Shared Flashcard Set


We the People-Lesson 11
Questions related to U.S. Government
8th Grade

Additional History Flashcards




1. Why did the people in the newly independent states fear a strong national government?
The people feared a strong national government because they believed that the British government had deprived the people of their rights.  They thought the same thing might happen with any national government that was both powerful and far way from the people.
 2. What were the Articles of Confederation?  How did the Articles organize the national government to address the fears of the people and of the states?
The Articles of Confederation were the first constitution of the nation.  The Articles created our first national government.  The ARticles were organized to address the fears of the people and the states by creating only a legislative branch; they did not create an executive or judicial branch.  Congress had little power over the states and their citizens, and every action of Congress had to have the consent, approval, and cooperation of the states.  The problem of representation was resolved by giving each state one vote in Congress.  The concerns of the more populous states were addressed by providing that nine states must agree on all important matters.  This eliminated the possibility that the seven less populated states could outvote the six larger states.
 3. What parts of government were not included in the Articles of Confederation?
The Article of Confederation created only one branch of government, the legislature branch.  There we no executive or judicial branches under the Articles.
4. What did the national government achieve under the Articles of Confederation?
The national government under the Articles of Confederation successfully waged war against Great Britain, negotiated a treaty to end the American Revolution, provided that each state recognize the laws of the other states, and passed the Northwest Ordinance of 1787.
5. What were the weaknesses of the national government under the Articles?
The national government under the Articles of Confederation had many weaknesses.  Congress had no power to tax and therefore could not raise money.  Congress had no power over the state governments or their citizens.  Congress could not make the states live up to the trade agreements it had with other nations.  Congress did not have the power to regulate trade among the states.  Finally, Congress could not protect property rights.
 6. Why was Shays’ Rebellion an important event?
Shays’ Rebellion illustrated the lack of power of the new national government.  Because the national government was unable to put down the rebellion, people asked how the country could continue to exist if the government could not maintain law and order.  Shays’ Rebellion and the difficulties of governing under the Articles of Confederation ultimately led to the call for a new constitution.
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