Shared Flashcard Set


Abnormal Psychology
criterias - midterm 2
Undergraduate 3

Additional Psychology Flashcards




Sleep Walking Disorder
o (A) repeated episodes of rising from bed during sleep and walking about, during the first third of sleep
o (B) blank, staring face, unresponsive, can be awakened only with great difficulty
o (C) on awakening, person has amnesia of the episode
o (D) soon after awakening, no impairment in mental activity of behaviour (may be confused though)
o (E) causes clinically significant distress or impairment
o (F) not sue to a substance or other medical condition
Sleep Terror Disorder
o (A) recurrent episodes of abrupt awakening from sleep, in the first third of the major sleep episode
o (B) intense fear and signs of autonomic arousal
o (C) relative unresponsiveness to comfort
o (D) no detailed dream is recalled and there is amnesia
o (E) clinically significant distress or impairment
o (F) not due to substance or other medical condition
Nightmare Disorder
o (A) repeated awakenings, detailed recall of extended and extremely frightening dreams, occurring during the second half of the sleep period
o (B) person rapidly becomes oriented and alert
o (C) causes clinically significant distress or impairment in social, occupational, or other important areas or functioning
o (D) rule out other mental disorder (PTSD, delirium)
• Irresistible attacks of refreshing sleep that occur daily over the last 3 months
• Presenting features: excessive daytime sleepiness
• 1+ of the following
o cataplexy: loss of muscle tone after emotional time
o intrusions of elements of REM sleep into sleep-wake transition
• hypnogogic: falling asleep
• hypnopompic: waking up
• sleep paralysis
Circadian Rhythm Sleep Disorder
• (A) pattern of sleep disruption leading to insomnia due to mismatch of sleep-wake schedule required by the environment
• (B) causes impairment
• (C) not another sleep or mental disorder
• (D) not due to a substance
Primary Hypersomnia: too much sleep
• (A) excessive sleepiness for at least one month
o prolonged sleep episodes
o daily daytime sleep episodes
• (B) distress or impairment
• (C) not better accounted for by another sleep disorder, doesn’t co-occur with another sleep disorder
• (D) not at same time as other mental disorder
• (E) not due to a substance
• specify if: recurrent (periods that occur for 3 days at least one a year for at least 2 years)
Anorexia Nervosa
• (A) refusal to maintain body weight at or above a minimally normal weight for age and height
• (B) intense fear of gaining weight or becoming fat, even though underweight
• (C) disturbance is perception of body weight or shape, denying of the seriousness of the current low body weight
• (D) amenorrhea for 3 menstrual cycles (in post-monarchal females)
Bulimia Nervosa
• (A) Binge eating
o Eating excessive amounts of food (larger than average)
o feeling out of control
o In a discrete period of time
• (B) Compensatory behaviours
o Purging: vomiting, diuretics, laxatives, exercise excessively, fast
• Subtypes
• (C) at least twice a week for 3 months (on average)
• (D) Concerns about body shape
• (E) rule out anorexia
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