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Who am I?
Who am I in European History.
12th Grade

Additional History Flashcards





For this assignment I would like you to come up with 5 people critical to the story on European History (1500-2000)


On the front side of the card provide decriptors like "religious leader", "born in", "I had an impact on..." Each person should have at least 3-4 sentences to describe the person.


On the reverse side...give us the name.  "Martin Luther" for example. 

Good to go---now have at it!

2 points per need to do 5...= 10 points.
Due 5/3. Make sure you intial your cards.

And pick people you need to review. Not the ones you know.
I was the leader of the Liberal Party in Britain and Prime Minister 4 times in the 19th Century (1868 being the first run).  I was deeply religious and opposed  imperialism despite my nation's obsession with it.  I was often highly critical of Disreali's policies.  Some used to get me confused with a man by the name of " Billy Unhappy-Pebble"!
I am...

William Gladstone!

I am the famous Renaissance political philospher who wrote The Prince.  I advocated the idea of being realistic in politics and understanding people's non-ideal natures. The idea of using deceit and whatever means necessary is associated with me and is a result of the historical context of my experience with the political realities of Italy.  Who am I?

by Chris Pillion

I am Machiavelli.

I was an infuential religious leader during the Protestant Reformation.  I stressed the idea of predestination, denied the supremacy of the Pope, and stressed knowing the Scriptures.  I am also strongly associated with the Protestant Work Ethic and the spirit of capitalism that arose from my theology.  Who am I?

by Chris Pillion

I am John Calvin.

I am a French political philosopher who is most known for the idea of the separation of powers among goverment.  This strongly influenced the United States in forming its Constitution.

Who am I?

by Chris Pillion

I am Montesquieu.

I am a saint of the Catholic Church and founder of the Jesuit Order during the Catholic Reformation.  I wrote the Spirtual Exercises and required Jesuits to be well-educated, good at rhetoric, and ready to confront the Protestants in doctrinal disputes.  I helped renew Catholicism and my order is still active to this day.

Who am I?

by Chris Pillion

I am St. Ignatius of Loyola.

I am a famous French philosopher who wrote Emile.  My ideas include a social contract theory of goverment and the need to see children as separate from adults and allow them time to play outside and exprience nature and live out their childhood.  I am a proto-Romantic.  Who am I?

by Chris Pillion

I am Rosseau.
Who am I? I was the leader of the red shirts in Italia. I don't mean to brag, but I was the most important military leader who unified my country, for I brought the kingom of Sicily. I should not be confused with Gary-has-no-hair-lefty. (AI)
I am Guiseppe Garibaldi
I am the queen of Castile and my husband is the king of Aragon. I hate Muslims and have expelled them from my country the same year I gave Columbus my ships. I am a devout Catholic. I was monumental in the Reconquest of Spain and even rode to battle with my troops. (AI)
I am Isabella of Castile (AI)
I was the editor of Avanti, an Italian newspaper. I then became the leader (Il Duce) of the facist movement in Italy. I had an unpopular loss in Ethiopia the country I tried to colonize. I gained power and was an axis power in World War II. (AI)
I am Benito Mussolini
I exert "kavorka" (Latvian constuct). I use chains of garlic and bathe in a tub of vinegar to reduce my impacts.
I began the Reformation in Switzerland. I abolished relics and images, including paintings and all decoration, from the church. Music was also eliminated. Monasticism, clerical celibacy, pilgrimages, and papal authority were all abolished. I believed that the Communion words "This is my body, This is my blood" are figurative. This disagreement with Luther was the end of the Marburg Colloquy goal to form an alliance.
I am Ulrich Zwingli.
When I came to power in the Soviet Union, the Cold War came to a close because of my "New Thinking" which opened the door to a series of changes. I initiated a plan for arms limitation and introduced glasnost and perestroika.
I am Mikhail Gorbachev.
I was a famous proponent of the "Theater of the Absurd." I wrote Waiting for Godot in which the action on stage is clearly not realistic. It made the audience ask "What is happening now?".
I am Samuel Beckett.
I am a famous existentialist. I believed in the absence of God and that there is no preordained destiny. People are totally alone with no future of hope, and the world is absurd and without meaning.
I am Albert Camus.
I am the author of The Book of the Courtier, a handbook for European aristocrats. In the book, I specified three major guidelines that stressed the importance of impeccable character and noble birth, physical and military exercise, and following a standard of conduct.
I am Castiglione.
Excelling in painting, architecture, drafting, engineering, and many other fields of science such as meteorology, geology, and hydraulics this man was a true "Renaissance man" in the late 15th and early 16th century. Most popular for his paintings of "The Last Supper" and "Mona Lisa" which earned him fame around the world even today. Surprisingly he was greatly interested in anatomy of the human body and the moon's effects on the tides, which are visable in his writings and drawings only discovered after his death.
by Molly Gilroy
Leonardo da Vinci
Born in Vienna in 1755 to Holy Roman Emperor Francis I and Maria Theresa of Austria. In an attempt to form an alliance between France and the Austrian Habsburg she was married to Louis. Even after the marriage she was never accepted by the French people because she was seen as a foreigner. Famously she once said, "Let them eat cake", in regards to poor conditions in France. On October 16th, 1793 she was guillotined for treason.
by Molly Gilroy
Marie Antoinette
Born in Birmingham, England he became mayor and then Prime Minister by 1937. Famously he adopted a policy of appeasement towards Hitler in order to avoid British involvement in the WWII. But in 1938, when he returned to the Munich Conference, after signing the Munich Pact, he surprisingly led his nation into war against Germany.
by Molly Gilroy
Neville Chamberlain
Winning a seat in Parliament in 1983 and then elected Labour Party Leader, he placed a new importance around free enterprise in Great Britain. In 1997, he became Prime Minister of Great Britain, and has most recently supported the U.S. post September 11 in the fight against terrorism. In June 2007 he resigned as Prime minister.
by Molly Gilroy
Tony Blair
He became chancellor in 1933, beginning his dictatorship in Germany and popularizing the Nazi party. He worked to create more space for the Germans by eliminating those that he saw as "subhuman" races, such as the Jews and Slavs. After many military mistakes, realizing WWII was lost for Germany he killed himself.
by Molly Gilroy
Adolf Hitler
I was born in Holland but wandered through much of Europe. I am considered a major figure for being the father of Christian humanism and called through my understanding I called my religion "the philosophy of Christ". I stress inner piety over dogma and I helped prepare Europe for the onset of the Reformation.(AC)
Desiredus Erasmus (1466-1536)
I am the son of a London lawyer and placed great emphasis on the value of education throughout my life. I became a proponent of humanism and my great education allowed my to serve King Henry VIII. While I favored the idea of their being changes within the Catholic church, I did not support the breaking up of Christendom. Because of my determination to stick to my beliefs, King Henry VIII executed me when I argued against the English Reformation and opposed his using such a break for his own personal motivations. Who am I? (AC)
Thomas Moore (1478-1535)
I am perhaps best known for my how I struggled to unite Germany, although I eventually failed at the task. Wars such as the Habsburg-Valois war against France over territories in the Netherlands, the Rhineland, northern Spain, and Italy. I was concerned over the fact that the Habsburg empire circled my empire with territorial possessions. Wars against encroaching Turks and two additional Habsburg-Valois Wars prevented resulted in my inability to defeat the Schmalkaldic League. This result played a large role in allowing Martin Luther's Reformation to be successful. (AC)

Charles V of the Holy Roman Empire


During my reign Spain was a prospering country; however, my attempts to make Spain a great power resulted in its disastrous weakening after my death. As I ruled the cost of gold experienced major inflation due to the amounts flowing in from the new world. When I attempted to build up Spain as a dominant power i had to borrow lots of money as the imports failed to cover the expenses and Spain built up enormous debt. I also used the Spanish Inquisition to strengthen Catholicism and consolidate my power. It also happens that I inherited my power from Charles V and I attempted to conquer England with a massive armada. Who am I? (AC)

Phillip II of Spain


Due to the fact that Louis XIII was just a boy when he was crowned, I had the true power in ruling France. I was Louis XIII chief minister and I fought to strengthen the monarchy. I limited the Huguenots political and military rights while strengthening their religious rights in order to make them more peaceful subjects. I was very careful in managing the nobles so as to prevent their insurrection and I also employed my spies to uncover conspiracies. Who am I? (AC)

Cardinal Richelieu of France

(chief minster from 1624 to death at 1642)

I was a Soviet leader during the Cold War. I attempted to remove Western occupation of Berlin by threatening to open up Berlin to all of East Germany. I wanted to de-stalinize the Soviet Union by allowing greater intellectual freedom and reducing the powers of the secret police. I was behind the Cuban missile crisis, which would have placed nuclear weaponry very close to the United States. SM
Nikita Khrushchev
I was a well known American diplomat with much knowledge of Soviet affairs. I wrote an article entitled Foreign Affairs during the post World War II period. My big idea was counter-force in response to Soviet moves and offenses. My ideas were greatly considered by the United States government and by President Harry Truman. SM
George Kennan
I was an important leader of the Bolshevik party in Russia. I was a former Menshevik turned revolutionary. Closely cooperated with Lenin to overthrow Provisional government of Russia. I was assassinated in Mexico by Lenin for complete control of Bolsheviks. SM
Leon Trotsky
I am the sucessor to Neville Chamberlain in the line of British Prime Ministers. I was known to be a heavy drinker , cigar smoker and enjoyed my women company. I was responsible for leading Britian out of the brutal Battle for london and was one of the Chief Architechts of the Allied victory.... Who Am I? Gover
Winston Churchill
I was the French leader of the Resistance during World War 2. After World War 2 I became president and served for close to 20 years as head of France. I was responsible for bring France to the World Stage by making innovations such as nuclear weaponry. Who Am I? Gover
Charles De Gaulle
I Was Prime Minister of Great Britain during the Reagan Administration. I was responsible for the victory over Argentina in the war of the Falkland Islands. I was known for my conservative innovations and am also a woman... Who Am I? Gover
Margaret Thatcher
I was a British economist in-between the wars. My published work was General Theory of Employment, Interest, and Money. My idea was that unemployment stemmed from a decline in demand and not from overproduction. This could be solved by public works projects. The British government did not want to intervene this much in the economy so they ignored me. SM
John Maynard Keynes
I was president of Serbia and Yugoslavia during the worst ethnic cleansing since Hitler. Some Say I was responsible for this. I resigned the presidency during the year 2000 and was arrested shortly thereafter.... Who Am I Gover
Slobodan Milosevic
I am the only British prime minister of Jewish Heritage. I created the modern British political party of Conservatives. I also wrote books including Sybil and Vivian Gray. I served as prime minister for two terms. Who am I? gover
Benjamin Disraeli
I am a French scholar who was the primary editor of the Encyclopedia, a massive thirty-five-volume compilation of human knowledge in the arts and sciences. The Encyclopedia I wrote became a symbol of the Enlightenment and helped spread the movement throughout Europe. (Vucic)
Denis Diderot
I am a famous French philosopher and scientist who revolutionized algebra and geometry. I am quoted with saying the famous philosophical statement “I think, therefore I am.” I also developed a deductive approach to philosophy using math and logic that is still used as a standard for problem solving. (Vucic)
René Descartes
I am a German philosopher who theorized that all humans are born with innate “experiences” that then reflect onto the world, giving them a perspective. My philosophies denounced reason as an invalid approach to thought. (Vucic)
Immanuel Kant
I am an English scholar and mathematician regarded as the father of physical science. My discoveries gave way to the Scientific Revolution and set the stage for everything that followed in mathematics and physics. (Vucic)
Sir Isaac Newton
I am a Scottish economist who objected to the mercantilist systems that were in place during the late eighteenth century. I wrote the Wealth of Nations in 1776 which was a dissertation criticizing mercantilism and promoted the free trade system. (Vucic)
Adam Smith
I was the first monarch of the bourbon branch in France.I changed my religion from Calvinism to Catholic in 1589 befor being coronated as king. I enacted the Edict of Nantes in 1598 which granted religios liberty to protestants. LA
I am Henry IV ( Henry of Navarre)
I was the first General Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union's Central Committee from 1922 until 1953. During the 1930's I launched the Great Purge (The Great Terror,a campaign to purge the Communist Party of people accused of sabotage, terrorism, or treachery. I entered into a non-aggression pact with Nazi Germany but later broke off and joined the Allied forces when Germany violated the pact. LA
Joseph Stalin
I was a was a Russian revolutionary and communist politician who led the October Revolution of 1917.As leader of the Bolsheviks I headed the soviet state in it's early years as it fought to establish control of Russia in the Russian Civil War and worked to create a socialist economic system.
Vladimir Lenin
I was was the eldest daughter of Henry VIII and only surviving child of Catherine of Aragon. I am remembered for restoring England to Roman Catholicism after succeeding my half brother, Edward VI, to the English throne. I am nickname "Bloody Mary" LA
Mary I of England
I was the fifth and last monarch of the Tudor dynasty. One of my first moves as queen was to support the establishment of an English Protestant church. I was a more moderate ruler than my father and sister. Under my rule, England defeated the Spanish armada in 1588. LA
Queen Elizabeth I
I am a Czech playwright, essayist, dissident and politician. I was the tenth and last President of Czechoslovakia (1989–92) and the first President of the Czech Republic (1993–2003). In my life I have written over twenty plays and numerous non-fiction works that were translated internationally. In the 1989 "Velvet Revolution" I led Czechoslovakia and later the Czech Republic to multi-party democracy. My thirteen years in office saw radical change in my nation, including its split with Slovakia, which I opposed.

By Christian Ruhl

I am...


Vaclav Havel

I was the first President of the Russian Federation, serving from 1991 to 1999, who came into power with a wave of high expectations. Following the dissolution of the Soviet Union in December 1991 I vowed to to transform Russia's socialist command economy into a free market economy, endorsing price liberalization and privatization programs. Some reforms I enacted include perestroika. and glastnost. Just hours before the first day of 2000, I made a surprise announcement of his resignation, leaving my presidency in the hands of Vladimir Putin.

by Christian Ruhl

I am...


Boris Yeltsin

I am a Polish politician, trade-union organizer, and human-rights activist. People describe me as a charismatic leader, and I co-founded Solidarity (Solidarność), which was the Soviet bloc's first independent trade union. I also served as the President of Poland between 1990 and 1995, where I presided over Poland's transformation from a communist to a post-communist state.

By Christian Ruhl

I am...


Lech Walesa

I was a Vietnamese Communist revolutionary and statesman who served as prime minister (1946–1955) and president (1945–1969) of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam (North Vietnam). I led the Viet Minh independence movement from 1941 onward that ultimately established the communist-governed Democratic Republic of Vietnam in 1945 and defeated the French Union in 1954. I lost political power inside North Vietnam in the late 1950s, but remained as the highly visible figurehead president until my death.

By Christian Ruhl

I am...


Ho Chi Minh

I am a British Labour politician who served as the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom from 1945 to 1951, and as the Leader of the Labour Party from 1935 to 1955. I was also the first person to hold the office of Deputy Prime Minister, under Winston Churchill in the wartime coalition government, before leading the Labour Party to a landslide election victory over Churchill's Conservative Party in 1945. I was also the first Labour Prime Minister to serve a full Parliamentary term, and the first to have a majority in Parliament. I supported a government that put in place the post-war settlement, based upon the assumption that full employment would be maintained by Keynesian policies, and that a greatly enlarged system of social services would be created (included the creation of the National Health Service).

by Christian Ruhl

I am...


Clement Atlee

In the 18th Century, I discovered the efficiency of the hoe- which allowed air and moisture for plants- increasing their growth. In addition, I found drills useful for planting seeds, which yielded a larger harvest of crops. You might knonw me better as the name of a 1970s rock band with frontman and flautist Ian Anderson. Who am I? (NL)
Jethro Tull
I was the second Tudor monarch of England, but am better known for my six wives. I split from the Roman Catholic Church and established the Anglican Church, because the pope would not grant me the liscense to annul my marriage to Catherine of Aragon. It was not until the reigning of my heirs that the English Reformation which I had begun gathered support. Who am I? (NL)
Henry VIII
33rd president of the United States, post WWII. It was his decision to use nuclear weapons on Japan. President through events such as the Marshall Plan, the beginning of the Cold War and the Korean War. (WGC)
President Harry Truman
As Prime Minister of Prussia, I unified Germany and was the primary designer of the German Empire which soon followed. As the first Chancellor, my policies of realpolitik smarted with many European nations, mainly France; whose humiliation, territory, and monies we won in the Franco-Prussian War. Being the mastermind I was however, I vehemently argued against the annexation of Alsace and Lorraine- as I did not wish for Francec to become a permanent enemy of the Empire. Who am I? (NL)
Otto von Bismarck
Although excluded from admittance to the Royal Society, she was a prominent British aristocratic scientist of her age. She wrote Observations upon Experimental Philosophy ad Grounds of Natural Philosophy, and coresponded with many other prominent figures of the time on scientific issues.

Margaret Cavendish
He was the first president of South Vietnam, assassinated in a military coup. (WGC)
Ngo Dinh Diem
This philosopher wrote Essay Concerning Human Understanding, in which he discussed his theory of tabula rasa, and also Two Treatises of Government, where he discussed our 'inalienable rights' and the mutual agreement that must exist between government and its people. His ideas helped pave the way for the Enlightenment.

John Locke
Chinese revolutionary and communist leader who established and led the PRC (Peoples Republic of China) from 1949 - 1976. Maoism is the political ideology associated with him, which is a variant of Marxism. (WGC)
Mao Zedong
A strong believer in Deism, I felt that God was simply the maker of the clock that is Earth and watched it tick. I was one of the many French philosophers who had a lot to say about contemporary society. In my work Candide, I showed the foibles of a lavish young man traveling the world, and how it can more often than not be a rather cruel place. I will admit, I was a bit of an Anglophile, as they had things going so well over there with all those religious freedoms which I felt France could've used. Who am I? (NL)
She wrote The Second Sex, in which she described women's second class status imposed on them by men. She was active in the Paris women's movements of the 1970's, and was romantically involved with philosopher Sartre.

Simone de Beauvoir
As the 40th POTUS, I called the USSR an 'evil empire' and set up a missile defense system aptly named 'Star Wars'. In addition, I put our country back several million in deficit spending as to make sure we were well ahead of the Soviets in the arms race. Who am I? (NL)
Ronald Reagan
He was the second president of Egypt and led the coup that toppled King Farouk. He is widely known and considered as the most important figure in Arab History and third world politics. (WGC)
Gamal Abdel Nasser
He was a widely acclaimed German Jesuit and theologian in the 20th Century and is considered one of the most influential Roman Catholic theologians. He wrote such works as Foundations of Christian Faith. (WGC)
Karl Rahner
This Swedish king led his protestant country against catholic France and the HRE during the Swedish and Franco-Swedish phases of the Thirty-Years War. His military might made Sweden a major Baltic power.

Gustavus Adolphus
I won the royal favor of Henry VIII in 1529. I was the one to suggest that King Henry should not wait for an annulment but rather question the legality of the Marriage... Who am I?
I am Thomas Cranmer
I was the host at the congress of Vienna. I am an Austrian prince. I am for the establishment of monarchies and I restore power to the ruling classes after Napoleon made havoc over Europe. (AI)
I am Prince Klemens von Metternich!
I am a supporter of the Girondists and hated Marat for his role in the Reign of terror. I also Killed him... who am I?
I am Charlotte Corday
I was elected president of the Jacobins in 1790 and I opposed the monarch, along iwth the Girondists. I was elected to the National Convention in 1792, where I argued for the execution of Louis XVI. I then rid the National Convention of the Girondists and then joined the Committee of Public Saftey and then initiated the Reign of Terror. Throughout my reign of terror I eliminted many "enemies of the revolution" (alot...). Then I was guillotined in 1794 because of members of the National Convention's fear of their own safety.
I am Maximilien Robespierre
I was an active in politics, I was the national chairman of the Christian Democratic Union and became chancellor of West Germany, after germanys collapse i strongly advocated for German Reunification... Who am I?
I am Helmut Kohl
I was a jornalist who left Germany due to Nazi opposition. Upon my return to West Germany after WWII I was elected to legislature. I later served as mayor of West Berlin, then afterward I served as Chancellor of West Germany. In 1971, I won the Nobel Peace Prize for my efforts to ease the East-West tensions with my policy of Ostpolitik , within this policy West Germany signed treaties of nonagression with Poland and the Soviet Union. BEE
I am Willy Brandt
I am an Italian humanist author. I am most known for my work of "The Decameron"... Who am I?
I am Giovanni Boccaccio
I am a French Writer who wrote essays-I introduced them as a true literary form. I wrote "His Essays"... who am I?
I am Michel Montaigne
I am the King of the Painters. I helped foun the Ars Nova (new art style)of paiting in 15th Century northern Europe, now associated with the Northern Renaissance. My type of art followed the form devevloped in the Italian Renaissance. My art is known for its bright and vivid colors, detail, and 3D appearance. My most recognizable work is the portrait of Giovanni Arnolfini and his Bride. BEE
I am Jan van Eyck
I am among the greatest Italian Renaissance painters. I created The School of Athens . This paiting epitomized the ideals embodied by Renaissance art, along with the Renaissance itself. My use of proportion, perspective, and realistic detail portrays Aristotle and Plato. My choice of characters within the paiting also epitomizes the Renaissance. BEE
I am Raphael
I am am important influential Italian painter in the 14th century. I portreys humans in a more natural and real form, such as "The Ognissanti Madonna" Which was way ahead of my time... Who am I?
I am Giotto.
I am the absolutist king of France. Refered to as the sun king. I believed in divine right. I created the palace at Versailles which I threw parties to keep the nobles happy and to spy on their affairs. I also created a massive deficit which my successors had trouble with, and lost popular opinon. This ultimately lead to the demise of the monarchy in France. (AI)
I am Louis XIV.
I studied under Ghiberti and was friends with Brunelleschi. I was one of the most prominent and inflential sculptors of the Renaissance. My most famous work is David. It was the first nude statue of the Renaissance, and I am often remembered for this. I based most of my figures on the works of the ancient Romans. BEE
I am Donatello
This Russian artist born in 1866 pioneered expressionism and abstract art through his use of bright color and motion. Responding to the chaos and political turmoil after WWI, he began creating art that mimicked a seemingly nonsensical world, almost familiar shapes flowing in unrecognizable forms.

Wassily Kandinsky
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