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11th Grade

Additional History Flashcards




Thomas Jefferson
Thomas Jefferson was a Republican who believed that the future of the U.S. would lie in the hands of farmers. "Long Tom" Jefferson was inaugurated to the presidency in the swampy village of Washington on March 4, 1801. While Jefferson was president, the Louisiana Purchase was made, Lewis and Clark were sent to explore the newly aquired land, the Barbary Pirate threat was silenced, and the Embargo Act was passed. While all of Jefferson's presidential acts were not always successful, he always put the country ahead of himself. His patriotism and loyalty to the U.S. helped make it into the great country that it is today.
James Monroe
James Monroe was sent to Paris in 1803 to buy New Orleans and as much land as possible to the east for a maximum of ten million dollars. Monroe and Robert Livingston arranged the of all of Louisiana for fifteen million dollars. Monroe later became James Madison's Secretary of State.
William Clark
Explorer along with Merriwether Lewis sent out to explore the recently purchaced Louisiana Territory. He served as the artist and cartographer. Their exploring lasted from 1804-1806. They traveled up the Missouri River, through the Rockies, and to the mouth of the Columbia River. This exploration bolstered America's claim to western lands as well as opening the west to Indian trade and further exploration.
Albert Gallatin
Albert Gallatin was the secretary of the treasury under Thomas Jefferson. He was called the "Watchdog of the Treasury," and proved to be as able as Alexander Hamilton. He agreed with Jefferson that a national debt was a bane rather than a blessing. Using strict controls of the economy, he succeeded in reducing the debt, and he balanced the budget
Robert Livingston
Robert Livingston bought New Orleans and all the French territory west of the Mississippi River from Napoleon for 15 million dollars. He was only supposed to negotiate for a small part of New Orleans for 10 million so Jefferson was upset when he heard about Livingston's deal.
Zebulon Pike
A pioneer who explored the Louisiana territory between 1805 - 1807. He explored Colorado, New Mexico, & Mississippi. He was a leader of the new land. He has set up the portal to allow ppeople to migrate toward west.(A paragon - First example to move into the Louisiana territory)
John Marshall
Appointed by John Adams ( 1801) as Chief Justice of the Supreme Court- was a Virginia Federalist who was disliked by the state's rights Jeffersonians. ( served 30 days under Federalist administration and 34 years under the Jeffersonians and their successors) The Federalists died out but Marshall continued to hand down Federalist decisions. IMPORTANT ACT- Although he dismissed the Marbury suit ( 1801) to avoid direct political showdown, he said that part of the Judiciary Act of 1789, on which Marbury tried to base his appeal was unconstitutional. Marshall greatly magnified the authority of the court. In the Marbury v. Madison case Marshall inserted the keystone into the arch that supports the tremendous power of the Supreme Court. Marshall's decision regarding Marbury spuried the Jeffersonians to lay rough hands on the Supreme Court through impeachment. Jefferson's ill advised attempt of " Judge Breaking" was a reasuring victory for the independence of the juiciary and the separation of powers among the three branches.
Napolean Bonaparte
Napolean was the French military genius who sold the Lousiana Territory to the United States in 1804. He needed the money to finance his war with England.
Aaron Burr
Burr was a running mate with Thomas Jefferson. They tied for the presidency. Jefferson won the run off. Burr killed Alexander Hamilton in a famous duel. He was tried and aquitted for treason involving a plan to seperate the US and combine with Spain.
William Marbury
(1801) President Adams named him a justice of the peace for the District of Columbia. Marbury sued James Madison when he learned his appointment would never take place. (Marbury vs. Madison)
Toussaint L'Overture
L' Overture skillfully led a group of angry ex-slaves against French troops in Santo Domingo. The French were unable to reconquer this valuable island and hence, had no use for Louisiana to serve as a granary for Santo Domingo. The inability of the French to regain possession of the island caused Napoleon to cede the Louisiana territory to the United States for 15 million dollars. Thus, Toussaint L' Overture's military vigor indirectly provoked Napoleon's decision to sell Louisiana to the Americans.
Samuel Chase
Samuel Chase was a strong supporter of the American Revolution, a signer of the Declaration of Independence, an ardent Federalist, and the only Supreme Court Justice ever to be impeached. A lawyer by proffesion, in 1796 he was appointed to the U.S. Supreme Court by president Washington. This was after he served as Chief Justice of the General Court of Maryland in 1791. In 1804, for alleged prejudice against the Jeffersonians in treason and sedition trials. The senate, however, in a decision that indicated reluctance to remove judges for purely political reasons, did not convict him, and he remained on the court until his death.
Meriwether Lewis
Lewis of the Lewis and Clark Expedition. The expedition was one of the main explorations of the West. The area explored was: The Missouri River through the Rockie Mountains.
Judiciary act of 1789
The Judiciary Act of 1789 established a United States Supreme Court of six judges, provided 13 district courts and 3 circuit courts. In addition, it established the Supreme Court as the mediator of all disputes between states and the federal government concerning conflicting state and federal laws. A clause granting the Supreme Court the right to issue writs of mandamus was declared unconstitutional by Marbury v. Madison, 5 U.S. 137 (1803), one of the seminal cases in American law. Thus the Judiciary Act of 1789 was the first act by Congress to be partially invalidated by the Supreme Court. The Judiciary Act of 1789 included the Alien Tort Statute, 28 U.S.C. Sec. 1350, which provides jurisdiction by United States District Courts for tort claims by aliens for torts in violation of law of nations or treaties of the United States.
Battle of Austerlitz
At the Battle of Austerlitz (December 2, 1805), during Napoleonic War of the Third Coalition, a French force of approximately 73,000 under Napoleon decisively defeated a joint Russo-Austrian force of over 89,000, commanded by Russian General Kutuzov with General von Weyrother commanding the Austrian contingent. The battle was followed by the signing of the Treaty of Pressburg, and the dissolution of the Holy Roman Empire. Austerlitz (the modern town of Slavkov in the Czech Republic) lies approximately 20 km away of Bruno. The Battle of Austerlitz followed on Napoleon's significant defeat of the Austrian General Mack at Ulm. In an unprecedentedly (for that era) rapid concentration of French forces, Napoleon essentially defeated Mack by maneuver, resulting in the surrender of a major Austrian force protecting the northern approach to Vienna, and subsequently leading to the capture of the Austrian capital.
Judiciary Act of 1801
The Judiciary Act of 1801 was passed by the Federalist congress where the old capital was located. It was one of the last laws passed by the federalist congress. This law allowed the president, then President Adams, would stay up until midnight signing in new federal judges across the nation. It allowed the Federalists to still maintain power in the nation after they were a minority party in congress. This act brought bitterness between the two parties. These judges that were passed during the last day of President Adams were called "midnight Judges".
Orders in Council
The Orders in Council was a law passed by the English Parliament in 1793. It was when the British were fighting the French. The british closed off all port vessels that France went through so they counldn't get supplies. American ships were seized also and Americans were impressed into the British navy. This lead to the War of 1812.
The Revolution of 1800
Some observers have regarded Jefferson's election in 1800 as revolutionary. This may be true in a restrained sense of the word, since the change from Federalist leadership to Republican was entirely legal and bloodless. Nevertheless, the changes were profound. The Federalists lost control of both the presidency and the Congress.
Midnight Judges
Midnight Judges a nick name given to group of judges that was appointed by John Adams the night before he left office. He appointed them to go to the federal courts to have a long term federalist influence, because judges serve for life instead of limited terms.
The Chesapeake Incident
An incident that happened on June 22, 1807. The Chesapeake, a US frigate, was boarded by a British ship, the Leopard. The Chesapeake was not fully armed. The British seized four alleged deserters (the commander of the Chesapeake was later court martialed for not taking any action). This is the most famous example of impressment, in which the British seized American sailors and forced them to serve on British ships. Impressment was one of the major factors leading to the War of 1812.
Marbury vs. Madison
Sec. of State James Madison held up one of John Adams' "Midnight Judges" appointments. The appointment was for a Justice of the Peace position for William Marbury. Marbury sued. Fellow Hamiltonian and Chief Justice John Marshall dismissed Marbury's suit, avoiding a political showdown and magnifying the power of the Court. This case cleared up contorversy over who had final say in interpreting the Constitution: the states did not, the Supreme Court did. This is judicial review.
Embargo Act
The Embargo Act of 1807 was a law passed by Congress forbidding all exportation of goods from the United States. Britian and France had been continuously harassing the U.S. and siezing U.S. ship's and men. The U.S. was not prepared to fight in a war, so Pres. Jefferson hoped to weaken Brittian and France by stopping trade. The Embargo Act ended up hurting our economy more than theirs. It was repealed in 1809. The Embargo Act helped to revive the Federalists. It caused New England's industry to grow. It eventually led to the War of 1812.
Louisiana Purchase Treaty
In 1803 Thomas Jefferson purchased 828,000 square miles of land for 15 million dollars from Napoleon the leader of France. The land mass streched from the Gulf of Mexico all the to Rocky Mountains and Canada. The purchase of this land sprouted national pride and ensured expansion.
Non-Intercourse Act
Formaly reopened trade with all nations except England and Franceon March 1, 1809. A replacement of the Embargo Act. Made by the Repeblican Congress in an attempt to make England and France stop harassing the American ships and recognize the neutrality of America.
James Monroe
5th President; leader of the Democratic-Republican party; issued Monroe Doctrine in 1823; Missouri Compromise was during his presidency.
John C. Calhoun
Vice President under John Quincy Adams and Jackson, advocated slavery and state’s rights. During the early 1830s, he led the nullification movement, which maintained that when a state found a federal law unacceptable, the state had the right to declare the law null, or inoperative, within its borders. His views helped lead to the South’s secession and the Civil War.
John Quincy Adams
Son of John Adams; Puritan; Monroe’s Secretary of State, helped write much of the Monroe Doctrine. He led five American peace-makers to Ghent to draw up a treaty between America and Britain to end the War of 1812. The treaty was signed by both sides on Christmas Eve in 1814.
Daniel Webster
Nationalist from New Hampshire. He was involved in the Webster-Haynes debate over states' rights. He served as Secretary of State under the Tyler administration. In 1836 he ran for the Presidency as a member of the Whig party, losing to Martin Van Buren. America's greatest orator. Webster defended national unity in the Senate against advocates of state’s rights such as John C. Calhoun. In one debate, he spoke the famous words, “Liberty and Union, now and forever, one and inseparable!”
Andrew Jackson
7th president, born on March 15, 1767 in New lancaster County, South Carolina. He became a general in 1812 and was the leader in the Battle of New Orleans. Two weeks after he had won the battle, the diplomats that returned from Britain came back with a treaty, thus the americans had believed that the British had once again surrendered and a new era of nationalism came. As president he introduced the spoils system.
Hanry Clay
Clay was a Political Scientist during the 1820's. He was also a Congressman from Kentucky. He developed the American System which US adopted after the War of 1812. The American System created a protective tariff to American Markets. It also used the tariff to build road and canel for better transportation. (The American System started a cycle to trading for US market)
James Madison
Author of Constitution and Bill of Rights; father of Federalist party; vice president under Jefferson; 4th president (during war of 1812). Great statesman, not a strong president.
Thomas Macdonough
Naval officer; took part in the burning of the captured Philadelphia and the attack on the Tripolitan gunboats in Tropolitan War. In war of 1812, with superior skill and planning Macdonough on his flagship, the Saratoga, was able to defeat the Confiance in one of the most significant naval battles in U.S. history.
Shawnee Indian twin brother to the Prophet. United other tribes as a stand against western settlers. Died in Battle of Thames fighting for the British. Considered most gifted and noble Indian leaders in American history.
The Prophet(Shawnee)
Banded together many of the tribes along the Mississippi River in 1811 to stop the white settlers from pushing farther into the western wilderness. The groups of braves forswore firewater in order to be fit for the last-ditch battle with the whites. Significance: The war hawk Congress sent General William H. Harrison to repel a surprise attack at Tippecanoe and burn the settlement. The war hawks began to feel that the only way to remove Indian menace was to wipe out their Canadian base
William Henry Harrison
General, Indian fighter, president in March-April 1841. Hero of Battle of Tippecanoe and Thames in War of 1812.Major asset to America by keeping Indians at bay, redcoats from massacres, and gaining and clearing land in the west.
Oliver Hazard Perry
American naval officer; managed a fleet on the shores of Lake Erie in 1813; captured a British fleet on Lake Erie, his victory slogan "We have met the enemy and they are ours" brought new life and inspiration to the American troops, he was a hero during the war
Second Bank of the U.S.
Because the War of 1812 left a large debt and inflation surged ever upward due to the ever-increasing amount of notes issued by private banks., Alexander Hamilton signed a charter for this new bank in 1816.
McCulloch vs. Maryland
Trial during chief Justice John Marshall’s reign; involving the state of Maryland& their right to tax the federal bank--sets precedent for the "loose clause"--increased power of Federal government.
Tariff of 1816
caused by British cutting prices below cost in an effort to strangle the American war-baby factories in the cradle. Americans saw British seeking to crush Yankee factories. Nationalist Congress passed the Tariff(1816)- created taxes on imports to protect nation, while at the same time promote welfare. It was the first tariff in American history with aims that were primarily protective to merchants. It was abold beginning to adequate safeguards. A strong protective trend was started that stimulated the appetites of the protected for more protection. This Tariff hurt farmers, especially southerners. It was part of Clay's American System.
Cohens vs. Virginia
The Cohens were a Virginia family accused of selling lottery tickets illegally. The Virginia Supreme Court found the Cohens guilty, so they appealed to the Supreme Court in 1821. Virginia won in having the Cohens convicted. Virginia lost in that Judge Marshal made it so that the federal Supreme Court had the right to review any decision involving powers of the federal government. This was a major blow on states' rights.
American System
A plan proposed by Henry Clay, in 1824, to work on economic reform. Henry Clay wanted to help stabilize the country and begin the pursuit for world recognition. The plan called for a protective tariff to be put in place for the manufacturers, a new Federal Bank to be put in place, and to begin work on many internal improvements.
Gibbons vs. Odgen
This case involved New York trying to grant a monopoly on waterborne trade between New York and New Jersey. Judge Marshall sternly reminded the state of New York that the Constitution gives Congress alone the control of interstate commerce. Marshal's decision, in 1824, was a major blow on states' rights.
Bonus Bill of 1817
Securing funding for roads and canals was hard. This bill was passed by Congress to give states $1.5 million for internal improvements, but it was immediately vetoed by President Madison. In his opinion, he believed states should pay for their own improvements.
Fletcher vs. Peck
1810; The Georgia legislature, swayed by a bribe, gave 35 million acres of Mississippi land to private speculators. The next legislature cancelled the original ruling. Then the Supreme Court decided the grant was a contract and state law cannot impair contracts. This is one of the first court cases to illustrate the power of the Supreme Court to invalidate state laws conflicting with the federal Constitution. Their decision protected the peoples' rights against popular pressures.
Virginia Dynasty
A phrase from the nineteenth century; it points out that four of the first five presidents (George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, and James Monroe) were from Virginia.
Dartmouth College vs. Woodward
The legislature of New Hampshire, in 1816, without the consent of the college trustees, amended the charter of 1769 to make Dartmouth College public. The trustees brought suit. Daniel Webster argued successfully that the amendment violated the Constitution because the state had impaired “the obligation of a contract.” The opinion of the court, delivered by Chief Justice John Marshall, was that a charter was in effect inviolable. The decision made the contract clause of the Constitution a powerful instrument for the judicial protection of property rights against state abridgment.
Era of Good Feelings
The years of Monroe's presidency, during 1817-1825 people had good feelings caused by the nationalistic pride after the Battle of New Orleans and second war for Independence with British, only one political party was present, on the surface everything looked fine, but underneath it all everything was troubled. Conflict over slavery was appearing and sectionalism was inevitable, and the Missouri Compromise had a very dampening effect on those good feelings.
Treaty of 1818
A negotiated treaty between the Monroe administration and England. This treaty came after the War of 1812 to settle disputes between Britian and U.S. It permitted Americans to share Newfoundland fisheries w/ the Canadians, and fixed the vague northern limits of Louisiana from the Lake of the Woods to the Rocky Mountains. It also provided for a 10-year joint occupation of untamed Oregon country. Surprisingly, neither Britain or America had to surrender rights or claims for this to occur.
Panic of 1819
First major financial crisis in America. It featured widespread foreclosures, bank failures, unemployment, and a slump in agriculture and manufacturing. It marked the end of the economic expansion that had followed the War of 1812. The primary cause of the Panic of 1819 was likely the credit tightening instituted by the directors of the Second Bank of the United States, who were skeptical of the risky lending policies practiced by the new wildcat banks in the West.
Monroe Doctrine
An expression of the post-1812 nationalism energizing the U.S. Proved to be the most famous of the long-lived offspring of that nationalism. Might have been called the Self-Defense Doctrine. Where & When: Incorporated into President Monroe's annual message to Congress in 1823. Its two basic features were:(1) Non-Colonization (2) Non-Intervention. Colonization's era had ended and England and other foreign powers needed to keep their monarchial systems out of the U.S. Old World powers could not gain anymore settlements. The U.S. would not intervene in the Greeks war for independence, and the U.S. does not need help from other countries. Significance: Gave vent to patriotism, but deepened the illusion of isolationism. Many Americans falsely concluded that the Republic was isolated from the European dangers because it wanted to be. Monroe, it seemed, had warned the Old Powers to stay away
Tallmadge Amendment
Known as the Missouri Compromise, called so because this bill was proposed by James Tallmadge.
Russo-American Treaty of 1824
Fixed the southern limits at the line 54 40' . Which is the current southern tip of the Alaskan Pan handle.
Missouri Compromise
Was an agreement passed in 1820 between the pro-slavery and anti-slavery factions in the United States, involving primarily the regulation of slavery in the western territories. A bill to enable the people of Missouri Territory to draft a constitution and form a government preliminary to admission into the Union came before the House of Representatives in Committee of the Whole, on the February 13, 1819. An amendment offered by James Tallmadge of New York, which provided that the further introduction of slaves into Missouri should be forbidden, and that all children of slave parents born in the state after its admission should be free at the age of 25, was adopted by the committee and incorporated in the bill as finally passed on February 17, 1819 by the house.
Macon’s Bill No. 2
1810; Intended to motivate Great Britain and France to stop seizing American vessels during the Napoleonic Wars. The law lifted all embargoes with England or France. If they stopped molesting American shipping, the United States would continue trading, but if they did not, the embargo would be restored. France stopped the infringement, but England did not, and the War of 1812 ensued.
(Battle of) November 7, 1811. The Native Americans, encouraged by their chief, Tecumseh, and by the British, became threatened by the continued U.S. advance into their territory. At the time of Harrison's expedition, Tecumseh was away and his brother, the Shawnee Prophet, led the group. They attacked U.S. forces at dawn but were repelled; their village was subsequently razed by Harrison's forces. Claimed as a U.S. victory, the battle was at best indecisive; the power of the Shawnees was broken, however, despite the subsequent American retreat.
Treaty of Ghent
1814, agreement ending the War of 1812 between the United States and Great Britain. It was signed at Ghent, Belgium, on Dec. 24, 1814, and ratified by the U.S. Senate in Feb., 1815. John Q. Adams and Henry Clay participated.
Hartford Convention
In 1814 a regional secret convention was held in Hartford, Connecticut due to the Federalist discontent because of the lessened voting weight of New England in Congress and Electoral College due to adding states to the Union and also they were not happy with the War of 1812. They were meeting to discuss their minority status in the Union and some Federalist even suggested secession. These Federalists were seen as traitors by the public. Led to the downfall of their party. they met to secure assistance from Washington, due to the blokading British squadrons on the shores fo New England. Proposed Constitutional Amendments, one to eliminate the 3/5 clause and in turn lessen the Souths voting power. When delegates arrived in Washington to present the proposals, they found that the capital was celebrating Jackson's victory at New Orleans and the treaty of peace.
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