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A2 Psychology
Functions of Dreaming Why we dream
Undergraduate 1

Additional Psychology Flashcards







Neurobiological theories of dreams propose that




dreams are the result of random neurobiological activity, during REM sleep, therefore, they are meaningless



Psychological theories of dreams propose that


dreams serve a psychological function and that they are highly relevant to psychological experiences.


 According to this theory we dream either to express our emotions or to work through emotional or practical problems.


True meanings of dreams are thought to be conveyed through symbols.



According to Freud, which two main biological drives govern our behaviour, and where are they contained?



Our innate sex and aggresion drive are contained in the id part of the personality.



How and why must the 2 main biological drives be restrained for society to exist in a peaceful and ordered form?


The personality is said to be divided into 3 parts, the id, ego, & superego, and the sex and aggresion drives are confined to the id which is said to be impulsive, insatiable, and based on the pleasure principle.


Therefore these irrational desires are repressed into the unconscious by the ego, which helps us not to feel anxious about desiring things which deviate from society's expectations, which is represented by the superego.



Why do the wishes of the id need to escape the mind?



They need to escape otherwise they could become a threat to our mental well being as freud belived that the energy invested in them would build up to a level and eventually drive us insane.



How do the wishes escape the unconscious?



Through wish fulfillment in our dreams.


The unacceptable desires that can't be satisfied in the conscious mind are instead expressed through dreams where the sleeper is protected from the consequences of these urges overtaking their life.


Dreaming it seems, allows us to release the tension of repressing forbidden desires and unacceptable urges.



What is 'dream-work'?


The process of transforming the latent content of dreams into maifest content through symbolism.


The real meaning of the dream (the latent content) is converted into symbols to a less threatening version (the manifest content) in order to protect from waking up in horror at their own thoughts, feelings, and desires.



How does this theory suggest dreams should be analysed?


Through psychoanalysis. Psychoanalysts are trained to interpret symbolism in dreams .

e.g. snake=penis tunnel=vagina


However in order to fully understand the meaning of any symbol they need to be considered in within the context of a person life.


Therefore Freud did not support dream dictionaries and he also believed that some dreams have no meaning.

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