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The Cold war
10th Grade

Additional History Flashcards




what was the cold war
the USSR and USA never fought each other, both sides were involved in an arms race. both side formed military alliances. and both countries had a different ideologies, finally propaganda was important for both countries.
what happened in the Tehran conference
on the 28th November to the 1st 1943 December the 'Big Three' Roosevelt, Churchill and Stalin agreed that Eastern Europe and the west would have a sphere of influence respecting communism in the east and capitalism in the west.
what was agreed at the Yalta conference
from the 4-11 February 1945
-Stalin agreed that Russian troops would help America defeat Japan once Hitler was defeated
-Roosevelt and Churchill agreed to the establishment of communist government in Poland
-the Allies agreed to establish the United Nations and organisation committed to maintaining peace.
-The 'Big Three' restated their agreement of the 'sphere of influence'
what were the first signs of tension between the US and the USSR
the big three all agreed to work for democracy, but the were significant disagreements over what democracy meant.
the success of the two conference was based on the relationship between Roosevelt and Stalin however within two months Roosevelt died and was replaced by harry s Truman who was less willing to compromise, this led to further tensions.
what happened at the Potsdam conference
the big three did not know what to do with Germany after the war and there were major disagreements on what they would do with it. the USSR wanted to impose heavy reparations on Germany. whereas America wanted Germany to be rebuilt. the did agree that Germany would be split into four zones and that each country would take reparations from each zone they occupied, but Stalin was not happy as the zone he occupied was poorer than the rest so the Western allies agreed that they would could have a quarter of the industrial equipment from Germany.
but they would have to pay for this with eastern German raw materials such as coal.
why did Truman, as Churchill put it 'generally bossed around the whole meeting'
Truman attempted to assert his authority during the Potsdam conference as he had just completed the first test for the atomic bomb. Truman believed that the US possessed the ultimate weapon but Stalin refused to be pushed around and when Stalin was informed of the bomb he 'showed no special interest' as from 1940 soviet scientists had been developing their own.and Stalin's plan was to protect the USSR with a buffer zone - a communist area between western Europe and the Soviet Union.
why did the cold war begin
Truman was concerned about the breakdown of the grand alliance and the threat of a new war. both sides asked for secret telegrams of what their opponents were thinking.
-the long telegram reported to Truman that: Stalin gave a speech about the destruction of capitalism, that there would be no peace between communism and capitalism.
Novikovs telegram stated to Stalin that: america desired to dominate the world, the american government was not interested in the co-operation with the USSR and the american public was preparing for war.
explain the key features of the Truman doctrine
-the world had a choice between communism tyranny and democratic freedom.
-America had a responsibility to fight for liberty wherever it was threatened.
-America would send troops and economic resources to help governments that were not allowed to grow and gain territory.
the Truman doctrine was made because America did not want to see the rest of Europe become communist.
the Truman doctrine contradicted Americas policy of isolationism and there should be no co-operation between the East and West due to their ideological differences.
explain the key features of the Marshall plan
Truman aimed to deal with communism with two different approaches (two halves of the same walnut)
1. military force.
2. the Marshall plan : in 1947 the US committed $13 of American money to rebuild shattered European economies, by encouraging prosperity the Marshall plan would weaken the attraction to communism.
the USSR's response to Marshall plan was very negative as they walked out of the conference in 1948 saying that America wanted to split Europe into two camps. they argued that the Marshall plan was the first step in creating military alliances. Stalin insisted that Eastern European countries refuse the help of America.
16 countries including Britain and France welcomed the aid.
what is a satellite state
a satellite state is an independent country but in reality controlled but another 1949 the USSR had turned many countries in eastern Europe to communism including Hungary, Poland and Czechoslovakia.
why did Stalin set up satellite states
Stalin describe the Marshall plan a dollar imperialism, to prevent this Stalin extended his control over Eastern Europe creating a series of satellite states.
explain cominform
in 1947 Stalin set up and international organisation that represented Communist Parties across Europe and brought them under the control of the USSR.
explain Comecon
Comecon was satin's answer to the Marshall plan.
having ordered his satellite states to boycott the Marshall plan.
-politically it would minimise american influence in Eastern Europe and the USSR.
-Economically it ensured that the benefits of economic recovery in Eastern Europe remained within the Soviet sphere of influence
-it also meant that Eastern Europe did not have access to the prosperity of Western Europe.
What were the four key issues about Germany after WWII.
-should a reunited Germany be part of the Soviet Sphere of influence.
-Should a reunited Germany have communist of capitalist government
-should a reunited Germany receive Marshall aid
-should troops from the US and the USSR remain in Germany.
explain bizonia
explain the key features of the Berlin blockade.
in order to prevent the establishment of separate states in western Germany, Stalin set up a military blockade around Berlin stopping all transport links and trade.
his plan was to cut west Germany form its capital so that the new government could not control its territory in wets Germany.
president Truman responded with the Berlin air lift allied planes transported supplies to west Berlin around the clock. America committed 70 large cargo planes and airlifted between 600-700 tonnes of supplies a day. British authorities maintained a similar system and at its height both countries provided 170,000 tonnes of supplies in January 1949.
from June 1948 - May 1949 the Berlin Blockade was a complete propaganda success for the West and made Stalin's act look aggressive.
explain NATO and the USSR's response
the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation was established in 1949 and was to protect all member countries against the USSR.
NATO members agreed that if any NATO country came under attack all members of NATO would come to their defence.
NATO took the cold war to a new step and this was the second half of the same walnut as the Marshall plan was a economic alliance but NATO was military.
The USSR responded the points were all the same but with all Communist countries instead.
explain the arms race
by 1949 the USSR had tested their first nuclear bomb and this encourages the US to develop hydrogen bombs a second generation more powerful bomb.
by 1953 both countries had hydrogen bombs and during the 1930's and 60's both countries competed to create large numbers of nuclear weapons.
explain Hungary's oppression
Stalin had claimed that Soviet troops had liberated Hungary but Cominform impose an oppressive regime over Hungary.
Hungarian land was redistributed to other Eastern European countries.
-Hungarian oil, wheat and coal was shipped to Russia while Hungarian citizens were deprived of food.
-non-communist political parties were abolished
-Russian officials controlled the government, the police and the army
-Cominform began a reign of terror, executing popular leaders and their supporters.
-Matyas Rakosi was appointed Hungary's dictator.
-from 1949-1956 Rakosi called himself 'Stalin's best pupil'
-Rakosi imprisoned 387,000 and was responsible for 2,00 deaths
-he dealt with opponents with salami tactics, dividing the opposition bit by bit.
explain Hungary's liberation
Stalin's death in 1953 was a turning point in the cold war.
here were many protests in Budapest and other Hungarian cities so Khrushchev appointed a more liberal leader, Nagy.
Nagy proposed the following
-Hungary should leave the Warsaw pact and become neutral
-Communist government in Hungary should end
-Hungary soul;d become a western style democracy with free elections
-Hungary should ask the UN for protection against Russia.
Khrushchev responded with a decisive show of force.
in November 1956 200,000 soviet troops were sent to Hungary to crush the new government.
-after tow weeks of fighting 20,000 Hungarians were killed and 200,000 escaped to Austria but Khrushchev finally defeated Nagy's government.
Nagy was arrested after fleeing to the Yugoslavian embassy and was executed in 1958.
America had encouraged the uprising but did not provide military help.
however they did offer $20m to them.
Khrushchev appointed a less liberal leader Jonas Kadar.
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