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US History 1900-1045
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Undergraduate 3

Additional History Flashcards




1919 Red Scare

Led to many arrests and deportation, 219 radicals were rounded up and deported to the Soviet Union; State and local authorities take their cue from the Federal government; Authorities at all levels of government detain people without warrant, without communication; Red Scare ends quickly as public opinion sours on extreme tactics; Does not, however, return to pre-war atmosphere

modern advertising

Early advertising sought publicity for publicities sake; Interest in the product for the products sake; 1920s, instead of selling products, you sell its benefits; Sell the way it improves peoples' lives; Don’t sell cars, you sell fun; Don’t sell soap, you sell sex; Listerine campaign stands above all others; Inspired people to buy people of Listerine; Inspired people to create whole new era of advertising; As advertising gains, the industry sought more prestige and professional standing; Bruce Barton publishes 'The Man Nobody Knows'; Jesus was the greatest Ad-man of all time; Model for all aspiring advertisers; Sought to sanctify Christianity and advertising in the same breath; Thought of his life as a business; Advertisers saw themselves as ambassador of the consumers; The 20s were the heyday of trust in the corporate image; People believed advertisers were just giving new information; Business did the most to get rid of their bad reputation from Progressive Era; Big business satisfies needs, not oppresses; Creating the 'Corporate Soul'; Big business sells a story


Calvin Coolidge
Came into US presidency after the death of Harding. Was infamous for having a cold and dour demeanor. Yet, he held regular radio addresses and press conferences to reassure the nation and consolidate power. Coolidge felt the need to flex federal power. The loss of his son Calvin Jr. gave him the nickname "Silent Cal." Many believed Calvin Jr. took the best of Calvin Sr. with him when he died. Believed that Washington's main goal was to foster business enterprise. He thought that when business thrived, everyone's interests were benefited. Laissez-Fair was applied to give businesses freedom. This represented a complete fusion of government and business, a case where government "assisted" business. Whole value system is premised on a rural agrarian society. Was not a pawn of the press.
Ku Klux Klan
Hated Huey Long. The Ku Klux Klan have a long history of terrorism and racism against blacks. Established in post Civil War, the KKK disappeared at the end of reconstruction. In the early 20th century, the revival of this ?klan? represented the rise of nativist and racist sentiment in the US. In 1915, William J. Simmons revived the Klan. Aside from being a reincarnation of the old Klan, the new Klan was stronger, not as heavily rural, and no longer a primarily white supremacists group. The gained legitimacy by parading around as a Protestant movement promoting social purity. It attacked a mix of races. Many women were Klan members, giving them a place to elaborate their social and racial privileges. After 1925, a series of internal issues and scandals decreased support of the Klan. The Klan was completely dissolved by 1930.

Answer to the question of what happened to progressivism in the 1920s; National experts could gather data, think about problems, but then hand over problems to private groups and local groups; Here we have the issues, now its up to the people to decide how to address them; Best example of his political philosophy was the Mississippi Flood of 1927; Rains swelled the Mississippi River in 1927 and the levees collapsed; Parts of seven states were covered by an inland lake when the levees broke; Coolidge appoints Hoover to organize relief efforts; Hoover organized evacuation efforts and set up camps to house displaced peoples; Did NOT rely on government money to do this; Instead, he raised money from private interest; Told southern whites he would send southern blacks, the whites labor force north, if they didn’t give him money

Bonus March

The event that sealed the president's fate was Hoover's response to the Bonus March; Veterans seeking an early advance on their veteran's bonus descend on Washington; Army attacks with teargas and tanks to evict the veterans; Rout the soldiers, burn their tents, and drive their families out

Underconsumptionist Theory of Depression

Held a domestic theory of the depression; Tugwell is most successful at presenting underconsumption as root of GreatDepression; Uncerconsumption:Business post record profits during the 1920s, but did not pass workers to consumers or workers; Farmers are a problem because they should be able to purchase what urban people produce; Purchasing power at the bottom most important;  states that recession occurs due to inadequate consumer demand to the amount produced.

Huey Long

a charismatic, ambitious, and shrewd politician that was a challenger of the New Deal. He believed on imposing heavy taxes on big business to pay for public works. He became a powerful political machine with many followers. Built a dictatorship in Louisiana; Raised taxes on corporations to build schools and roads and hospitals; Hated by the Ku Klux Klan; Called for the redistribution of wealth via massive taxation; Spoke to the small guy; Wanted the system to work for the small guy; Share Our Wealth Program promised to make everyone a king in his or her own right; Wanted to keep the profit motive; Wanted to make sure it worked for everyone; The plan gained momentum and almost took off, except that Long was assassinated before it could go anywhere, putting the plan to a complete halt. Was a Democrat and stayed a Democrat; Understood futility of third party; Thought the Democrats and Republicans were virtually the same thing; The choice was not between revolution and not revolution; Choices between paralyzing the government and reforming; This is what Roosevelt was doing with the secon New Deal


Wagner Act
also known as the National Labor Relations Act under Roosevelt. It legislated the right of workers to unionize and bargain collectively, which reaffirmed the guarantee in section 7a of the National Recovery Administration. This led to Robert Wagner creating the National Labor Relations Board, which was created to supervise union elections and to issues ?cease and desist? orders against companies that committed to unfair labor practices. Roosevelt?s support of this act contributed to the rise of organized labor.
Tennessee Valley Authority
One of the greatest achievements of the New Deal created in 1933. The TVA spent billions of dollars of federal money to build dams for flood control and generated hydroelectric power for the Tennessee Valley (one of the poorest areas of the US). It provided thousands of jobs and electricity for improvements in the area, it gave farms power. The TVA sought to modernize the region economically and socially since it had been so heavily effected by the Great Depression.
The Plow that Broke the Plains
A short documentary written and produced by Pare Lorentz displaying the effects of uncontrolled agricultural farming that led to the dust bowl on region of the US and Canada. The film was funded by the government and intended to raise awareness of the New Deal. Lorentz paid for much of the film himself, wince some of receipts were not legitimate. Although Lorentz faced some criticism, the film essentially served its purpose and displayed the dangers of misusing land.
Social Security Act of 1935
Most lasting, permanent of the New Deal programs; after a long fight, congress approved FDR's ambitious social security plans. When the depression hit, there was no way to assist the elderly and unemployed. The Social Security Act sought to correct this issue and promised to provide security against the hazards of life. The new act included three forms of aid: 1. pension for people over 65, 2. unemployment compensation for people temporarily out of work, 3. "categorical assistance" for certain groups that could not qualify for WPA work or find other employment (blind, dependent children, etc). The act proved to be a huge step forward to recognize "the forgotten man."
Farm Security Administration

Another program that attempts to help poor farmers; Created in 1937 as an attempt to help the very poorest; Killed during the end of WW2; Republicans think it is welfare; Westerners don’t want poor farmers to feel like they can demand higher wages; Southerners do not want it to help African-Americans; The FSA stressed the efforts to improve the quality of life for sharecroppers, tenants, and very poor land owning farmers. The administration also planed to purchase submarginal land owned by poor farmers and resettle them in groups on more suitable land. Opposers saw this as governments way to practice collective farming, and farmers did not want it because they wanted ownership.

Nye Committee
congressional committee headed by Gerald P. Nye of North Dakota. The committee concluded that bankers who lent money to the Allies and ?merchants of death? who sold the Allies ammunition had previously conspired with President Wilson to take the country to war. By 1937, 60% of Americans believed that involvement in WWI had been a mistake. This combined with other factors led to a powerful peace movement and an increased isolationist sentiment. This isolationist sentiment was backed up by the passing of the neutrality acts.
March 1941. As Britain battled other forces, the US looked to aid them. This is when Roosevelt proposed his lend-lease proposal, which would allow the US to provide Britain with valuable war material, in return for money or goods. It removes the cash from cash and carry. This aid was also later extended to the USSR when it was invaded by Germany and then to other allied nations. Roosevelt felt giving aid to the allies was the best way to stay out of war. After Britain, there was a fear the US would be next, and lend lease quickly passed. Lend lease was absolutely essential to the allies. It may have delayed our involvement, but many felt it was the point of no return for US involvement in WW2.
Liberty Ship

WW2. Workhorse of the american and british merchant fleet; The first of these ships was built in 355 days; In 1943, they could be built in 41 days; Pre-fabrication assembly line techniques in fordist tradition; Individual worker would perform a few basic tasks; Welding could be performed quickly by untrained workers; Liberty ships were welded together as opposed to riveted; Made ships by dividing the building into hundreds of repetitive tasks

Phillip Randolph
a socialist and co-found of the Messenger. He was also Marcus Garvey?s toughest critic. In 1941, Randolph a massive march on Washington to protest discrimination and segregation. FDR feared these actions would destroy our public image to the world. The  president tried to convince Randolph to cancel the march, but he could not. Roosevelt then agreed to Randolph?s demands. Executive Order 8802 was passed and stated that there would be no discrimination for employment of worker in defense industries. The order also established President?s Fair Employment Practices Committee, which ended up conducting a number of highly visible hearings that focused the public?s attention on discrimination in government agencies. Randolph?s unfaltering activism not only led to executive order 8802, it also reflected a growing militancy among americans.
Korematsu v. United States
Korematsu was a US born Japanese American that unknowingly violated the executive order to remove the Japanese. Korematsu claimed this violated the 5th ammendment. The supreme court eventually ruled that the evacuation of Japanese American citizens was constitutional. It was ruled that the need to protect the espionage act overruled the need to serve the individual rights of Korematsu. The was an example of the US's main intentions and priorities after the attacks on Pearl Harbor
The Road to Serfdom
 a book written by Fredrich von Hayek which transformed the landscape of political thought in the 20th century, shifting the terms of debate for millions of people across the political spectrum. The book is considered among the most influential and monumental depositions on  classical liberalism and libertarianism.
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