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Populism, Progressivism, WW1, and through the '20s
Populism, Progressivism, WW1, and through the '20s.
Undergraduate 1

Additional History Flashcards





- The emergence of new concepts of the purposes and functions of government

            - 1900 to about 1970, progressivism was like definition above.

            - people think there’s more to government involvement in everyday life.

            - others think there’s problems in society that something needs to fix these problems.

            - the progressives (latter) think only government can fix it.

- Changes in government policies and institutions

- The political agitation that produced those changes


Ballinger-Pinchot Affair


Ballinger, secretary the interior, took and sold a lot of land. Pinchot, head of the National Forest Service, found out. Taft defended Ballinger, so Pinchot went public with his charges. When Roosevelt returned from Africa in srping 1910, he publicly hung out with Pinchot, continuing his support. Taft's hope of escaping political damage disappeared.

New Nationalism

- National approach to the country’s affairs

            - national perspective, what’s best for country overall.

- Strong presidency

- Called for efficiency in gov’t & society

            - Prog credo, efficiency

- Exalted the executive & the expert

            - people who’ve studied it, know what talk about

- Urged social-justice reforms

- Accepted “good” trusts

            - totally divides them apart. New Nationalism accepts that there’s such a thing as a good trust.

New Freedom

- Emphasized business competition and small national gov’t

            - shrinking fed gov and making it as small as possible

- Federal authority should only be used to

            - sweep away special privilege

                        - seek to make level playing field

            - release individual energies

            - restore competition

                        - biggest prob with big business was it destroyed competition, believes Wilson

- urged social-justice reforms



16th Amendment

Ratified in 1913, gave the government the right to impose an income tax. Good progressive pledge to reduce power to rich, making them pay greater percentage than poor.


17th Amendment

Reluctantly approved by US Senate in 1912, mandating direct election of senators. Ratified by state legislature in 1913.


18th Amendment

Prohibition of alchoholic beverages.


19th Amendment

prohibits each state and the federal government from denying any citizen the right to vote based on that citizen's sex. ratified on August 18, 1920.
Clayton Antitrust Act (1914)
Business regulation. Was weakened by Senate and Wilson, because  he thought the breakup of large-scale industry was no longer appealing. Samuel Gompers, president of AFL, tried but failed.


Gavrilo Princip

assassinated Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria and his wife, Sophie, Duchess of Hohenberg, in Sarajevo on 28 June 1914, succeeding where one of his co-conspirators had just failed. set off a chain of events that led to WW1. suffers from tuberculosis, Serbian, part of Black Hand (who wants Serbia in).
Archduke Francis Ferdinand
His uncle, the emperor of Austria-Hungary, doesn't like him because of his wife. His assassination in Sarajevo precipitated Austria-Hungary's declaration of war against Serbia. This caused Germany and Austria-Hungary, and countries allied with Serbia (the Triple Alliance Powers) to declare war on each other, starting WW1.
John J. Pershing
Commander of US forces in WW1. Same guy who chased Pancho Villa. Didn't want British troops to just use US troops as replacements. It'd destroy unit integrity, be a military disaster, not take advantage of fresh morale, and be an intense language barrier. Insists US stays intact, and fight alongside units, mostly French (also some British).
Edward M. House and Robert Lansing
advisors and cabinet members. don’t see it that way. long term perspective that if Germans win, not good in long run for US. Wilson's pro-British advisors. Argued that US policy should be pro-British.
William Jennings Bryan

- disagreed with pro-British, House, and Lansing.

- Against pro-British tilt

- says should maintain true neutrality

- against Wilson (British blockade of Germany violates US neutrality)          


            - few years after Titanic sinking

            - goes into German war zone; German shoots

                        - 1198 killed, of them 128 Americans

                        - Germans had warned the passenger was a target

                        - Germans received intelligence to fact that this was carrying certain contraband items, arms. Passenger liners weren’t supposed to carry these things. Recently they actually looked and did indeed find arms. But back then British were swearing there weren’t. US of course believes British.

                        - Wilson reacts real strongly. Germans in May 1915 didn’t want US to join British, so stopped unrestricted submarine warfare.


            - WW1 kinds were cold, stank, smelled. At sea, close quarters, no baths. But, proves to be most effective naval weapon that Germany has. comes close in WW1 and WW2 to sink Great Britain.

            - need to attack without warning, because very fragile, not much fire power for surface attack.

            - most effective way is what British say “ungentlemanly”, attack without warning, firing and hitting.

            - unrestricted submarine warfare.

Fourteen Points

1 – Open Covenants (treaties) of Peace openly arrived at.

2 – Freedom of the Seas

3 – Removal of international trade barriers (such as tariffs)

4 – Reduction of armaments

5 – Impartial adjustment of Colonial claims w/ due regard for the interests of native peoples

6 to 13 – Adjustment of European boundaries in accordance w/ Principle of Nationality

14 – League of Nations

Treaty of Versailles

            - Treaty of Germany

            - Germans forced to accept sole responsibility of war

            - mad cuz documentary evidence that proves didn’t start war

            - Hitler cries when he hears this and promises to himself that if he has any say he’ll make sure that he wipes from pgs of history this stain against German people (that is, this thing.)

The Red Scare

- occurs 1919 to 1920

- triggered by communism in Russia. Bolsheviks.

- 1917 first example of major nation under communist government. fear:  will this happen in US?

- reaction in 1919, on part of Attorney General of US, A. Mitchell Palmer as well as others, rounding up lots of immigrants from eastern Europe and other parts, throw them in jail, didn’t give them habeas corpus, no rights, held in jail for long time without use of attorney, civil rights neglected.

- first part of 1920 hysteria. but as 1920 goes on Americans change their mind.

- still residual effects, legacy. prove US patriotism, 100% Americanism. restriction placed on immigration, less labor unions. “lost generation”, survivors from WW1. small percentage hit with disillusionment, very public and well known.

- Progressive movement dies going into 1920.

aka Roaring '20s. music originally invented by African American musicians in New Orleans.

            - just a few. found in large cities. actions written by journalists and in magazines. turned their backs of Victorian ideas of morality and Victorian stuff. rather than accentuating their feminine curves, they want to    completely do away with them, straight skirts, no boobs, go out and talk to men in public and oh! smoke in public.

            - though #s are relatively small, great impact in our sight of 1920s.

            - women in deep south not really affected



The Man Nobody Knows (1925)


Bruce Barton. he claims to be Jesus Christ. Barton wanted to extract all this theology about Jesus and present it as an example as person who starts with nothing, makes an organization, and be real successful. if u follow his       secularized (not religious) ideas you too can do well in business

Welfare Capitalism

            - talking about businesses. workers get 15% increase in wages from 1922 to 1929.

            - idea was don’t need to go to labor unions, we take care of you. if you’re loyal to us then we’ll keep doing so.

            - attempt by business to take eyes of workers off labor unions and show wokers they have best interest in heart.

            - fairly successful with this.


- very important movement in 1920s (not born in 1920s but got well known. from US Civil War).

- people mostly born in US and fearful of any group of people coming in country from outside. those who believe in “100% Americanism”.

- argue in 1920s that immigration needs to be controlled, stopped, some want brought down to 0.

Ku Klux Klan

- reborn in 1920s

- 1915 a movie made by D.W. Griffith, great US film director. “Birth of a Nation”

- a group of Southerners in Stone Mtn, GA think we need something like the clan today. reborn shortly after.

- actually appealing to cities, mainly an urban phenomenon.

- tries to play in that idea, patriotic moto “native, white, Protestant, supremist”

- rapid decline at 1925 because of strong immigration acts and David Stephenson accused of raping his secretary.

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