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US History
Final Exam Review
7th Grade

Additional History Flashcards




President's Legacy: 1
George Washington
"We are in a wilderness!"
“We are in a wilderness!” means that the country still needed to create a government and regulations to help change the “wilderness” into a nation. Needed to set up the structure for a democratic nation: court system, branches of government and their roles, congressional power, states’ rights and individual rights
Presidents' Legacy:
Washington 2
3 Precedents
1. People feared that the president would become king so he decided that people should call him, “Mr. President”
2. Created a cabinet of advisors
3. Proclaimed neutrality: United States would not take sides in the conflict between France and Britain.
4. Debt problem: how to pay off the debt from war when the country had no money; start national taxes, national bank?
5. Took the stand that when there is a rebellion (Whiskey Rebellion) the nat’l govt would use force if necessary to maintain social order-teach citizens to use better means to change got laws or policies.
6. Warned future presidents to stay away from foreign alliances
7. Announced that he would not seek a 3rd term; set precedent for 2 term presidency
8. Warned against political parties; said they would divide the nation
President's Legacy: 1
John Adams
3 Issues during presidency
1. Issues with France while they were at war with Britain-taking ships and selling them; also, Britain taking ships and using impressments—both ignoring Proclamation of Neutrality (or neutrality rights); tried to work out differences with France, but it did not work (XYZ Affair)
2. Federalists passed Alien and Sedition Acts – fears about mainly French immigrants – became tougher to emigrate to the U.S., you could be exported easily, can go to jail for criticizing the govt
3. Dem.-Republicans – became angry with the new laws against immigrants and limited freedom of speech for immigrants – wanted states to be allowed to nullify any federal (national) law/policy that they did not agree with or thought went against the Const. (doesn’t go through) – Adams does not get re-elected
President's Legacy
Adams 2
Terms: Neutrality, Aliens, States' Rights
Neutrality: not take sides in a conflict
Aliens: immigrants living in the country who were not citizens
States’ rights: limiting the federal government to those powers clearly assigned to it by the Constitution and reserving to the states all other powers not expressly forbidden to them.
President's Legacy
Adams 3
3 Reasons he does not seek re-election
1. French agreed to stop attacks on American ships; agreement was good for the US; but hurt Adams’ chance for re-election.
2. Hamilton and his supporters opposed their own president; Federalist split hurt their chances to beat the Democratic Republicans.
3. Did not want war with France; Instead appointed commission to seek peace with France
President's Legacy
Jefferson 1
What made Jefferson so different?
He dressed in everyday clothes, walked from boarding house to the Senate to be sworn in as president
President's Legacy:
Jefferson 2
What gave him the right to Louisiana Territory? 3 points
1. Jefferson confirmed that Spain and France had made a secret treaty transferring the Louisiana territory from Spain to France. Agreement posed a serious threat for the US.
2. Jefferson was alarmed by Napoleon’s plans to extend his empire to America. French control would jeopardize American trade on the Mississippi River.
3. The French were driven out of Santo Domingo and needed money so they wanted to sell the Louisiana Territory to the US.
President's Legacy:
Jefferson 3
Political Party, # President
Democratic Republican, 3rd president
President's Legacy
Adams 4
Political party, # president
Federalist, 2nd president;
President's Legacy
Washington 3
Political party; # president
NO political party; 1st president
President's Legacy: 1
James Madison
What would British/ Canadians say about War of 1812?
1. They would say that it was a war that should never have happened. President Madison declared war on Britain, but because communication back then was so slow, he didn’t know that the British had already decided to end their policy of search and seizure of American ships. Word of the breakthrough arrived too late; the war was already in motion.
President's Legacy
Madison 2
3 Issues during presidency that revolved around War of 1812
1. War hawks pushed Madison to go to war with the British.
2. Impressment of sailors: US ships and sailors were being seized and forced to work on British ships. Violated Freedom of the Seas.
3. US believes that British are allied with Tecumseh, supplying Native Americans with guns.
Presidents' issues
Washington & (Obama/Bush)
Discuss Debt/tax issues
Debt/tax issues – how to pay for cost of Rev. War and get the country out of debt;
- how to raise money for national govt without national taxes or low taxes
-threat of war and establishing neutrality rights with other countries-
-political party factions-country was splitting into 2 main groups – hard to remain non-partisan (not siding with a party) b/c he leaned to one side
Presidents' issues
Adams & (Obama/Bush)
Discuss threat of war
-Threat of War and keeping neutral rights with other countries-
-immigration issues-afraid of certain immigrants, like French; govt free to
export those they feel are not good Americans; free to jail those who
speak out against the govt
Presidents' issues
Madison & (Obama/Bush)
Discuss Terrorist actions
-Terrorist type actions of the Barbary pirates and leaders of some
countries like Tripoli who demanded tributes (protection money) and took
Am. sailors prisoner
-War of 1812-going against a country that is harming your citizens
(Impressment) and property (taking ships); paying for cost of war, etc.
Presidents' issues
Obama/Bush 2
Explain Debt/tax issues
-Debt and Tax issues: Ams. Disagree on what to do with the huge national debt; should the debt ceiling be raised or should we cut billions to trillions more?
Presidents' issues
Obama/Bush 1
Explain immigration issues
-Immigration issues: people disagree with what to do about illegal immigrants, especially from poor or Third World countries; Some Ams what to send immigrants back to home countries and limit the numbers even more.
Presidents' issues
Obama/Bush 3
Explain Terrorism
-Terrorism issues;
Bush: 911;
Obama: Libya, Afghanistan, Killing Osama Bin Laden
4 affects of the Industrial Revolution on the US economy
1. Change from home-based economy (or goods made in the home/on farms) to a factory system
2. Importance of capitalism and free enterprise;
3. Growth of industries and cities;
4. Inventions of machinery for mass-produced goods
Define Capitalism
the economic system where money is invested in a business, hoping that the business will make a profit (one is free to buy, sell, own property, and manage the business)
List the 3 factors that encourage people to invest in new industries
1. Low taxes
2. Few government regulations
3. Competition
President's Legacy: 4
John Adams
Why didn't Adams seek second term?
•President Adams did not seek a second term because: Adams was being pressured by the Federalists to step-up the war with France because they hoped to benefit politically from the patriotic feelings that the war would cause. Adams refused to rush to war, for his own political gain
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