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US History EXAM 3
Post Rev War - Pre Civil War
Undergraduate 2

Additional History Flashcards




Describe John Adams
-successful lawyer, orator and led independence movement
-man of intelligence but stubborn
-faced many obstacles upon becoming President
1. tough act to follow Washington
2. his VP led the opposition party
3. his cabinet was in Hamilton's camp but he could not replace them
Describe the XYZ Affair
-1797 French Navy began seizing American ships
-Adams tried to negotiate with French
-they were snubbed by French foreign minister
-3 French reps demanded 250k and a public apology
-the delegates returned home and there was a French backlash and war fever swept the country
Describe the Alien and Sedition Acts
-many immigrants from Ireland and France
-resulted from strong opposition to France

Alien Acts
1. forced immigrants to wait 14 years til they were citizens
2. gave President power to deport any individual

Sedition Act
1. declared that any criticism against the govt was illegal
2. aimed at Republican newspapers (25 people arrested)

*caused a major public backlash against Adams and Federalists
Describe the Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions
-drawn up by Madison and Jefferson
-declared Alien and Sedition acts unconstitutional
-Jefferson put forth theory of nullification
-states had right to determine if federal laws were constitutional
-states could declare laws null and void
Describe the Election of 1800
-Adams (Feds) and Jefferson (Reps)
-Republicans attacked Adams for Alien and Sedition Acts
-Hamilton's "High Federalist" faction attacked him for making peace with France
-Aaron Burr ran for president against Adams and Jefferson but agreed to give his votes to Jefferson
-Jefferson and Burr split 73 votes and Adams had 65
-Burr violated his agreement and did not give up his votes
-HOR agreed to vote for Jefferson influenced by Hamilton

*demonstrated that the Constitutional theory of trading power was legally and peaceably feasible
Describe The Judiciary Act
-to preserve the Federalist legacy, this law created 107 new judges that the Federalists appointed
-Adams appointed Jefferson's enemy, John Marshall, to Supreme Court Justice
Who was Aaron Burr?
-New York Republican who decided to run for president
-agreed to give his votes to Jefferson
-after the election he decided to not give his votes to Jefferson
-Burr Hamilton Duel
-Burr Conspiracy
What was Marbury v. Madison?
-Jefferson sought to remove Adams judge, repeal the Judiciary Act, and eliminate some of the judgeships
-William Marbury sues Madison for not sending out the confirmation letters
-court ruled that the law granting the court jurisdiction over the case was unconstitutional
*this case established the principle of judiciary review, where the SC determines the constitutionality of laws
Describe the Louisiana Purchase
-Jefferson thought that acquiring New Orleans was vitally important
-Napoleon offered to sell the territory for $15 million
-James Monroe and Robert Livingston agree on the sale
-Spanish were upset because France violated the agreement to not sell it to the US
-the boundaries were not defined; the Spanish were determined to hold onto Texas
Describe the Barbary Pirates
-pirates from the Muslim states of North Africa had been plundering American ships for years
-Washington and Adams spent 20% of Federal Budget as bribe money so they won't attack the ships
-1801, the Pasha of Tripoli demanded 250k in tribute
-Jefferson sends 4 warships and marines to defeat the pirates in Sept 1804
-temporary treaty reached with new Pasha
*popular move with the people
Describe Impressment
-members of the British navy would desert into American navies because of the rough conditions of the British navy
-British navy would kidnap American sailors along with British soldiers
-between 1803 and 1812, 10k American sailors were impressed into the Royal Navy
-Chesapeake Inicident
Describe the Embargo Act of 1807
-cut off all trade to Europe
-highly unsuccessful and led to recession
-many people lost jobs
-Federalist New England continued to trade with Britain
Describe the Battle of New Orleans
-Dec the British moved in from base in Jamaica
-British outnumbered the Americans 2 to 1
-American troops led by Andrew Jackson
-Jan 8, 1815 British launched attack
-battle became a massacre as the British were trapped in between the Americans and their own ranks
-British lost 2,700 men and Americans lost 71
*battle fought after the Treaty of Ghent
*helped the Americans feel like they won they war
Describe the Era of Good Feelings
-decade after the War of 1812
-phrase coined by Boston newspaper
-Americans felt good after holding their own against British
-with demise of Federalist party, there was a period of one party rule by the Republicans
Describe the American System
-Hamilton's National Bank expires so there is no central bank
-there was inflation due to printing of money without gold or silver backing it
-Henry Clay sponsors the American System
1. National Banking system
2. Tariffs to produce federal revenue
3. Internal Improvements/Infrastructure
Describe the Adams-Oniz Treaty
-Seminoles were invading the south out of Florida
-Jackson was authorized to "adopt necessary measures" to deal with situation
-Jackson invades Florida and captures Indian leaders, British agents, and Fort Pensecola
-JQA resolves situation through treaty
-Spanish gave Florida to US if they give up claims to Texas and pay 5 million
Describe the Monroe Doctrine
-Spanish empire was crumbling, and British and Americans wanted to keep the French out
-made Latin American a free trade zone
1. Western Hemisphere is closed to further European colonization
2. The US would remain neutral
3. This would be enforced by the Royal Navy
*major accomplishment for Monroe Administration
ESSAY: Missouri Compromise
Cotton Gin: 1793, Eli Whitney
-producing lint from cotton was time consuming
-Cotton Gin allowed for mass cotton production

Expand: cotton became new cash crop with opening of Deep South (Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana)
-convinced Southerners they needed more slaves
-looked to souther regions of LA purchase to continue expansion

-James Tallmadge suggested amendment that would not allow any more slaves to enter Mizz
-set precedent for other territories from LA Purchase
-Henry Clay created Mizz Compromise in 1820
1. Mizz would be slave state
2. Maine would be free state
3. Slavery would be prohibited in the territories north of the 36° 30´ parallel west of the Mississippi River
-good short term plan, but long term created major issue
Describe the Democratic Party
-founded by Martin Van Buren
-sought a political uprising against the privileged in society
1. Party Discipline
2. Slavery won't divide the party
3. Corrupting power of money
4. Spoils System
Describe the Spoils System
-the winning political party replaces all gov't bureaucrats
-those who receive appointments will have consistent views with the dominant party
-strengthen the party's power and expands power of gov't by creating new positions
Describe Martin Van Buren
-founded Democratic Party
-succeeded Jackson in 1836
-took blame for Panic of 1837
-did much to help economy recover
Describe the Indian Removal Act of 1830
-states did not want Indian lands within borders but Indians did not want to leave
-forced tribes to relocate west of Miss River
-act passed in violation of treaties
-Black Hawks and Seminoles revolted with war
-Trail of Tears with Cherokee Nation from Georgia
Describe the Nullification Crisis
-Tariff of 1828 angered South
-Calhoun declared that a state could come together and declare the law unconst.
-S Carolina tried to declare it unconst. and if the federal govt didn't agree they could secede
-Jackson passed law enforcing the tariff
-passed laws to say that the law was unconst and that they could use military power
-1833 Clay passed Tariff Compromise
*created rift between VP and Pres
*led to idea of secession which was conflict of Civil War
*SC was first to secede from Union before Civil War
Describe the Bank War
-Jackson viewed National Bank as monopoly
-Jackson vetoed bank charter renewal but Congress passed it
-made it the main issue of the next election
-Jackson won and removed federal funds from the bank
-caused inflation and increased state debts
*led to Panic of 1837
Describe the Second Two Party System
made up of the Whigs and the Democrats
Describe the Whig Party
-emerged from old National Republican
-led by Henry Clay, JQ Adams, and Daniel Webster
-based on American System
-took no stance on slavery but opposed Indian Removal Act
-tried to return power to Congress
-gained support from New England, plantation owners
Describe the Election of 1840
-"Hard Cider Campaign"
-Whigs selected war hero William Henry Harrison
-chose John Tyler, Democrat, as VP
Describe the Age of the Common Man
-Jacksonian era called this because of democratization
-voting requirements were removed
-conventions of delegates replaced legislative caucuses from presidential nominations
-Jackson stood for poor against the rich
Describe the Free Market Economy
-Adam Smith, Capitalism
-Entrepreneurs start businesses to make money and improve their life
-they solve people's problems with their businesses/inventions
-"Invisible Hand" is connection between entrepreneurs and society
-role of gov't is to provide as little assistance as possible
Describe the Transportation Revolution
-Bonus Bill was vetoed that would have provided federal funds to improve national transportation
-Steam Engine improved transportation especially on rivers with Steamboat (Robert Fulton's Claremont)
-Canal systems (Erie Canal)
-Railroad expansion connected banks and railroads
-unequal dispersion throughout North and South
*North was much more connected during Civil War
*led to overall prosperity of US with improvement of economy
Describe the Communication Revolution
-Telegraph invented by Samuel Morse in 1832
-Newspapers expanded with introduction of steam engine providing things such as:
1. Wide dissemination of news
2. Propagation of political views
3. Mass advertising
*led to overall prosperity of US with improvement of economy
Describe the 2nd Great Awakening
-emotional services led by Baptists, Methodists, Presbyterians
-Charles G. Finney was prominent preacher, introduced altar call
-encouraged the people live perfect lives and that the 2nd coming is soon
-Perfectionalism and Millennialism
*led to widespread reform
Describe the Mormons
-created after 2nd Great Awakening in 1823 by Joseph Smith
-became politically active and Smith ran for president
-Smith was killed and Brigham Young took over
-moved out to Utah
Describe the Reform Movements
-as a result of 2GA, evangelicals sought to prepare for 2nd coming of Christ
-called for reforms in areas different areas (temperance, slavery, female morality, missionary work, poverty, and the plight of prisoners and the insane)
-missionaries were sent out
*Christian morality influence politics especially slavery
Describe Abolitionism
-Abolitionists demanded that federal and state gov'ts immediately end slavery without compensation for owners
-gained new vigor during 2GA
-some prominent abolitionists included William Lloyd Garrison, William Wilson, and John Fee
President Jefferson dispatched Lewis and Clark to explore the newly acquired Louisiana Territory. What various tasks did this mission include?
-find NW Passage
-make maps
-scout the area
-collect specimens of plants and animals
How did Indians (as individuals and as tribes) help the expedition survive?
-translators and guides
-Shasones helped them through the Rocky Mtns
-Nez Perce provided them with supplies to build boats and showed them how to make it to the Pacific
Describe the War Hawks
-called for war with Britain with issue of impressment
-led by Henry Clay, John Calhoun, and mainly those from South and West
-objectives were nationalistic and territorial
-they wanted to invade Canada and moved westward against Spain
Describe the Treaty of Ghent
-signed Dec. 24, 1814 marking end of War of 1812
-neither side accepted victory and the terms were that things would go on as they had before
ESSAY: The War of 1812
1. What brought it on
2. Describe the actual war briefly
3. What were the effects
1. -Orders of the Council lead to impressment
-War Hawks wanted to invade Canada
-Americans discovered at Tippecanoe that Britain was supplying Indians with supplies

2. US was unprepared for war
-Americans struggled to invade Canada until 1813
-1814, Napoleon was defeated so Britain could focus on US
-invaded up the Chesapeake and went all the way to the White House
-British failed to capture Baltimore at Ft. McHenry
-Treaty of Ghent

3. US handled its own against a major power, earning a great deal of respect across Europe
-Federalist party died off
-LA purchase was secured and westward expansion could commence
-Andrew Jackson became prominent political figure
Describe First Two-Party System
-Republicans and Federalists
-attacked each other using newspapers
-held different views on such topics as foreign policy, interpretation of the Const, expansionism
Describe Washington's Farewell Address
-1796 Washington resigned after 2 terms setting precedent for future presidents
-warned against dangers of growing political parties and making permanent allies
Describe Alexander Hamilton as Sec of State
-took task of sorting out the financial situation
-had an agenda of a strong federal government and a bold economic program
Describe the Whiskey Rebellion
-1794, proposal by Hamilton to raise funds
-Congress passed 25% tax on corn products
-in western PA, farmers began rioting, running down tax collectors, and closing courts
-Washington order 15,000 militia and rebellion ended
Describe Strict and Loose Constructionism
Loose: gov't has implied power (Alexander Hamilton)
Strict: interpreting the Constitution according the letter (Jefferson)
Describe Citizen Genet
-1793, France sent Edmond Genét to the US
-illegally tried to raise American aid for France
-had the Republican newspapers attack Washington himself
-led to Jefferson’s resignation as Secretary of State in January 1794
Describe Debt Assumption
federal government would assume the state debts and pay it all off by issuing new bonds
Describe the Federalists and Republicans
-New England and Middle States
-Merchants, finances
-upper and middle class
-pro strong federal govt, loose interpretation, pro Britain

-South and West
-farmers, planters
-lower and middle class, led by planter elite
-pro states rights, strict interpretation, anti British
ESSAY: Thomas Jefferson
1. How did he change the federal gov't
2. How did he succeed in his first term
3. How did his second term go downhill
1. -Anti-British foreign policy.
-Reduce the power of the federal government and promote the exercise of power by the states.
-Cut the size of the federal government in half to 300 bureaucrats.
-Cut the federal budget in half to $2.4 million.
-Reduced the army and navy.

2. -doubled the size of US with LA purchase
-reduced attacks on merchant ships with war with the Barbary Pirates
-Repealed the Judiciary Act and the Whiskey Tax.
-Pardoned citizens jailed under the Alien and Sedition Acts.
-appealed to the common man

3. -Sally Hemmings scandal
-dissension between VP Burr and Hamilton
-Napoleonic wars led to issues with Britain
-impressment led to the Embargo Act of 1807
*Jefferson cut the military so they were not prepared for war
*led to a recession and exports dropped
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