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US History Test-2
Democratic Clubs-Northwest Ordinance
Undergraduate 1

Additional History Flashcards




Democratic Clubs
Madison's creation began to discuss the ideas of the French revolution. Use the anger over Jay's treaty to connect with the rank and file which diverted war with Britain. Sognificant because it was the first time a political party connected with the rank and file.
Hartford Convention
A meeting of New Englanders upset by the war of 1812. Some wanted sussesion but it was taken off the table by Harrison Gray Otis. They wanted to shift the balence of power away from the big states and had a list of demands. Unfortunetly the war ended so they looked like treasonists and this permanently destroys the Federalist party. Significant because it ends the Federalist party and sews the seeds of state sucession.
Louisiana Purchase
early 1800's. Jefferson sent deligates to Franch to obtain Lousiana for 10 million as it is a major trading center and Mississippi trade suffered due to french control. Napolean was in great dept and needed money so he sold them the entire Louisiana territory for 15mil. Significant because it double the US territory making Jefferson's idea of a agrarian democracy possible.
The Bill of Rights
Ratified in 1791. The constitution's ratification is slowed because many states do not believe it effectively protects rights. So a series of ammendments are created called the Bill of Rights. Significant because it takes revolutionary ideas and uses them to codify law.
Native American leader in the West. He thinks alliance are the only way to defeat the Americans and begins allying with local tribes. his brother is a prophet and says if the Indians go back to being "pure" and reject American goods they can return to power. Significant because he represents the Indian viewpoint.
The Montroe Doctrine
Europe is losing a foot hold in the new World due to heavy debt from European wars. The colonies of Spain are revolting and we support them. The Monroe Doctrine states that Europe has to stay out of the Western Hemisphere, it belongs to US. Sig. because it is the US asserting power.
The American System
Supported by Clay, Calhoun, and john Quincey. It was a more Democratic version of Hamilton's plan. Designed to unify country, creae protective tariffs, create internal improvments, and ressurect the national bank. Significant because it would create opportunity for a wide range of Americans.
South Carolina Exposition
South Carolina is largely a Cotton State and tariffs hurt the South's cotton market. They created a coahilition led by Calhoun and they threatened succession. Calhoun states that because states exsisted before national government they have the power to nullify.
"Old hickory"
Jackson's nick name. Campaigned as a person not his views. Wasn't aristocratic. Significant because it was the first campaign where the president was presented as "just like you"
Jay's Treaty
Made to keep America out of a war with england. Accepts the fact that we are below britain, Britain's idea of contraband, and gives Britain favored nation status. In exchange Britain will pay for destruction of ships and leave northwest.
Alien and Sedition Acts
Immigrants are joining political parties and it makes Adams nervous. To be a citizen you must live here 15 years.President has the power to deport aliens. You can be imprisioned for attacking president.
Thurlow Weed
NY politician who ran up against the regency. Uses anti-masonic movement as a way to get to them. Allies with Thadius stevens tones down the anti-mason movement. Hold first party convention. eventually allies with clay.
Order of the Cincinnati
Made up of members of Washington's army. Believed Washington should be president for life. Started to sound like an aristocracy so washington told them to calm down. Named after Cinncinatus the Roman leader.
Report on Public Credit
Hamilton’s report on how to tackle the debt. 4 parts. 1. Federal goverment will assure all debts payed off. 2. Federal government will take on state debts. 3. fund the debts of the state and individuals. (set aside a portion of income to pay for debts). 4. Create a Bank of the United States. part private part public.
Congress madison leads opposition. Madison does not like that the money will go to speculators. Money should be split between original holders and the speculators. Hamilton says it is an attack. More important to establish credit then tracing it back.
War Hawks
Madison pushed by democratic republic war hawks. Henry Clay is a war Hawk (new type of politition). Grows up in US and is a nationalist. Has slaves but dislikes it. Represents Blue Grass region.
The Regency
Democratic republican organization in New York state. Rank and file artisans and craftsman. Under threat by industrial revolution. Matin van Buren allies these craftsman with upstate small farmers. See themselves as the real Americans. Some are abolitionists. Alliance between New York and Tennessee. Bottom up movement. can’t agree on lots of issues.
Nicholas Biddle
Director of second bank of the US. Controlled inflation and regulated the economy. Established a respectable paper currency. Jackson still opposes him because he is a aristocrat. Biddle making loans to anti-Jackson politicians. Let jackson turn down the bank and then get the US behind Clay. Jackson still clobbers Clay. Jackson starts moving federal money out of US bank.
citizen G^enet
Diplomat received from New French government. Genet doesn’t realize Washingtons popularity and calls for actual support. Upsets washington and
embarrases Jefferson, forcing his resignation. Genet can’t return to France.
Agrarian Democracy
Jefferson dislikes cities. Space over time. The open frontier sets America apart. As long as America has space democracy is safe. He has to be expansive. If God has a chosen people it will be farmers. Superior because they interact with nature. A farmer improves himself by turning nature into wealth. New kind of social and political virtue.
Democratic Republicans
Created by Madison and Jefferson. organized from the top down from Madison’s caucus to the democratic clubs to the rank and file. Legitimate a mass group. Federalists claim this isn’t illegitimate. Democratic republicans argue that it is legitimate because it represents the people.
Orders in Council
British response. if your going to trade with continent you must go to British port.
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