Shared Flashcard Set


Week 6
1st Grade

Additional History Flashcards




Manifest destiny 1840
idea American is destined by god to spread all the way to across the continent to the Atlantic ocean and specific ocean , God giving destiny . Keep expanding. The idea US is more, cross specific ocean. Destined to be equal to the power of Europe.
Linkon’s Secretary of state
his name is William Seward: There are two purchase mid-way Island ( 1st purchase) , 2nd is in Alaska . Big joke Seward bought a huge way land, 2.2 million for the waste land, turn out to be a huge bargain .There are mine rich. Place territory. Seward first person made the territory expanding.
Frederick Jakson Turner
Write about the frontier , “made the American who they are” . “WE always have a place to go, to let us access to our energy, we always enable enable to go west.” Expand beyond the continent .
The idea of expansions
-        Spreading Christianity
Alfred Thayer Mahan
Mahan too this thesis and apply to the US . Said “ The US need a strong navy “ . The idea of navy is “If we have strong navy and get more foreign market, next time we have expression , we will able to sell he trade and we will be out of expression” . . A program has been lunched to help the navy
Queen Liliuokalani
she the strong nationalist, one she has the power begin the new policy , enrich the people of Hawaii oppose to foreign planter . This American starts to angry because of the sugar plantation. In 1893, there is a rebellion to take over the queen. The Queen is over thorn. William Harrison supports the planter Hawaii, he said “we will use the military might power to support them “. Then the planters takes control of the island and wanted to become part of USA. => Now Harrison no longer the president, now Keyline does the idea of USA taking over the sovereign nation. SO they announce themselves as independent republic.
=> Spear of Influent in China
each wrap part of china and control the purchase . British control of a part . IN Us is late to the game so they are not able to make it own Spear of Influent. Make some suggestion what should happen. It turn to Two letter called . IT make to European . Open door policy “ free Trade in China “
Open door note
. The first open door “ let keep the china open for free trade in china to come in “ the United is asking for fair chase coming out from china=> the US asking for free trade coming from china . 2nd open door note , after Japanese made purchasing in China , “ ask the European power and Japanese power to respect the territory power and integrity of china , “ Let’s the China Alone “.” Let’s dominate China. The US is developing in explicate foreign of policy toward Europe and China. First of US taking aprt in Foreign policy .
In 1804 ,Roosevelt Corollary to Monroe Doctrine
The US claim interested in owning Hemisphere. Telling the Europ Stay out of western Hemisphere. This doctrine telling the European to stay out of Hemisphere , miner of our business. Roosevelt Corollary to Monroe Doctrine is mend to Put an addition to the Monroe Doctrine, he will now announced a police power, Hemisphere keep order, First time, first time has and assume the Police power). => International police power
Panama Canal.
Part of Columbia refuses to hand over the land for canal project. US sponsor revolution for independent. Us support new government in Panama give US full control over the Panama canal . Giving the US full control of the Panama canal . Not in stall new government run by US. Playing a direct role in Political life of other country .
Cuba Libre
Cube independent movement => free cuba
people are known. Name refers to people who are pro war. Jingo “let’s go, lets taking taking care over the situation” “ Lets help Cuba” . Should make Spain stop
William Meckini
Defeat the William Bryan . Win the 1986 election . Because he promise peace and prosperity.” I’m going to be a stabilities influent “. He doesn’t want the war . The candidate. he’s not a jingo and he negotiate with the Spain and want to treat the Spain better. He want to but interest from Us in Cuba Negotiate with Spanish government .There are American interest and Cuba and expect them to be protected . And Spanish make all the promises. But ON the ground, Spain army has no interest in doing it at all. NO connection in reality and the promises.
to USS maine
( The US battle ship): signal that the Us does have interest here , want to protect citizen in Cuba .
Feb 1898 Delome Letters
Intercepting communiation between from spanish minister and Washinton DC. Called Mikini weak and ineffective. Insulting the government. This letter is printed in New paper . They are not making any changes. Taking as a great insult.
Yellow Journlism
Very sensationalize Journal, rise the people emotion. The article that talk about explosion caused by Bomb or Torpedo .
Declaration of war. Teller amendment
“ we going to war and seek for independent” ask for admen mend for war . We will not annex and take Cuba. We here to make Cuba independent. Army receive 2000 volunteer . turn to 200 000 volunteers . First time solider from north and south fight side by side. Help the unify the country . The army is dis organized. When they get the Cuba, only 400 of 5000 die form injury, 400/5000 die in battle .. Other they die from yellow fever, disease, poor medical care. Not because of battle but the disorganized. The war last for 4 months .
Admiral George Dewey
“ We are going to kick them right in their territory . So he goes and shink the entire ship of Spanish .Navy, in Asia. Go Harvel in Philipin . Owned by spain. Hit them in territory . He sinks the whole Spanish Ship. Only one shale man die becasue He die because of the hearth attack ( only one ship man die).
Rough Riders
Are volunteers , led by Roosevelt, mixture of western cowboy and eastern , he brought these together and win the battle. The battle that has the men doesn’t follow him . He excited to go to battle , forgot to order for attack.
Emilio Aguinaldo
Leader of Philippian revolve . in June 1898, Declare the Philippian independent. Uneasy stand of from Us . => talk about discussion of annexation => Philipean is not advance in Civilization . It’s the war of Cuba but we end up getting Philippian. Spain negociate with the treay of Parish .
Treaty of Parish
Cuba is held by US temporary, then Spain agree to include the Philippian ( giving the Philippian to the USA ) .
Anti-Imperialist League
: including William Jennings Bryan , Samuel Gompers , William Graham Summer , Mark Twain( writer) , Andrew Carnegie( ofer 20 million dollars for phillipean ) , Jane Addam ( These guys oppose the American Imperialist because 3 reaons ) .
Three reasons for anti imperliasm
-        Economic (reason for war with Spain, investment in Cuba) => imperial age. United States wanted to be equal.
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