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Race & Ethnicity Final
Race & Ethnicity Final notecards
Undergraduate 1

Additional History Flashcards




14th Amendment, 1868
No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of the citizens of the US; nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the law.
Brown vs. Board (1954)
a landmark decision of the United States Supreme Court that declared state laws establishing separate public schools for black and white students and denying black children equal educational opportunities unconstitutional. The decision overturned earlier rulings going back to Plessy v. Ferguson in 1896. decision stated that "separate educational facilities are inherently unequal." This victory paved the way for integration and the civil rights movement.
Malcolm X
-Talked about negroe revolution vs. black revolution
-Less specific/focused than MLK
-Malc X says if gov’t doesn’t protect citizens, then they have a right to protect themselves with guns
-Wondered what makes white a standard that’s better than any other color

Importance of Malc X:
1)Forced the discussion to become national, not just regional. Broader issues, gave a voice to anger, frustration. Offered a different perspective for people who were a little more angry
2)Gave minorities another set of options in their strategies for how to deal with the problems they were confronted with
3)Pride in blackness, black is beautiful. Kwanza, pride in culture, cultural nationalism
Little Rock 9 & Melba Beals
group of African-American students who were enrolled in Little Rock Central High School in 1957. The ensuing 'Little Rock Crisis', in which the students were initially prevented from entering the racially segregated school by Arkansas Governor Orval Faubus, and then attended after the intervention of President Eisenhower, is considered to be one of the most important events in the African-American Civil Rights Movement. On their first day of school, guards at the school would not let them in and they were followed by mobs bearing threats to be lynched.
-Melba Beals was one of these students, wrote Warriors Don't Cry
Black Nationalism
-you can do art/jazz/whatever, but not really free until you have economic justice & political rights
-socialist movement
-Black Panthers for Self Defense is example of this
Black Panthers
-were said to be socialists
-created a 10-point plan
-they said race is a product of class conflict
-disagreed with complete black separation
-advocated self defense
-in CA legal to carry weapons in 60s
-black people said they would exercise rights, go to state capital with guns, arrested for disturbing the peace, changed law that in certain city limits you could not carry weapons, biggest thing was community autonomy, policing ourselves
-advocated for greater representation within their own communities
Long 1960s
longer period starting in 1954-early 1970s, period of larger transformation, end of “modern America” and beginning of “post modern American”
-“modern America”= industrial economy, assumptions of white supremacy, patriarchy, protestant privilege, urbanization,
-that era goes away in 1960s, post modern, knowledge based consumer economy,
-changes in political parties occur
-“New Left”= political shift
-liberalized, politically active
-not about class identity, rebellion about gap between promise of American opportunity & reality
-1962 Port Huron, create declaration that America will live up to highest American ideals
-1964 in Berkeley, free speech movement
-1965= massive student protest against war in Vietnam
-people become politically active, and team up with racial minorities who are part of democratic party,
-middle class, racial minorities, new more radical opposition
-Bill/Hilary Clinton
1969, Confederation of American Indian Nations, American Indian movement, movement of native Americans to demand basic recognition and rights, move from periphery to mainstream
“New Left"
political shift
-liberalized, politically active
-not about class identity, rebellion about gap between promise of American opportunity & reality
-1962 Port Huron, create declaration that America will live up to highest American ideals
-1964 in Berkeley, free speech movement
-1965= massive student protest against war in Vietnam
-people become politically active, and team up with racial minorities who are part of democratic party,
-middle class, racial minorities, new more radical opposition
-Bill/Hilary Clinton
student nonviolent coordinating committee, radical self defense
Chicano Movement
Student movement for Mexican self identity and chicano independence, reject old terms and take pride in their own identity
Casar Chavez & Delano Grape Strike
Casar Chavez- leader of the Delano Vineyard Grape Workers, went on strike (1965-1969) to form a union, which became UFW
-strike starts in 65 and doesn’t end til 69. Marches, organizing groups around the country, national boycott, go on TV and say dont buy grapes from these growers, casar chavez goes on hunger strike. Becomes known as “the cause” greater awareness to the problems workers face. In 1969 growers capitulate and won a contract,
1)protects them from exposure to dangerous pesticides
2) immediate rise of wages
3) right to have access to fresh water and toilets where they worked
4)medical plan and cliniques that were built
Equal Rights Amendment
White feminists came from a different angle, had a different set of problems and issues to deal with. White women framed as middle class perspective. One of the major events was equal rights amendment, NOW, advocating for Equal Rights Amendment, constitution amendment that would guarantee equality based on sex/gender. Congress passed it, ratififed by half the states, but rise in conservative opposition occurred.
The Southern Christian Leadership Conference, an American civil rights organization
-SCLC was closely associated with its first president, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
-The SCLC had a large role in the American Civil Rights Movement.
-division between black and white, women feminists, white women was main genre
-NOW= national organization for women
-political, cultural, and economic movements aimed at establishing greater rights and legal protections for women.
Boston Bus Riots
Busing= kids go from one neighborhood to another, Boston 1976
the removal or reduction of manufacturing jobs in U.S
Southern Strategy
Richard Nixon instituted the Southern Strategy, first to use it to get elected. Strategy to get white southerners to vote republican by exploiting their fears and resistence to the changes in the civil rights movement and the long 1960s.
New Right
started with Berry Goldwater, Arizona republican, openly and actively opposed civil rights act of 1964, said he supported the white southern position on civil rights, his argument is that each and every state had a sovereign right to control its laws, states has a right to control its own laws. Fed gov’t should not be involved in imposing. Saying the state/individual has a right. That liberty comes at the expense of someone else’s equality.
White Flight
people pick up and leave city and go to suburbs
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