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Since 1648 till 1815
The major events, with emphasis on the balance of power
Undergraduate 1

Additional History Flashcards




1. The Thirty Years War
-German civil catholic- protestant issue
-German civil war over constitutional issue
(emperror vs member states --> central pw vx independence)
- War between France and Hagsburgs
- War between Spain and Dutch
(+Denmark, Sweden, Transylvania -with allies within Germany)

Complexity: many generals= soldiers of fortune, which seeked to create their principalities.
1. The Thirty Years War
b) phases
1)Bohemian Phase (1618-1625)
The famed "Defenestration of Prague" was the origin; soon the German Protestant Union joined with the Czechs in a war against the HRE and Spain.
Result: the Catholics won; Protestantism was stamped out in Bohemia and Spain controlled the Rhineland.

2. Danish Phase (1625-1629): The Danish king reopened affairs, seeking to carve out a kingdom for his son, with financial help from the Dutch, English, and Richelieu. Albert of Wallenstein raised a personal army in the name of the emperor--and his mercenaries lived by pilla ging everyone. The Danes were defeated, and Catholicism was on a roll.

3. Swedish Phase (1629-1635): France and Sweden were alarmed, and Sweden's king Gustavus Adolphus, with French subsidies, created the most modern army of the age--disciplined and using muskets, pikes, and cannon. The Swedes defeated the divided Germans, but Gus was killed; soon after Wallenstein was assassinated; the HRE pulled back, easing Protestant fears .

4. Swedish-French Phase (1635-1648): Richelieu now increased subsidies, and Spain attacked France directly. France retaliated by invading rebellious Catalonia. "In Germany the last...phase of the war was not so much a civil war among Germans as an international struggle on German soil."
2.Peace of Westphalia
- signed in 1648 (common name for treaties of Munster and Osnabruck)

1. Ended Thrirty Years War and Wars of Relligion.

2. It was first congress to deal with affairs of the state, war, power (because of secularization that had come over Europe)

3. It settled two pre-war issues:
a) The religious conflict - added Calvinism to Lutheranism and Catholicism as an acceptable faith. The European division between protestant (north) and catholism (south) was established
b) The soverreignty conflict - the dissolution of HRE was politically and legally confirmed. The more than 300 German states became virtually sovereign.
(the HRE continued to exist loosely)

4. The peace marked the rise of the European system of sovereign states
The Holy Roman Empire (one of the pillars of the Habsburg power)
> Founded at AD 1000
> Many principalities with its own ruler (with emperor over them)
> The princes had customary rights incolving the exercise of justice and violence.
i) Count Palatine
ii) Duke of Saxony
iii) Margrave of Bradenburg
iv) King of Bohemia
v) archibishops of Mainz
vi) Trier
vii) Cologne

>The emperor was Habsburg since 15th century
> He tried to extend his sovereignty at the cost of the princes
>>>> Reformation and the accumulation of Habsburg power resulted in power/religion wars
> Charles V failed to maintain political and religious unity and devided his lands between his brother Ferdinand and his son Philip
>>>> The Austrian Habsburgs and the Spanish Habsburgs.
Louis XIV (1661 - 1715)
>>>> European power vacuum
--------> end of Habsburg dominance
--------> Spain was echausted from the fight against protestantism
--------> the Holy Roman Empire has desintegrated
>>>> 1. Louis aimed to push the borders north and east away from Paris to Rhine
>>>> 2. To inherit the crown of Spain.
2. Wars (1667-1713)
--- The strength of French armies endangered the balance of power and threatened to establish the universal monarchy.
--- Resistance was lead by Stadholder William III (from 1689 also a king of England)
-----> Great Coalition: England, the Republic, Austria, Brandenburg.
-----> France supported by Spain and Bavaria.
--- The last war - Spanish Succession (ended by the Peace of Utrecht)
The Spanish Succession (1702 - 1713)
> “Watershed war,” setting new standards for the next century plus, because:
• Less destructive war: professional, disciplined armies
• Religion of little importance--fought for commerce and sea power
• English involved primarily as financial backer for Continental politics
• First “world war” involving the overseas possessions/interests of Europe

>> Cause: Charles II, imbecilic, had been moribund for years; at his death, the inheritance fell to two sisters, one married to Leopold Habsburg, the other to Louis Bourbon. Balance of power principles called for a division of the spoils, but Charles’ will called for the inheritance to be kept intact, going to Louis XIV’s grandson. William of Orange was unwilling to accept the will, and created the Grand Alliance: England, Holland, the Holy Roman Empire, Brandenburg, Portugal, and Savoy

>> Issues: What did each participant hope to gain?
• France: to hold two crowns, gain Belgium, get French traders into Spanish America
• Spain: to maintain Spanish possessions
• Austria: to keep Spain Habsburg and gain influence in Italy
• Holland: to preserve its independence and security
• England: to preserve 1688 and advance their commercial position (America, Med)
The Peace of Utrecht 1713
1.The treaties among several European states, including Great Britain, France, Spain, Savoy, and the Dutch Republic, helped end the War of the Spanish Succession.
2.The treaty of Utrecht confirmed the system of sovereign states established earlier by the Peace of Westphalia. France and Britain remained the most vigorous powers in Europe.
3. Gainings:
>>>> The Duke of Savoy -Sardinia
>>>> Austrian Hagsburgs - Milan, Naples, Sicily, Spanish Netherlands

4. Grandson of Louis XIV confirmed as king (Philip V)

5. War weakend France (poverty, misery, depopulation)- disatisfaction with the war led also to a revival of aristocratic and parliamentary opposition.
6. French abandoned their efforts to conquer Belgium +surrendered to the British two of their colonies (Newfoundland and Nova Scotia)and acknowledged British sovereignty in the Hudson Bay.

7. It marked a further step in the evolution of English constitutional history - the British assured themselves of a line of Protestant kings and of the maintenance of constitutional and parliamentary government.
Great Power
- A great power in 18th century - a state that plays a determing role in international power politics; with strong armed forces (large standing armies)
---> large standing armies were expensive - needed great administrative and organizational abilities in order to accumulate money (taxation) and organize the armed forces --> bureaucracy.
The Rise of France (1661- 1713)
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