Shared Flashcard Set


US History Chapters 9-10
Vocab of Chapters 9 and 10
11th Grade

Additional History Flashcards




Missouri Compromise


Measures passed by Congress in 1820 to admit Missouri into the Union as a slave state and Maine as a free state while also setting a line north of the Louisiana Purchase. It was sponsored by Henry Clay. The line north was for states that did not have any activity in slavery and the line south were for states that had activity in slavery.



Compromise of 1850


Measures passed by Congress in 1850 to admit California into the Union as a free state and to divide the rest of the Southwest into New Mexico and Utah territories.. It was sponsored by Henry clay.



Uncle Tom’s Cabin


- An 1852 novel by Harriet Beecher Stowe that described the cruelties of slavery. Tom describes his experiences with three slave’s holders. Two treat tom properly while the other (Simon Legree) abuses Tom and has him beaten to death.  The book turned the Northern against the South even further. The southern saw her back as an in-accurate insult to their way of life. 


Kansas-Nebraska Act


A law passed by Congress in 1854 to establish Kansas and Nebraska as territories with popular sovereignty. This act set the North and South on a collision course. It was introduced by Stephen Douglas of Illinois. It gave the Northern fear that Slavery would spread across the country like a plague. It was the beginning of the Republican party in 1854 and took a firm stance against the fugitive slave law and the Kansas-Nebraska Act. 


Dred Scott decision

An 1857 ruling of the Supreme Court in the case Scott v. Sandford. Because the Scott’s have lived with their owner in the free territory of Wisconsin, they alleged that they were free men. The suit was strike down by a 7 to 2 vote that said he could not bring a suit in federal court because African-Americans were not us citizens. Afterwards it turned out good because he was bought by an owner and the owner set him free. 

Fort Sumter


A federal fort in the harbor of Charleston where the first battle of the Civil war took place. It took place on April 12th 1861. 


Anaconda Plan


A civil war strategy devised by President Abraham Lincoln and General Winfield Scott by which union forces would establish a naval blocked of southern ports and take control of the Mississippi River , doing this would squeeze in on the South from the east and the west. 


Emancipation Proclamation 

An edict issued by President Abraham Lincoln on January 1st 1863 to free the slaves in the Confederate states. 

Gettysburg Address

A speech given by Abraham Lincoln on November 19th 1863 at the Civil war battle site of Gettysburg Pennsylvania. 

54th Massachusetts Regiment 
The first all African-American regiment of the Union Army. 
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