Shared Flashcard Set


08 history ids
ch 13- 14
9th Grade

Additional History Flashcards




the huguenots
who: a group of calvinists, led by the challion family
what: one of the major relious groups within spain, that fought against the royal family and the catholics. they were persecuted and attacked mainly by the catholics
when: mid 16th century
where: france
sig.: the huguenots were one of the main religions in france and without them the french religious civil wars probably wouldn't have been so massive and gruesome
st. bartholomew's day massacre, 1572
who: catherine, huguenots, guisses
what: catherine ordered the massacre of all the huguenots that came to the catholic capital on st. bartholomew's day for margerite and henry of navarre's wedding
when: august 1572
where: paris, france
sig.: the massacre didn't solve any of catherine's problems, but it did make the guisses and the catholics feel superior and in the process thousands of huguenots were killed
phillip II
who: the spanish king
what: jumpstarted the rebellions by the protestants because he persecuted them. protestant rebellions led to a major war
when: r. 1556- 1598
where: spain, england
sig.: he almost single handedly started a huge war with england and that also included the battle at the spanish armada
dutch revolt
who: spanish, netherlands
what: a battle between spain the netherlands for the netherlands independence
when: 1579- 1648
where: netherlands
sig.: the result of the revolt was the netherlands gained their independence and protestantism was able to be the national religion
francios rabelais, michel de montaigne
who: francois r, and michel
what: writers in the french language, masters of the french prose
when: mainly in the 16th century
where: france
sig.: they contributed to the spread of ideas of the reformation and the religious disputes in france
elizabethan renaissance
who: queen elizabeth I, england
what: a time when england was experiencing a great deal of literature and plays which had become popular
when: r. 1558- 1603
where: england
sig.: elizabeth secured england's progressive role as a dominating country, also she ruled so that england didn't have endure religious wars
rudolf II
who: rudolf II
what: an emperor that fell to the pressure of the court and so he created a dream world of his own
when: r. 1576- 1612
where: holy roman empire
sig.: he didn't tend to his empire and therefore he let his people take part in many religious battles becuase he didn't stop them
renaissance of poland-lithuania
who: poland-lithuania
what: a time when a lot of italian culture ventured through poland-lithuania and it was when peasants were watched carefully and didn't have much freedom
when: 16th century
where: poland-lithuania
sig.: it made it possib;e for catholism could come back into the country with nobles
ivan the terrible
who: ivan IV
what: poland-lithuania king that was a tyrant, ordered the massacre at novgorod and wasn't good to his people
when: 1533- 1584
where: poland-lithuania
sig.: during the reign it revealed the fragilness of the russian unity
erasmus/ praise of folly
who: a dutchman, catholic, writer
what: he translated the greek new testament into latin, and he wrote the praise of folly (1514)
when: 1469- 1536
where: the netherlands
sig: he wrote and educated, he also enlightened some people with his attack of theologians in his book
thomas more/ utopia
who: erasmus's friend, englishman and writer
what: wrote utopia which established a new genre of utopia fantasy
when: 1478- 1535
where: england
sig: he opened up a lot of doors by establishing a new genre and then he sacrificed his life for his religion of catholism
diet of worms
who: a assembly of princes, bishops, and charles V
what: a hearing for martin luther, fredrick the wise had requested the hearing, the verdict was split
when: 1521
where: holy roman empire
sig: it made luther gain more support since even some of the major rulers were now on his side and he didn't get completely unamous against him, it also casused luther to disappear for awhile afterwards
95 theses
who: martin luther
what: arguements or talking points about indulgences that he announced he was willing to defend in an academic disputation, they were posted on the door of the church
when: 1517
where: in Wittenberg, Germany
sig: the 95 theses were the start and boost of the Reformation because it gave people the first thoughts of the catholic church essentially taking their taxes for no reason. when the theses were published they immeadiately enabled luther to gain many followers
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