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WW1 Study Guide
Unit 1 Q2
10th Grade

Additional History Flashcards




1. Explain the 4 major causes of World War I
1. Militarism
-growth of military which would then protect each country during the war
2. Alliances and Arms
-alliances between countries would help to keep each other safe and to help protect each other during war & arms = most powerful nations would expand their armies and navies leading to competition
3. Imperialism
-a political system in which one country rules a lot of other countries
4. Nationalism
-the desire by a group of people of the same race, origin, language etc to form an independent country
2. Who was Franz Ferdinand?
Is the uncle of Joseph Ferdinand who did not care about his nephew’s death. He only cared about how that he did not have an heir to the throne, which would result in the country collapsing. He was not a supporter of democracy but recognized that nationalism was threatening the Habsburg empire. (Austrians saw his as too soft, Serbian radicals feared concessions might weaken their movement)
3. What role did the Black Hand play?
“Unity or Death” A terrorist group commonly known as the Black Hand and organized all South Slav peoples into a single nation. Greater-Serbian nationalists who sought independent unified Slavic nation. Angry about Archduke Franz Ferdinand’s planned visit to Sarajevo, especially considering the date, they plan the assassination.

a secret society founded in the Kingdom of Serbia in May 1911, as part of the Pan-Slavism nationalist movement, with the intention of uniting all of the territories containing South Slav populations (Serbs, Croats, Macedonians, Slovenes, etc) annexed by Austria-Hungary
4. What was Germany’s “blank check”?
Kaiser Wilhelm II gave Austria “blank check” support. Germany gives Austria-Hungary a “blank check” to help support Austria-Hungary and their decision to punish Serbia. The blank check from Germany will then provide them assistance with whatever they decide to do.
5A. Who were the Allies?
Russia, Romania, Serbia, Montenegro, Greece, Italy, France, Belgium, United Kingdom
5B. Who were the Central Powers?
Germany, Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria, Ottoman Empire
6. What was the Schlieffen Plan?
Italy and Britain are uncommitted, but the plan reasoned Russia’s lumbering military would be slow to mobilize thus Germany would have first defeat France then it would fight Russia.
7. What were the effects of “total war”?
Most deadly war with many nations fighting against each other, most casualties, internal rebellion by nationalists groups in weakened ottoman empire, many women took on the jobs of the men who left for war, there was less food, less medicine, economy declined, prices were raised, disease outbreak, some cities were a target to be bombed with innocent citizens,
8. What was the major issue that Austria-Hungary faced?
They have a weak alliance with Germany and Russia. And Germany forms triple alliance with Austria-Hungary and Italy. Large multi-national empires like Austria-Hungary and Ottoman worried about new border nations.
9. What new weaponry was used in WWI?
Bombs, rifles, guns. Tanks, grenades, barbed wire, poison gas, planes
10. What were women’s roles during WWI?
Women’s roles included, becoming nurses to care for the soldiers who were injured during war. They also took over the jobs of the men who left for war. Not only did they take care of the housework, but they could have other jobs such as working in the factories.
11. What was stalemate?
A situation in contest in which neither side can make any further worthwhile action
12. What were the major principles and effects of the Treaty of Versailles?
treaty that ended WW1 and was signed in 1919

Treaty of Versailles: Germany is forced to sign on June 28th, 1919 – accepting responsibility for initiating the war

German economy dropped and became a weakened nation
13. What was the significance of the Zimmerman Note?
* Issued in Berlin, January 1917
* Offers returning US territory to Mexico in exchange for allowing the Germans to enter the US through Mexico
* Will begin submarine warfare, and keep the US neutral if it is unsuccessful, Germany will make an alliance with Mexico and they will provide general financial support and to help Mexico reconquer lost territory in New Mexico, Texas and Arizona
14. Who was Tsar Nicholas?
* went into the military at age 19
* over time, Russia had extreme poverty and high inflation since he left matters with his wife
* Commander in chief for Russia’s armies
* At age 49, he inherited the throne because his father died
* eventually stepped down from the throne because his nation was weakened and rumors spread that his wife might have sabotaged Russia
15. What was the Christmas Truce of 1914?
* Between the German and British
* they did not want to fight on Christmas so they had a truce, and even talked with people on the other side
* they also shared beer and cigars
* began with the Germans saying "Merry Christmas"
* occurred 5 months after the first day of war
* no one believed the war would last until Christmas
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