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AP World History: Chapter 2
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Also known as Kung Fuzi; major Chinese philosopher; born in 6th century BCE; author of Analects; philosophy based on need for restoration of order through advice of superior men to be found among the shi.

 Western name for the Chinese philosopher Kongzi (551-479 B.C.E.). His doctrine of duty and public service had a great influence on subsequent Chinese thought and served as a code of conduct for government officials.(p. 62)

Chinese philosophy based on the teachings of Laozi; taught that people should turn to nature and give up their worldly concerns, emphasized harmony and was largely a spiritual alternative to Confucianism, which actually developed at the same time in the last centuries of the Zhou dynasty. Remember Dao, humility, frugalty, learning/politics was IRRELEVANT under this philosophy.
Great Wall:
Chinese defensive fortification intended to keep out the nomadic invaders from the north; initiated during Qin dynasty and reign of Shi Huangdi.
Han Dynasty:
Imperial dynasty that ruled China (most of the time from 206 BC to AD 220) 400 YEARS and expanded its boundaries and developed its bureaucracy; remembered as one of the great eras of Chinese civilization, succeeded the Qin Dynasty. Expanded into Korea, Indochina( Cambodia) , and central Asia. Was a very prosperous and large dynasty(established the FIRST Civil Service examinations), however the nomadic Huns overturned the dynasty, and marked the end of the classical period for chinese civilization.
Qin Dynasty:
The Chinese dynasty (221 BC to 204 BC) that established the first centralized imperial government and built much of the Great Wall, Replaced the Zhou dynasty and employed Legalist ideas in order to control warring states and unify the country. Burned a lot of books that would be "subversive" to his autocratic rule. There was the National Census, Great Wall of China, standardization of coinage, weights, and measures throughout the entire realm, and made all script length uniform. Shi Huangdi unpopularity lead to the dynastys downfall and a peasant family established the Han Dynasty

Also known as Lao Tsu; major Chinese philosopher; recommended retreat from society into nature; individual should seek to become attuned with Dao. or the "Old Master" who encouraged people to give up worldly desires in favor of nature; he founded Taoism (Daoism)





Shi Huangdi:
The Chinese ruler(First Emperor) who came to power in 221 B.C. and unified and expanded China by ending internal battles and conquering rival states, established the brief Qin Dynasty in 221 BCE, which only lasted for 14 years. Name means the "the tiger". He vigorously organized and centralized the government into a bureaucracy , selected his officials from non-aristocratic backgrounds. He also built the Great Wall of China(3000 miles) to the North to protect against nomadic invaders.

Mandate of Heaven:


Sons on Heaven:


Chinese religious and political ideology developed by the Zhou dynasty, was the prerogative of Heaven, the chief deity, to grant power to the ruler of China.


The Zhou called themselves the __________, because they supposedly derived their lineages from the old Shang Rulers and heavens Mandate.

The collected saying of Confucius, laid the foundation for China's enduring civilization. It idealized a strong rulers, the consolidation and centralization of power, a highly educated , EXCLUSIVELY male elite, that was responsible for the well being of all the subjects in the state. ("Confucious Says")
In China, a political philosophy that emphasized the unruliness of human nature and justified state coercion and control. The Qin rulers and early Han rulers invoked it to validate the authoritarian nature of their regime. Not as popular as Confucianism, and did not seek popular approval anyway.
Era of warring states:
(402-201 BCE); regional rulers made their own armies and fought for control; during this time Zhou Dynasty died;, 441-221 B.C.E. Feudal lords fight amongst each other for territory and power. Ethics of war are broken and new rules are less-gentlemen like.
Who: officials in Confucius style government. What: passed very difficult exams in order to hold leadership positions. They formed their own social class, called the Gentry. Many of them attended a university that had been built. Where: China, started in the state of Lu. When: 6th century BC on for 2000 years. Why: Led the Confucian government and were the only people, often, who could read and write.
a sytem of social organization built around authority and power of fathers
Mean People:
a level of Chinese social structure below peasantry; people who performed rough transport and other unskilled jobs and suffered from the lowest possible status; identified by green scarf
Zhou Dynasty:
originally a vassal family of the Shang; possibly Turkic in origin; overthrew Shang and established 2nd Chinese dynasty., The people and dynasty that took over the dominant position in north China from the Shang and created the concept of the Mandate of Heaven to justify their rule. Remembered as prosperous era in Chinese History. (p. 61), The Zhou Dynasty (POJ: Chiu Tiau; 1122 BC to 256 BC) was preceded by the Shang Dynasty and followed by the Qin Dynasty in China. The Zhou dynasty lasted longer than any other dynasty in Chinese history—though the actual political and military control of China by the dynasty only lasted during the Western Zhou. During the Zhou, the use of iron was introduced to China, while this period of Chinese history produced what many consider the zenith of Chinese bronze-ware making. The dynasty also spans the period in which the written script evolved from the ancient stage as seen in early Western Zhou bronze inscriptions, to the beginnings of the modern stage, in the form of the archaic clerical script of the late Warring States period.
Silk Road:
is an interconnected series of ancient trade routes through various regions of the Asian continent, mainly connecting Chang'an (today's Xi'an) in China, with Asia Minor and the Mediterranean. It extends over 8,000 km (5,000 miles) on land and sea. Trade on the Silk Road was a significant factor in the development of the great civilizations of China, Egypt, Mesopotamia, Persia, Indian subcontinent, and Rome, and helped to lay the foundations for the modern world. The first person who used the term "seidenstrassen" or Silk Road was the German geographer Ferdinand von Richthofen in 1877
Five Classics:
A corpus of texts considered authoritative by the early Confucians. They include poetry, historical, speeches, chronicles, ritual, and divination, Texts used to train scholars and civil servants in ancient China
Wu Ti:
Han "Warrior Emperor" who greatly expanded the empire, (140-87 BCE); promoted peace; supported Confucianism; Conducted trade with the Parthian Empire in the Middle East. He also conducted the FIRST Civil service examinations in the world.
A philosophy that adheres to the teachings of the Chinese philosopher Confucius. It shows the way to ensure a stable government and an orderly society in the present world and stresses a moral code of conduct.
an exclusive right of inheritance belonging to the eldest son
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