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American Revolution
Test 2
Undergraduate 2

Additional History Flashcards




King Phillip's War
Lasted 14 months. It destroyed 12 frontier towns. Ended shortly after Metacom was captured/beheaded. Some supporters escaped to Canada & others surrendered & were sold into slavery. The last major effort by the native americans of southern new england to drive out the English settlers. Tensions rose due to collapse of trade, partnerships, expansion of colonist territories, Pokunoket Chief Metacom (King Phillip) lead a bloddy uprising with tribes.
King WIlliam's War
French forces from fur trading regions along the Great Lakes & in Canada attacked villages in New England & New York. The conflict with French as a colonial outgrowth of williams war against France in Europe. The war ended inconclusively in both Europe & the colonies. It made clear to many colonists that along with English royal government came a welcome measure of military security.
7 Years War
French & Indian war. Started over conflicts over America's Ohio Valley Land. The land was claimed by virginians, pennsylvanians, & the french. However, it was inhabited by more than a dozen Indian tribes. Fighting extended in Europe, Carribean, & India. US & Brits shared hardships & victory. The costs of the war led to the imperial crisis.
Enlightened Thought (The Enlightenment) and the colonies
Encourage people to study the world around them, to think for themselves, & ask whether disorderly appearance of things masked the principles of a deeper, more profound natural order. Meetings took place with Franklin and Jefferson about understanding nature & improving society.
Colonial women and their role in the Revolution
Many women followed the continental army. Served soldiers as washerwomen, cooks, nurses, seamstresses, sexual partners, supply scavengers, and as soldiers/spies. Women managed to sneak important info past British to American compatriots.
Colonial minorities and their role in the Revolution
Natives became assimilated into white culture. Many of their men died in the war. They were forced on trail of tears. Groups that were loyal to colonists & Brits were face with similar growing restrictions to land access. African Americans were slaves who played an important role in war. Ag labor in return for freedom. Made weapons & food. Some were refugeed.
First Great Awakening
The widespread movement of religious revitalization in the 1730's & 40's the emphasized vital religious faith & personal choice. It was characterized by large open air meetings at which emotional sermons were given by itinerant preachers.
Albany Congress
The British did not want a larger war after the 7 years war. In June & July 1754, 7 colonies sent 24 delegates. All 6 tribes of the Iroqouis confederacy all met to convene a colonial conference. It was to repair trade relations & secure Indian help against the French threat. However, the indians refused to help.
1763 Treaty of Paris & 1763 Proclamation Line.
France & Spain. Brittish gained Canada, Brit & US title to eastern half of North America, France gained territory West of the Mississippi River including New Orleans to Spain for their assistance during war. They also kept Martinique & Guadalupe. Spain's territory was Cuba. -------- Forbid Colonists to settle west of the Appalachian Mountains. It stated Indian territory would be respected. Limited trade with Indians to traders licensed by colonial governors. Forbade private sales of Indian Land.
Shay's Rebellion
A series of protests between 1786-87 by American farmers against states & local enforcement of tax collections and judgement for debt. Farmers took up arms in New Hampshire to S.C. , the rebellion was most serious is Massachussetts. Bad harvests, threatened farms by high taxes, & economic derpression.
Molasses Tax
(6 pence/gallon tax on molasses) and navigation acts were created to discourage colonial direct trade with the Caribbean sugar plantations and regain control over Mercantilism. Lack of ability to enforce it caused it to be ignored over time.
Sugar Act
created penalties for smuggling sugar, molasses, and rum. Also, meant to regulate trade and raise revenue for England. Had tough enforcement policies. British Navy could detain colonial ships to make sure they were following the rules. Smugglers would be tried without jury and “justice” was severe. Opposed only by those involved in shipping, who believed the law was an intrusion in self-rule and self-taxation.
Declaratory Act
asserted parliament’s right to legislate for the colonists in all cases whatsoever. The power to tax rested with England, not with the colonists. (What does this nullify?)
Quatering Act
directed colonists to shelter and provide for British troops left after the 7 Years War.
Stamp Act
Sugar Act not working as England had hoped. New tax on paper goods—newspapers, pamphlets, court documents, wills, licenses, etc. A stamp was attached to the paper when the tax was paid. It was designed not to regulate trade, but to raise money. Of all the taxes thus far, the colonists had the biggest problem with this one and objected loudly. Official objection began in Virginia House of Burgesses.
Revenue Act
Townsend Duties) replaced the Stamp Act, and it taxed imported British goods like tea, glass, lead, paper, and paint colors. Meant to increase revenues from the colonies. Money also went to paying royal governors and officials. This took power away from the colonists who usually set the salaries of officials.
Tea Act
was an Act of the Parliament of Great Britain. Its principal overt objective was to reduce the massive surplus of tea held by the financially troubled British East India Company in its London warehouses and to help the struggling company survive.
Intolerable Acts
was the American Patriots' name for a series of punitive laws passed by the British Parliament in 1774 after the Boston Tea party. They were meant to punish the Massachusetts colonists for their defiance in throwing a large tea shipment into Boston harbor.
Committees of Correspondence
which linked all colonies and communities so that information could be quickly disseminated and people could debate. These committees politicized ordinary town people and spread the language of revolution. The were local forums for debate.
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