card 3




They are found only in Australia,they are one of the most andangered pinnipeds in the world with the remaining population at 100,000-12,000 . 




Research for Australian Sea Leon

Card 4





They live around the Australian islandsnto the Page islands on the southern coast near the Kangaroo Islands. Some wandering sea lions have been seen near Victoria, Tasmania, and Shark Bay in western Australia. Their species are not thought to migrate or move seasonally. Even though some have seen adult males on the coast of Western Australia, they still around their haulouts and breeding grounds. 




Research for Australian Sea Leon

Card 5





Very little is known about Sea Lions dieting, but crustaceans, fish, and cephalopods might be their major prey. Some resaerch as show that females feed in shallow waters 20-30 km off shore. 

Great White Sharks, are known to prey on Australian sea lions.




Research for Australian Sea Leon

Card 6

Extra Info


A  female will give birth a day or two after arriving ashore and then mate about a week later. When the pups are born they are about 62-68 cm and weigh 6.4-7.8 kg; within 4-6 months their chocolate coats will have molted and then be replaced by their adult coat. It molts to a dark brown coloring of course apart from the blond area of fur on the head for males and gray/brown on their backs and creamy yellow underneath them for females.


Research for Australian Sea Leon

Card 7

Extra Info


 After 10 day of having the pups the mother will go to sea to start feeding, spending 2 days at sea and spending a day and a half ashore, until the pup is withou tneed of teh nutrietion of the mother. The female will nurse teh pup for up to15-18 months depending on how many females breed. Within the time the pups are born there are very high mortality rate, between their 1st 2 years there is a 40-50%, 20% of the pup mortality in the first six months.


Research for Australian Sea Leon

Card 8

Reason 4 Endangerment


The Sea Lions were heavily hunted for their hides and oils in the 18th and 19th centries. They are now listed as rare under South Australian Legislation where it has had full legal protection since 1964. This animal also has Special Protected Species status in Western Australia where it has been protected since 1892. Also in Western Australia some small colonies have been protecting them by the Great Australian Bight Marine Park which was created in 1996.

Research for Australian Sea Leon

Card 9

Reason 4 Endangerment

Evidence has shown that the population of the Australian Sea Lion has leveled off and might be declining, these calls have been made becaause of all teh intensive research being down on these animals.the recent research has shown that an unexplained change in the pups mortality rates which is endangering the species. 

Research for Australian Sea Leon

Card 10

Reason 4 Endangerment



Confusion with fishing nets, escpecially shark nets, and crayfish pots is one of the main threats to the Sea Lions. There are also concerns with sitings of fish farms near sea lion haulouts and feeding grounds. Populations are highly easily affected to disturbance by humans, particularly during the breeding season.


Research for Australian Sea Leon

Card 11

Estimate Population


 There are estimated to be 10,000-12,000 Australian sea lions between The Pages Islands in South Australia and Houtman Abrolhos off the Western Australian coast.


Research for Australian Sea Leon

Card 12

Ways to Help!



Ways to help keep the Australian Sea Lions away from extinction is by not fishing in areas where they breed, feed, or anywhere near those places. Also you should try to conserve water, try to stay away from where breed adn feed, and help out with The Pacific Wild Life Foundation. This is an associaton that is all about preventing marine animal from going extict.



Research for Australian Sea Leon

Card 13

Some of the People Involved

Some of the people associated with the project are Jim Darling and Rob Butler of PWLF, with advice from Erich Hoyt
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