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Vocab Chap 5
Words I need to know
10th Grade

Additional History Flashcards




Manitoba Act
Following the Red River Rebellion of 1869-1870, the Parliament of Canada enacted the Manitoba Act (33 Victoria, c. 3 – assented to on May 12, 1870). The Act embodied many of the demands that had been made by Louis Riel and the Métis at the time of the rebellion.  These demands had been written in a succession of Petition of Rights drafted by the Métis and their Provisional Government at the time of the rebellion.

As soon as the settlers arrived at their homestead, they needed a place to live. Some people slept in a tent, and kept their food, furniture, and clothing in the tent, until their house was built.

Their first homes were built of logs, lumber, or sod . On the prairies, there weren't many trees and lumber was expensive. Homes were small with one or two rooms. Later in the year, a stable was built for the farm animals.

Following the signing of Treaty 8, the arduous task of issuing  scrip - certificates which could be redeemed for cash or land - began. As in previous treaties in Manitoba and the southern territories, scrip was intended for the Métis people who were not included under the treaty agreements. But, since the Athabasca region contained a large number of people of mixed blood, determining which individuals had traces of European ancestry proved too difficult. Instead, it was decided that any aboriginal would be able to choose between accepting the terms of the treaty or taking scrip.
Quarter Section
A quarter section, is often shortened to quarter, is an area of one-fourth of a square mile, or 160 acres (2.5900 km²). It was a common size of a tract in homesteading in the United States and Canada.
Laws of St.Laurent
The Laws of St. Laurent were made because of the decreasing number of buffalo in 1873. This law made it so that bison could only be hunted once in a while. These laws protected the buffalo from harm as the laws were making it illegal to hunt the buffalo.In 1884-1885 the buffalo had almost been completely eliminated which caused great hardship in the winter for the Métis , because they could no longer make Pemmican. Pemmican was their main source of food in the winter. Because of their hunger, they broke the law and hunted Buffalo despite the possible consequences. Because of their actions, eventually the rule was abolished.
This was one of the first acts of rebellion described in the history of the Northwest Rebellion.
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