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2.Art 131 15th century art in NORTHERN EUROPE
northern europe
Art History
Undergraduate 1

Additional Art History Flashcards





Title: "Champol Altarpiece" (left)

Artist: Melchior Broderlam

Time: 15th Cenutry North Europe, france


International Gothic style cutout and tiled floor

Annunciation- Gabriel comes to mary, represents the temple of jerusalem where mary was an attendant.

visitation- mary greets cousin elizabeth who is pregnant with john the baptist

hired by Phillip the Bold, the patron.


Title: "Champol Altarpiece" (right)

Artist: Melchior Broderlam

Time: 15th Cent. Northern Europe, france.

 Presentation- mary and joseph bring jesus to  simeon  to be blessed.

Flight to Egypt- Holy families flee to Egypt to escape King Herod's order to kill all male baby jews.

hired by Phillip the Bold, the patron. this is a POLYPTIC 


Title: Well of Moses

Artist: Claus Sluter, hes a sluuut.

Time: 15th Cenutry Northern Europe


limestone carving, old testament prophets. Moses, King David, Isaiah, Zachariah, Jerimiah. All holding attriburtes to help ID them.


Title: "Tres Riches Heures/ Very Sumptuous Book of Hours"

Artists: Limbourgh Bros ( Paul, Herman, Jean)

Time: 15th Cent France

Comissioned by Duke of Berry.  These are devotionals, they go back and fourth between peasants and nobles.

Feb- cleaned up Peasants warming by da fire. Cutaway and high horizon are signs of INTERNATONAL GOTHIC


Title: "Tres Riches Heures/ Sumptuous book of hours"

Artists: Limbourg Bros Paul Herman and Jean

Time: 15th Cent france

Comissioned by Duke of Berry,

January: Nobility feasting. Duke of Berry was in feast


Title: "Merode Altarpiece"

Artist: Robert Campin

Time: 15th Century Flanders

Flanders Pannel Painting

For Merode family chapel, TRIPTIC (3 pieces) everyday objects take on meanings.

Annunciation- ignoring angel, on foor instead of throne, bright red. Cutaway in middle class home contemporary with time period.


MAJOLICA- popular vase from florence

Tallis- jewish prayer shawl.

light of christ passign through window without breaking.

flame snuffed as jesus becomes human.

Left: INGHELBRECHT (patron) roses rep charity.

Right: Joseph carpender, tools show passion of christ.

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