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Pre-20th century Germany
Undergraduate 2

Additional History Flashcards




Humanist Germany
humanists are concentrated in cities. They emphasize independent thinking and there is a rise in the concept of 2D space of this place called Germany and people become aware of their own country. Nuremberg is the center of German humanism at the turn of the 16th century
Martin Luther
a religious dissident who started the schism with the church and founded lutheranism. His primary complaint with the catholic church was corruption especially apparent with the selling of indulgences. It is said that Luther nailed his 95 Theses onto the door of a church in Wittenburg, but it is likely they were never posted, only writen and circulated.
-The king invites him to the diet and asks him, a simple monk, to step down for the sake of the unity of the church and he says he cannot "Here I Stand..." (in defense of protestantism)
-believed that SALVATION could be achieved BY FAITH ALONE.
an eloquent humanist who agrees with Martin Luther about the corruption regarding indulgences, and almost agrees in salvation by faith alone, however he thinks doing good deeds brings us closer to heaven.
-He was well versed in the Bibile and classical texts but was also a diplomat who wanted to compromise because he knew that to push Martin Luther's point so strongly would lead to bloodshed and the breaking up of the church
Peasant's War
(1526) - the reformation encouraged ordinary people to read the bible without the help of the clergy and upon reading this, many peasants saw that Jesus spoke of a more egalitarian society. After reading, the people decide they have the right to elect their own pastor and this combines with civil unrest to lead to the outbreak of a violent war.
-Luther sides with the oppressors because he knows the princes with the armies, not the peasants, stand a better chance of protecting him and his reformation from the church, which has its own armies and secular power.Because he supports slaying peasants who rise up, Luther loses his following among the peasantry.
The Bohemian Revolt
(1618) - Emperor Matthias had no heirs by bloodline but wanted an orderly switch of power so he gave it to his dynastic heir Ferdinand II (Catholic).The protestants removed him from the throne and chose Frederick to take his place (protestant). Since the crown of Bohemia is ties with the electorship, the protestants would be able to elect the next king. Ferdinand was chosen as the emperor of the HRE, this weakened the Bohemians and in 1620, Ferdinand's troops defeated them in the battle of White Mountain. Most bohemians lost their freedoms and catholicism became the state religion. The began the Thirty Years' War.
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