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Amer Hist Midterm
Shelton SCC American Hist Midterm 2015
Undergraduate 1

Additional History Flashcards




Differentiate between the political ideologies of the Hamiltonian Federalists and the Jefferson Democratic Republicans
Hamilton--Federalist believed in a strong central government, supported wealthy plantation owners, and the well educated. Believed that only the elite should have control.

Jeferson--Republican who believed in states rights-that the states should have the right to govern themselves. That the common folks and uneducated should have an equal say (lower voting qualifications)
What were some of Hamilton policies as secretary of the treasury under George Washington?
ASSUMPTION PLAN-The federal government will assume all states debt/problem! MD and VA had already paid off their debt so government agreed to put the capital there.
REDEMPTION PLAN-plan to pay off all of the land vultures that were issued to those willing to fight in the war against England.
WHISKY TAX-Hamilton planed to use money earned from taxation of whisky to pay for the assumption and redemption plans.
Compare and contrast Shays' Rebellion and the Whiskey Rebellion.
Both shays rebellion and the whisky rebellion were fought over taxation where poor farmers were struggling to pay their taxes.
SHAYS REBELLION-articles of confederation, was in MA, farmers marched on courthouses to stall foreclosures.The government had no standing army and no money to fund one. The gov was too weak to enforce laws. Government lost the "battle" and were forced to rethink the articles.
WHISKY REBELLION- under the constitution, Gov. wanted to tax whisky. Again farmers and other rebelled (in PA); however this time Pres WA brought 12000 solders to PA to back him. Stronger government. This time the new Fed Gov has the right desire and ability to enforce laws under the constitution that they did not have under the articles
What was the Quasi-War? How was it different from traditional Wars? Outcome
The Quasi-war was the "kinda" war. It was never officially declared a war. It was started by the XYX afire. It was fraught between the US and France. France had continued to fire on US merchant and war ship. President Adams gave the go ahead for solders to fight back when being attacked however this war was different because this was never declared a war. The war resulted in the Louisiana Purchase.
Explain the nature of the Alien and Sedition Acts.
XYZ afire lead to Adams creating the Alien & Sedition Acts.
NATURALIZATION ACT-Increased the waiting time to become a US citizen.
ALIEN FRIENDS ACT-Deportation of any alien deemed dangerous to "peace and safety"
ALIEN ENEMIES ACT-Deportation of any alien from a nation at war with the US
SEDITION ACT-Crime to make statements against president, congress, or government.
What is the nature of the Market Revolution?
Ecanomic changes-shift in economic activity where farmers and craftsmen are producing products for the market in stead of personal use. Mas production. Cotton Gin and mechanical harvester, water powered textile mills.
What is the nature of the textile revolution
What is the nature of the transportation revolution?
What is the nature of the communication Revolution?
How did the Market, textile, transportation, and communication revolutions impact the united states during this period?
Why did the founding fathers replace the articles of confederation with the new constitution?
The articles of confederation had flaws there was no standing army ad no money to fund a national army. In MA, Farmers marched on the courthouse to stall foreclosures (for not paying taxes) The government had no way of dealing with this so the people won. The new constitution allowed congress to enact/collect taxes, regulation trade within states and from state to state.
Explain the nature of the debate between Federalists and anti-federalists.
ANTI-FEDERALIST-didn't like that federal gov would have power over state gov. Were very concerned about civil rights. They didn't put trust in the gov to protect them. Demanded a bill of rights.
FEDERALIST-wanted strong central gov. with the power over state gov. wanted an army to enforce laws and protect country. They didn't see the need for a bill of rights.
Trace the evolution of historical thought related to the founding fathers from the early 19th-century through the late 20th-century.
19TH-CENTURY PERSPECTIVE-These were mythological historians who told "tall tells" to paint pictures of history.
WEEM-romantic story teller
BANCROTT-Gods will.
PROGRESSIVE PRESPECTIVE- early 20th century, uses scientific method requires evidence/proof.
Beard-said rich white guys wrote constitution to protect themselves.
CONSENSUS PERSPECTIVE-Cold war era, emphasized unity and democracy,
Roche-"superb democratic politicians" who built the government Good for all citizens. Known for his "good for all" approach.
NEW LEAF PERSPECTIVE-returned to Beards ideas about rich white men protecting their own.
Zinn-says that rich northerners and southern slave owners came together to benefit themselves and cut off blacks and poor.
Differentiate between the Northern Theater and Southern Theater of the war.
-discuss a minimum of two battles from each theater to illustrate your response
Northern Battles-American solders were fresh off the farm and were up against the worlds finest army. They slipped away at night fall, lost regularly.
BATTLE OF TRENTON- George WA takes German ship at night America has 2500 men and 18 field guns. he moved across the rive at night for a surprise AM attack. America defeats Ger. This was odd because in the past wars were fraught only during the day.
BATTLE OF SARATOGA- turning point in war. Americans beat the British here and grab the attn of the French. French them recognize the US and declare war of Britain.
Southern Battles-Americans surrendered at Charleston, SC and GA collapsed.
BATTLE OF KINGS MTN-Backwoods militia defeat British- Americans take no prisoners and kill them all.
GATTLE OF GUILFORD COURTHOUSE- American troops defeat British. British troops loose 1/2 their army. VA melicia gets lost in the woods and doesn't show up to play. This battle was the final battle of the war.
How revolutionary was the Revolutionary War?
-Discuss a min of three groups to illustrate your answer.
FARMERS AND SOLDIERS-During the war land grants were issued to those willing to fight for the cause. Post war, their notes were basically worthless, inflation devalued their income and they could not buy anything.
AFRICAN-AMERICANS- Regional changes,
North-Were gradually freed
VA-Loosened Slave Laws
Deep South-Slavery got worse
Indians-during the war the Indians fought on both sides. After the war, the Indians lost all of their land and received no provisions for tribal independence.
Explain why the US was not founded as a Christian Nation.
The US was founded on "Freedom of Religion" which meant that one was free to choose how they would or would not worship. The US was founded on one's right to make their own choice and if that meant not choosing Christianity then that was fine.
Describe the sequence of events which began with Washington's defeat at fort Necessity in 1754 and ended in 1776 with the Declaration of Independence.
In the 1750's tensions are high because the war is coming. The French begin to claim everything W of the Blue Ridge Mountains. English built Fort Necessity. French kick Eng Butt and Eng Retreat. (George WA Looses this battle)
Massacre at Fort William Henry-in 1757 the British surrender and the Huron (Native) tribe attack, scalp and kill the retreating English. T English decide it is the colonists fault they have spent all of their $ on this war and they are pissed that the colonists have contributed nothing to Britain. The English want to make laws to control the colonists.
PROCLAMATION LINE OF 1763-British law to prevent the colonists form having further conflict with the Indians (line follows the eastern continental divide.) Colonists resist and continue to cross the mountains.
SUGAR ACT-this replaces the molasses act but lower rate with very strict enforcment. EVERYONE must pay. Colonist still hide and use sugar anyway.
STAMP ACT-tax on paper products. Tax on paper products. Colonists tar and feather tax collectors and tax collectors refuse to return to work. English take back the stamp act.
TOWNSHEAD ACT 1767- this law says that all manufactured items bought from Englind must have taxes paid upon them. So, the colonists boycotted these items. The British manufactures complained because of the dip in sells and parliament repealed the act.
SONS AND DAUGHTERS OF LIBERTY-Made life hard for those who didn't buy american products only. they worked to shut down english trade and make american products and make americans buy them. Sons of liberty shamed and used vilance to stop ppl from buying english. Daughters of liberty started american industries to replace english made required goods.
BOSTON MASSACRE-mob of colonists chased British soldiers through Boston and 5 Colonists were killed.
TEA ACT-Act saying all colonists must by East India Company tea. This act lowered cost of tea for consumer but screwed the merchant. Merchants retaliated saying New taxes will give more power to England so now colonists hate the Tea Act too.
BOSTON TEA PARTY 1776-Sons of Liberty and Boston Committee dress up as Indians and threw tea into the harbor.
COERCIVE ACTS, 1774-England is fed up and through force are going to make Boston behave. They block the port, fire all legislature and elect a new military governor.
FIRST CONTINENTAL CONGRESS 1774-the local important colonists get to gather to figure out what to do. They want to talk to England and ask them to repeal Coercive Act.
DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE 1776-Jefferson, Franklin, and Adams signed the Declaration of Independence on July 4th.
Ultimately, whose fault was the French and Indian war? The deteriorating relationships between England and their America colonists? Why?
In my openion, the French were the ones who started the Fr and Indian war. The started it by declaring everything west of the blue ridge mountains. as theirs. Then they took British outpost and built Fort Duquesne. Idk about the second half of this one. in the revolutionary period slides
What is Mercantillism?
the belief that one nation can grow rich only at the expense of another, and that a nation's economic health depended, therefor, on selling as much as possible to foreign lands and buy as little as possible from them. England expected the Americans to make money for them by providing England with furs, timber and other raw materials to product with.
What is Enlightenment all about?
Originating in Europe, it was the change in thought pattern moving from speculation and superstition to a thought pattern that was based on reason science and logic.
What was Deism? The great Awakening?
DEISM-A religion of enlightenment what emphasized "free will" and personal choice. God was creator of all things but was not responsible in the activities of day to day life. God=Great Watch Maker.
THE GREAT AWAKING-this was a massive revival of old churches; which was the start of Evangelism. Evangelists Whitchfield and Edwards
Withfield-was an electrifying revivalist
Edwards had more of a hell fire and brimstone approach.
How did British colonists in North America gradually become more american than British?
Americans grew tired of the rules Britain were trying to enforce. colonists had become diverse. Colonists have the need to do for themselves (make hinges) and they wanted to trade with whom they please. and they wanted to have freedom of religion.
How did VA Barbados and Carolina deal with labor shortages?
VA- Tobacco The geadright system, Julia sponsors ppl to come to American to work, Julia gets more land out of the deal and the workers work for 4-7 years then get their contract is up they get 50 acres of land tools and freedom; however, few survived to get their freedom.
BARBADOS-Sugar, Initially tried to use indentured servants but the work was too hard so they used Indian and black slavery to grow their sugar. This was really hard work So slave owners used beatings and abuse to make the slaves work.
CAROLINA- licensed by British governor. Carabian labor shifts and moves to Carolina to make the family farmer. Also, used Indian slaves.
In VA Barbados and Carolina, what factors/challenges brought on changes in the labor system.
VA-When indentured servants finished their contracts they settled to the west near the Indians. Then Indians are attacking the backwoods ppl. Gov builds forts and sends troups and triples the taxes of the backwoods ppl. Bacon's rebellion Backwoods Bacon attacked Jamestown and lost but showed Government that perhaps slavery was an easier option than having to deal with current issues.
BARBADOS-Sugar process was too hard of work so Indentured servants refused to do it. They quickly changed to Indian and African slave labor.
In early America, how did the labor system of VA Barbados and Carolina wind up based upon the enslavement of African workers?
How well could you go repay the native of the witchcraft hysteria to others? And to put it in the context of the historiographical argument?
Eng population is growing in America. There is no land for later generations. They must move west, away from church and family. Concern is that the "children" are moving away from their religion. Tensions are high because everyone has become hyper religious... Teen girl Goodwin exhibits bizarre behavior after being in contact with Catholic girl Glover. Glover must have bewitched Goodwin. Glover did not repent so she was hanged. 100's were accused of being which and 19 females were hanged and 1 man was pressed to death and 100s were jailed. Phips cleared and released everyone. Phips believes more in science then religion.
How did Boyer and Nissenbaum view the tensions in salem?
Stress/conflict between salem town and salem village. The accused were always across the border Salem town was an up and coming town while Salem village was based on agriculture.
How did Karlen view the witchcraft acusiations
Karlen got her ideas from the bible. Eve was persuade by the devil so she was compared to the devil. Woman were symbolized as evil, devil's willing agent. and fought submission.
How did Norton view the witchcraft acusiations
Whitchcraft was a result of terror from the Indian Wars.
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