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APUSH Unit 3
11th Grade

Additional History Flashcards




Samuel Slater (1768-1835)
When he emigrated from England to America in the 1790's, he brought with him the plans to an English factory. With these plans, he helped build the first factory in America
Eli Whitney: cotton fin (short for "engine")
1798- He developed the cotton gin, a machine which could separate cotton from its seeds. This invention made cotton a profitable crop of great value to the Southern economy, It also reinforced the importance of slavery in the economy of the South.
Internal Improvements
The program for building roads, canals, bridges, and railroads in and between the states. There was a dispute over whether the federal government should fund internal improvements, since it was not specifically given that power by the Constitution
Interchangeable parts
1799-1800- Eli Whitney developed a manufacturing system which uses standardized parts which are all identical and thus, interchangeable. Before this, each part of a given device had been designed only for that one device; if a single piece of the device broke, it was difficult or impossible to replace. With standardized parts, it was easy to get a replacement part from the manufacturer. Whitney first put used standardized parts to make muskets for the U.S. government.
Erie Canal, Dewitt Clinton
1825- The Erie canal was opened as a toll waterway connecting New York to the Great Lakes. The canal was approved in 1817 with the support of New York's Governor, Dewitt Clinton. Along with the Cumberland Road, it helped connect the North and the West.
"Corrupt Bargain"
The charge made by the Jacksonians in 1825 that Clay had supported John Quincy Adams in the House presidential vote in return for the office of Secretary of State. Clay knew he could not win, so he traded his votes for an office.
Panama Conference
Summoned by the Venezuelan recolutionary leader, Simon Bolivar, in 1826 to discuss commercial treaties, adopt a code of international law, and arrive at a common Latin American policy toward Spain. Two delegates were sent by the U.S., but were delayed so long that when they got there the meeting was over. They were uncomfortable about black and whites mixing at the meeting. Showed the good relations between U.S. and South America
Age of the Common Man
Jackson's presidency was called the Age of the Common Man. He felt that government should be run by common people- a democracy based on self-sufficient middle class with ideas formed by liveral education and a free press. All white men could now vote, and the increased voting rights allowed Jackson to be elected.
Jacksonian Democracy: characteristics
The Jacksonian era (1829-1841) included many reforms: free public schools, more women's rights, better working conditions in factories, and the rise of the Abolition movement. In the election, Jackson was prtrayed as a common man and his opponent, John Quincy Adams, was attacked for his aristocratic principles. Electors in the electoral college were also chosen by popular vote. Common man, nationalism, National Nominating Conventions.
National Republicans
After the election of 1824, part of the Democratic-Republican party joined John Q. Adams, Clay, and Daniel Webster to oppose Andrew Jackson. They favored nationalistic measures like recharter of the Bank of the United States, high tariffs, and internam improvements at national expense. They were supported mainly by Northwesterners and were not very successful. They were conservatives alarmed by Jackson's radicalness; they joined with the Whigs in the 1830's.
Kitchen Cabinet
A small group of Jackson's friends and advisors who were especially influential in the first years of his presidency. Jackson conferred with them instead of his regular cabinet. Many people didn't like Jackson ignoring official procedures, and called it the "Kitchen Cabinet" or "Lower Cabinet"
Whigs: origins, policies
Whigs were conservatives and popular with pro-Bank people and plantation owners. They mainly came from the National Republican Party, which was once largely Federalists. They took their name from the British political party that had opposed King George during the American Revolution. Among the Whigs were Henry Clay, Daniel Webster, and, for awhile, Calhoun. Their policies included support of industry, protective tariffs, and Clay's American system. They were generally upper class in origin
Election of 1832, Anti-Masonic Party
Andrew Jackson (Democrat) ran for re-election with V.P. Martin Van Buren. The main issue was his veto of the recharter of the U.S. Bank, which he said was a monopoly. Henry Clay (Whig), who was pro-Bank, ran against him. The Anti-Masonic party nominated William Wirt. This was the first election with a national nominating convention. Jackson won- 219 to Clay's 49 and Wirt's 1. The Masons were a semi-secret soviety devoted to libertarian principles to which most educated or upper-class men of the Revolutionary War era belonged. The Anti-Masons sprang up as a reaction to the perceived elitism of the Masons, and the new party took votes from the Whigs, helping Jackson to win the election 
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