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AP Euro - D&E
ID Terms for Discovery and Exploration in AP Euro His Course
10th Grade

Additional History Flashcards




Prince Harry the Navigator
1394-1460, Portuguese prince. First European royal to heavily promote discovery and exploration. Motivated by mercenary as well as missionary factors. Seeking to promote Portugese economic interests (challenging Muslim monopoly of gold trade) and to further Christian influence. Hope to find the kingdom of Prester John - a legendary Christian king ruling a wealthy kingdom somewhere in Africa (probably a hoax/myth). Prince Henry promoted settlement of islands in the Atlantic and exploration of the African coast. Founded the school for navigators at Sagres at the southwestern tip of Portugal.
Bartholomew Diaz
Portuguese explorer whose voyage along the coast of Africa in 1488 reached the Cape (of Good Hope) thus proving that a sea route to the East was possible.
Vasco de Gamma
(after Diaz made it to Cape) in 1498 V.d G rounded Cape and made it to India (to Calicut on the Malabar coast) He was Portuguese sea captain. Brought back ship loaded with Eastern goods worth many times (x60) cost of expedition. 2nd. trip - used brutal means to establish Portuguese interest there (Arabs, Egyptians, Venetians et al interested in maintaining their monopoly.) Significant because established Portuguese interest in east - first all sea route to valuable trade sites.
Portugal's First Governor General of Goa on Malabar Coast. Built fortified stations at Aden, near mouth of Red Sea and at Ormuz, near mouth of Persian Gulf. By 1509 pushed to Malacca and then to Spice Islands. Created FIRST of Europe's commercial-colonial empires - maintained by firearms and sea power. Combination of trade with warfare. Had grandiose and fantastic dreams-diverting Nile to destroy Egypt & its commerce, etc.
St. Francis Xavier
Portuguese Jesuit who, by 1550, baptized thousands of souls in India, Indonesia and Japan - in areas of Portuguese influence. Followed da Gama & Albuquerque.
sailing for Spain, 1519-22, Portuguese explorer whose expedition completed first circumnavigation of world. Southwest passage around South America Died in Philippines. New geographic knowledge incorporated into map by Schoner - 1523. Subsequent searches for N.W. and N.E. passage by other European powers proved fruitless but did lead to establishment of trading connections in N. America and Archangel, Russia.
NW & NE Passage
After the Treaty of Tordesillas(below) and Magellan's pioneering of Southwest passage, north European powers (English, French and Dutch) became more concerned with trying to find a NW or NE passage to the orient. Explorers such as Cabot (for England), Cartier (for France) and Hudson (for the Dutch) sought a NW passage. English explorers reached as far as Archangel while searching for a NE passage. None was successful but all helped establish claims and later trading routes were established.
Treaty of Tordesillas
1494: Spain and Portugal divided up globe into areas of interest. Drew imaginary line N to S (Line of Demarcation) down Atlantic. Sp. to develop to W and Portug. to E. Sp. thus claimed the Americas and Portug. claimed Africa, Asia and East Indies. When Cabral discovered Brazil it was considered to be in Portug. sphere and Philippines (Magellan) later claimed by Spain. Pope sanctioned treaty - not wanting two important nations fighting over territory. This action is a good example of ethnocentrism (putting your own culture above others) in that these nations were carving up globe without consideration for rights of pre-existing cultures.
Spanish settled Americas with their own civilizations(unlike Portug. which did not have large enough population to set up significant colonies.) Conquerors such as COLUMBUS - subjected Indians populations of "West Indies" to Spanish rule; CORTEZ - defeated Aztecs of Mexico; and PIZARRO - defeated Incas of Peru, ALL exploited native civilizations for benefit of mother country. Goals - 3 Gs. - especially Gold and Glory but also, somewhat, God. Bartholome de las Casas documents some of worst brutalities. (KNOW TERMS IN CAPS)
subjected Indians populations of "West Indies" to Spanish rule; exploited native civilizations for benefit of mother country.
defeated Aztecs of Mexico; exploited native civilizations for benefit of mother country.
defeated Incas of Peru, exploited native civilizations for benefit of mother country.
Bartholome de las Casas
documents some of worst brutalities.
Spanish priest who travelled to New World with conquistadores and sent back to Spain reports of the brutalities against the natives. Recommended to young king of Spain, Charles I, also Charles V of HRE, that the use of natives for slave labor be terminated. Had come to recognized them as God's children being grossly mistreated. Alas, he offered the King an alternative in the form of slaves to be imported from West Africa. Not until they began arriving in the New World and were treated similarly did Las Casas recognize them to be every bit as human as the Indians. He had inadvertantly stimulated one of the great human tragedies of modern times.
Black Legend
Spanish tried to dismiss negative picture of their activities in the Americas as myth concocted by their trading rivals in Europe. Accuracy a little difficult to portray. It is true that the conquistadores were often extremely brutal and there is no doubt that Sp. saw the empire in America as existing purely for the benefit of the mother country. (Great ethnocentrism.) Certainly, Spain's harshest critics made much of the reports of Las Casas and others.
New World equivalent of manorial system. "Lord" or Spanish overseer controlled work of Indian laborers - four days per week. But often abused. Like system in E. Euro. Black slavery introduced as Indian pop. declined
ppl of mixed (Sp. and Indian) descent in New World. Since few Sp. women came to New World there was mixing of races and new racial/mixed ethnic group. Many adopted Sp. lang and Roman Catholic faith. Castilian Spaniards looked down on mestizos as inferior.
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