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world civ
exam 3
Undergraduate 2

Additional History Flashcards




Battle of Verdun
2. Falkenhayn
German attack on France; German commander 2) ____________ attacked it but didn't want to take it; he only wanted to disadvantage France. This was a rare occasion when the defender didn't have everything going for them. He killed so many Frenchman so they couldnt go on. Lasted for 10 months and there were 1 million casualties on each side.
Battle of Somme
2. Haig
40 miles away from Verdun; British attempt to help France. 2) _______ was theBritish commander; his plan was to shoot so many Germans so that none were left. They shoot at them and miss. In 20 minutes, they were wiped out. In 2 hours, 57,000 British soldiers (most of whom never reached the German lines) were killed. This battle lasted for 6 months; 700,000 casualties on both sides.
1) Pals Battalion
2) Newfoundland Reginment
British army was made up of volunteers; friends got to serve in battallions together- they were called 1) ______________. Best example of this: 2) _________________. It included everybody there who was 18-25 males
1) Kerensky
2) Lenin
Russian tzar Nicholas kept them in the war even though he knew they couldn't win; April 1917- The Russian Revolution. 1)_________ threw him out of power and made Russia become a democracy. His mistake: he stayed in the war even though they were not going to win. 2) ________- evil communist; promised the people peace and food so they'd like him. Problem- he was exiled from Russia and lived in Switzerland. This caused the second German gamble: Germans brought him to Russia and in the fall of 1917; this started a Communist Revolution. Russia was out of the war.
1) airplanes
2) hand grenades, mortars, machine guns
War winning weapons- 1) _________ b/c they can carry radios which made possible for communicating with everybody and they carried cameras. This helped because cameras took pictures that helped both sides figure out where they were at and where the enemy was. 2) __________, _____________, ___________. All these made possible for the attacker to win.
1) Hindenberg
2) Treaty of Versailles
1)_____________- commander of the German army; had two choices- 1) fight on to a honorable defeat or 2) take the army home and quit. They surrendered Nov. 11, 1918. This gave the worst peace treaty, 2) _________________, which lead to WWII.
Adolf Hitler
(essay 1)
German perspective: 1)_______________- German soldier that fought in WWI; believed in the "stab in the back" myth which said the German army was never defeated, but won. He said communists are lead by Jews and they stabbed Germany in the back. He wanted to get back at the people that caused German to lose the war. He wanted to destroy the lesser races such as the Jews, Sloviks, blacks, Americans, etc.
Woodrow Wilson (essay 1)
was the president of the US during WWI; he wanted a nice and easy peace treaty with Germany
Clemenceau (essay 1)
was the leader of France during WWI; he wanted to continue the war and destroy Germany in the peace treaty
What the Treaty of Versailles did (essay 1)
1) stripped away 1/3 of Germany's land; it was still the most populated country in Europe
2) made Germany economically devastated; the allies passed the War Guilt Clause which said that WWI was Germany's fault; it said Germany had to pay reparations: charged them for causing the war
3) destroyed the German army; without an army they couldn't attack
League of Nations (essay 1)
its goal was for all the good guys in the world to gang up on the bad guys; The US wasn't a part of it because congres didn't support it
Proportional Democracy (essay 1)
this was the kind of govt. the US gave Germany; under this type of democracy, you vote for a party and if the party gets 30% of the votes it gets 30% of the seats in congress

Two big effects of this kind of govt: 1) small parties mattered and 2) there would never be a stable govt. or a majority so they had to rule in coalition. This type of govt. was non-functional
inflation (essay 1)
this happened because Germany tried to pay off its war debt in one year but there was no way they could do that; they printed more money which made the money that already existed worthless
Nuremberg law
(essay 1)
After he was elected to power, Hitler passed the ________ law; it made it illegal in Germany to be anything other than German
Rhine land (essay 1)
area where Germany bordered France; Hitler moved his troops here in 1936. The Versailles Peace treaty said they couldn't be there
1) Neville Chamberlain
2) appeasement
(essay 1)
1)__________: led the British during the time the French asked for their help against Germany; he developed a policy called 2) _________ which said "let's give Hitler what he wants." Reasons for this policy: Britain didn't want to fight over something like the Rhine Land and they didn't want to be involved since air craft was now available and could come and attack British soil
Oxford Union Debates (essay 1)
students debated if they'd ever fight again; they voted 75% no.
Munich Conference of 1938 (essay 1)
Chamberlain, because he was desperate to avoid war, held the _______________ with Hitler and gave him one-tenth of Czechoslovakia. The problem was that it wasn't Chamberlain's to give. Hitler promised to not threaten any other countries, but broke his promise and threatened Poland in 1939. This showed the other countries that he was a liar so they told him if he attacked, they'd fight Germany. He invaded Poland in Sept. 1939, then France and England attacked Germany. This was the start of WWII.
1) strategic bombing
2) population bombing
3) fire storms

1) _______________ was a new way to fight war which used airplanes to bomb places. Bombing factories would force armies to quit, so they couldn't hit factories. The smallest things they could hit were cities- this was called 2) _____________. In WWII, they learned how to set 3) _______________. This was achieved by dropping incendiary bombs, filled with flammable materials in clusters over a specific target. This had no meaningful impact on the war.
1) Guderian
2) blitzkrieg (lightning) war

A German by the name of 1)_________ invented a way of fighting known as 2) _____________, which concentrated on an overwhelming force at high speeds to break through enemy lines and surround the enemy.
Maginot Line
The French built the world's biggest trench along the _______________ to keep the Germans out. It was a line of defensive fortifications constructed by the French along their eastern border, extending from Switzerland to Luxembourg, between 1929 and 1936. In World War II, although the defenses held, the Germans outflanked them, going through Belgium to conquer France
Operation Barbarosa
this was the biggest invasion in history; it was based on a massive attack on Russia based on blitzkrieg. The Germans didn't even make it halfway but they had already killed/captured 3 million Russian soldiers
Russian leader who was not nice; he was hated by many Russians but they all hated Hitler more
the German Special Army (Nazi Army); their job was to rid Russia of undesirables, which was pretty much everyone in Russia. They ran the death camps during the Holocaust
The Battle of Normandy
this was the defeat of the Nazis in the Cold War; it didn't affect the end of WWII.
The Manhattan Project
this was a research and development program, led by the United States that produced the first atomic bomb; it was also the search for nuclear weapons
monolithic (essay 2)
the way communism was viewed; it meant that all communists in the world worked on the same team to overthrow the US
1) containment
2) Truman Doctrine
(essay 2)
ways of dealing with the communists:

1) ___________: this idea, started in 1946, was to give dictators nothing and to stop them from spreading communism

2) ____________- President Truman's policy of providing economic and military aid to any country threatened by communism or totalitarian ideology; it said that the US would defend any non-communist country; this led to the US becoming "defenders of the world"
Domino Theory
(essay 2)
this idea would come into play if containment failed; it said that if France lost control of Vietnam and Vietnam becomes communist, all other countries around Vietnam will be impacted by it and also fall over and become communist. It was a theory that if one nation comes under Communist control, then neighboring nations will also come under Communist control.
General Douglas MacArthur
(essay 2)
After N. Korea invaded S. Korea, the US was caught by surprise. This person led the US in fighting the N. Koreans to stop them from invading S. Korea; he realized he was starting WWIII by invading N. Korea. He knew that it would have to be a limited war
1) Eisenhower (Ike)
2) massive retaliation
(essay 2)
one of the US presidents during WWII; he came up with a new strategy called 2) ___________ which said: if communists do anything provocative in the world, the US would nuke Moscow until there's nothing left. The problem with this strategy: it'd never get used and no one would ever support it
1) sputnik
2) ICBM- intercontinental ballistic missile (essay 2)
first satellite; launched by the Soviets. This scared the US b/c they knew if the Soviets launched this, they could also launch an 2) ______________________, which could wipe out the US in 20 minutes
1) JFK
2) Cuban Missile Crisis
(essay 2)
1) ____________ was the president whose nemesis in Russia was Kruschev. When the Cold War turned hot, they were against each other. Kruschev wanted to test this young and weak president; he tested him at Cuba by putting Soviet missiles there. this was known as the 2) ________________. The president's choices were to invade or do nothing.
Ho Chi Minh
He was the president of N. Vietnam and a communist and nationalist; he deployed his forces in the guerrilla struggle that became the Vietnam War
1) McNamara
2) graduated escalation
(essay 2)
1) ___________ was JFK's secretary of defense that told Kennedy to invade Cuba and blow up the bombs there; Kennedy said no to this.
His second option was to use 2) ____________: this involved putting up a blockade in Cuba instead of a full-fledged invasion. This rational decision led the cold war to never getting hot.
Ballad of the Green Berets by Sgt. Barry Sadler: 1965
this was a popular song during the Vietnam war; it was about fighting and death
"I feel like I'm fixin' to die" by Country Joe and the Fish: 1968
this was a popular song during the Vietnam war; it was the #1 Vietnam war anti-protest song
the draft
a way to get people in the war; it was controversial because it directly involved people that were results of the baby boom; they were spoiled people. this way of getting them involved threatened to kill them, so it was controversial. ways of getting out of it: go to canada, conscientious objection, go to college, being an only son, etc
General Westmoreland
American military general who came up with a plan to find and destroy the bad guys called search and destroy; his idea was if you killed enough of them, the other side would quit. The war was basically our weakness vs. their strength
Battle of the Ia Drang: 1965
first big battle against Vietnam; the US thought they found some bad guys so they landed a helicopter unit to go fight them; the US could only land 18 men at a time and the enemy had 4,000. Three day long battle of 400 Americans vs. 6,000 Vietnamese. We lost 200 guys; they lost 2,000. Both sides thought they'd won
body count
this was an important thing that happened in the Battle of the Ia Drang; it was about killing bad guys and counting the dead bodies
1) Napalm
2) Agent orange
Millions of people were protesting to end the war because of controversies such as: 1)_____________- gasoline bomb used to kill people and 2) ____________- plant killer used to wipe out forests because the enemy liked to hide there; they dropped it in S. Vietnam where our allies were. It caused high cancer rates and birth defects among Vietnamese people
tet offensive
This was a series of surprise attacks by North Vietnamese forces, on scores of cities and towns throughout South Vietnam. It was considered to be a turning point in the Vietnam War. The US defeated their military
Walter Concrite
CBS news reporter that all the Americans listened to; he said that the US lost the war
Clark Clifford
a lawyer that studied the Vietnam war; Pres. Johnson asked him what to do. He looked into it and discovers we hadn't made any progress and tells Johnson we lost; Johnson didnt run for presdient again
one of the big tragedies of the war; it was the act of a soldier killing their officer or sergeant. In 1970, there were 209 cases of this. 60% of soldiers were also using marijuana
1) all-volunteer army
2) professional army
We learned from vietnam that the we couldn't draft an army into war anymore; in 1973 America shifted to the 1) ________________ which is made up of soldiers who volunteer. Today we have a 2) ______________; the soldiers are in the army for their career
total force policy

In 1970, the military enforced the __________, which meant you can't go to war without the National Guard. It made the NG part of the active military
1) force multiplier
2) see deep
3) strike deep

The US wanted their next war to be a technological war; the military was looking for a 1) _____________: a way to make our little army stronger than a big army. They made this happen through using computer microchips.

They used the technology two ways: 2)____________, which used radar and satellite technology to know where they enemy was and 3)______________, which destroyed the enemy where ever they were using cruise missiles without ever having to touch them
Jim Crow
after the slaves were freed, they were under this system; it included laws that legally separated the races
Plessy v. Ferguson
law said that schools were separate but equal and this was constitutional
Brown v. Board of Education: 1954
passed by Supreme court Justice Earl Warren; it said that African Americans weren't getting equal education and separate but equal schools were unconstitutional.
massive retaliation
President Eisenhower didn't want to enforce Brown v. Board of Education b/c he said this would happen; this meant that large groups of people were going to rise up against it and retaliate
Montgomery Bus Boycott
In 1955, leaders of the black community in Montgomery, Alabama, organized a boycott of the city's buses to protest the racial policy of requiring blacks to ride in the back of the bus after Rosa Parks was arrested for not giving up her seat to a white man. A young preacher named Martin Luther King, Jr., emerged as the leader of the boycott.
Black panthers
a black gropu whose Prominent leader was Stokely Carmichael; said he wasn't going to beg for what is rightfully his; he said the blacks were going to arm, protect, and run themselves. In 1968 there were several run-ins with the Black Panthers and the police. They fought it out with the police for a couple of years; this was a violent portion of the civil rights movement.
Nations of Islam
group made up of black Muslims that didn't want segregation. Their point was that the African culture was superior. The most prominent figure in this group was Malcolm X. The black Muslims believed that white people were invented by scientists to screw up the black world. The African culture believed they were superior but smaller; they wanted their own black state and black businesses. Malcolm was assassinated in 1963; he was very much a separatist in his early life.
redistribution of wealth-
Pres. Lyndon Johnson comes up with this; he wanted to distribute money to African Americans. The American people didn't like this, especially since the expensive war was going on.
Voting Rights Act (essay 3)
Voting Rights Bill is presented to congress; it then becomes the _______________; does away with literacy tests and things required for African Americans to vote
The Selma Marches (essay 3)
took place in Selma, Alabama in 1964- pop. was about 70% black; only 1% of voters were black. local blacks walked to Montgomery to register to vote; they were met by police and state troopers who beat them and broke up the march. This was broadcast on TV, so people saw it and came to help the people in the march. They had NG escorts provided by the president. Soon after the Voting Rights Act was passed
Civil Rights Act (essay 3)
passed by President Johnson in 1964 after the assassination of JFK; it made segregation illegal in all public spaces
The March on Washington (essay 3)
August 1963: MLK's "I have a Dream" speech happened here. In the wake of it, JFK puts before Congress the Civil Rights Bill which eventually becomes the civil rights act
Ku Klux Klan- (essay 3)
racist group that was most notable in Alabama and Mississippi; in Alabama, they go to MLK's church in Birmingham and bomb it. They killed 4 girls, ages 11-14. This made the whites look violent and made them be viewed as the problem starters. There were over 30 bombings in 1963 in Birmingham alone.
George Wallace (essay 3)
Alabama Governor in 1963 who stood for segregation while MLK stood for non-violent protest
Bull Connor (essay 3)
He was the Police Chief in Birmingham and was ordered by George Wallace to go to King's protests and sit-ins.
non-violent protest (essay 3)
the kind of protest Martin Luther King, Jr. stood for; it meant asking for your rights without violence. Gandhi had previously paved the way in India for this type of protest; MLK knew about Gandhi and kept up with him so he was well-educated.
Vernon Dahmer (essay 3)
local Hattiesburg doctor and NAACP leader; he caused turmoil by trying to get blacks registered to vote. He was very respected among whites and blacks. The Klan goes to his house one night and bombs it; he shot at the Klan while his family escaped from the burning house; they lived but he died from smoke inhalation.
Medgar Evars (essay 3)
leader of the MS Chapter of the NAACP; assassinated in MS by Klan member.
Clyde Kennard (essay 3)
first African American that tried to enroll at USM; he was a Korean War veteran and had a degree from University of Chicago. He tried to enroll at USM three times and was turned down. He was pulled over and had beer and chicken feed in his car; he was arrested for drunk driving and sent to Parchman for 7 years. He died shortly after his release from prison.
James Meredith (essay 3)
In 1962, this african american tries to go to school at Ole Miss; the governor, Ross Barnett, told him he couldn't. President Kennedy tells Barnett to let Meredith go to school there; NG troops come to Oxford to deal with the anti-integration protesters. This was the beginning of integration at Ole Miss
Greensboro, NC 1960 at North Carolina A&T (essay 3)
Historically Black College where
Students were studying for finals and tried to get coffee at a cafe called Woolworth's; it was segregated and there weren't enough seats for the white when they came in and wanted a seat. The black students occupied every seat in the coffee shop; this was the first sit-in. They stayed there for days. After a week, Woolworth's integrated. All across the south, this was replicated.
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