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Patterns in Civilization:Love
Japanese Europe
Undergraduate 4

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written in 1748 inspired by historical events of the Ako Vendetta-in which samurai avenge their masters seppuku 3/20/1703 in which forty seven committed mass seppuku during Tokugawa period 1701-1703 set in 14th century japan to avoid censorship of strict Tokugawa government, actions of play are very impropable for time period setting originally meant for puppet theater but taken up by the kabuki instead, express values and behavior of samurai/peasant and merchant class during late Feudal/Tokugawa period
Lord Takauji-Shogun whose role in the play is analogous to that of the early 17th century Tokugawa Shogun Tsunayoshi
Lord Tadayoshi-Younger brother of the Shogun whose visit to Kamakura in Act 1 triggers the series of dramatic incidents.
Wakasanosuke-Younger brother of the Lord of Harima, who, along with Lord Enya Hangan, is responsible for welcoming Lord Tadayoshi.
Honzo-A chief retainer and prudent adviser for Wakasanosuke. Also husband of Tonase and father of Konami. He bribes Moronao in Act 3, in order to deflect the latter's hostility, only to redeem himself in Act 9 when killed by son in law Rikiya
Moronao-Lord of Musashi, Governor of Kamakura, and Bakufu chief of Protocol. Moronao, the obvious villain in the play, is clearly modeled after the turn-of-the-eighteenth-century chief protocol officer of the Bakufu, Kira Yoshinaka.
Enya Hangan-Lord of the provincial domain of Hoki whose dispute with Moronao highlights Act 3 and whose ritual suicide highlights Act 4. Hangan is clearly modeled after the historical figure, Asano Naganori of Ako, who committed the capital offense of drawing his sword and wounding the high Tokugawa official, Kira Yoshinaka, in 1701.
Oboshi Yuranosuke-Hangan's leading vassal and hero of the play. Yuranosuke leads the revenge against Moronao. He is also modeled after the historical figure, Oishi Kuranosuke, who committed suicide in 1703, along with forty-five retainers, after avenging the death of Asano, demonstrates homophiliac love with Hangan while Enya commits seppuku
Tokugawa Japan/Meiji Restoration/Meiji period
Tokugawa- corresponding with Old Regime in France except revolution occurs 1789 almost full 100 years before Meiji Restoration in Japan, Edo period- main city(Versailles), 1603-1868- fall of vintage feudalism samurai highly illiterate to rise of form of agrarian bureaucracy samurai highly educated confucian inspired bureaucratic elite in Tokugawa, centralized Bukufu government controls all land, isolation of Japan from foreign influences, exclusion, sex as commodity homophiliac love geishas polygamy accepted, allowed Dutch only access to port on an island not true Japan soil, belief catholicism destabalizing, persecution of christianity, 1650 dutch and chinese only nagasaki port persecution of all other europeans, Samurai give up sword, no individual rights family maintainence most important
Decline/Meiji Restoration-1840-1880- urbanization, confucian education-national learning rise in interest of the arts- conflict between commercialization and restrictions on Japan, large population growth, eventual drought led to peasant unrest revolt, 1854 ports open to america due to foreign international pressures as well as internal pressures,
1868- Emperor Meiji- modernization, end of Bukufu creation of constitution based on Prussian model political conservation=council of state, legislative bodies, rankings, limited tenure of officials,emperor political power although ogliarchs still in place shift to capitalism- mass industrialization 100 years after Europe still emerges as global power, decline of confucian rise of romanticism competitive individual stressed(civic ideology of state) vs unconventional romantics- drop-outs, group nationalism Russo-Japanese war important in strengthening nationalism
And Then
Natsume Soseki- 1867- intellectual Tokyo university, unhapy childhood English major neurotic quit after receiving tenure to write literature produced in segments in newspaper lead to popularity written 1909 reflects effects of modernization alienated individuals refuse to accept civic ideology of state- competitive individualism/conventional bourgousie and public nationalism vs unconventional romanticism anguished youth thirteen meetings between Daisuke and Michiyo important progression comparable to both Sorrows of Young werther triangle and Sons and Lovers Paul internal strife with aestheticism vs industrialization- romantic voice to post romantic voice misunderstood genius narcism
Izu Dancer
Kawabata Yasunari- 1899 born won nobel prize in 1968 written in 1926 following manhood sufferage in Japan 1925,writer and novelist orphaned in childhood, educated Tokyo English/reporter Japanese Wars said to have impacted writings although not distinguishable post war vs pre war, influenced by European styles of art suicide in 1972
narrator leaves urban environment, upper class student, misunderstood, journey to Izu Peninsula(first port opened to Americans?) for self discovery, meets troupe of Dancers including the young dancer whom he has feelings for, misunderstood genius, virgin uptight around dancer, relation to lower class, relieves tension with fantasy freuds sublimination/sexual morality- afraid to bathe, cries when has to leave dancer, moment of homophiliac love with friend on boat resting and crying
Hiroshima Mon Amour
Director Alain Resnais screenplay Marguerite Duras- 1959 french film represents influence of globalization through use of french language reconstructs memory of war, romantic love between unnamed Hiroshima and Nevers- simultaneous positioning of lost love german soldier with hiroshima, effects of war
"Civilized" Sexual Morality and modern Nervousness 1908,connection modernity with nuerosis/sexual morality=nuerosis,libido The Passing of the Oedipus Complex 1924, medusa's Head 1922, Three Essays on the Theory of Sexuality 1905, impression of amnesia memories determine sexual development
Comes from environment of war, civil war US WW1 russo japanese along with anti-semitism in europe,lead to vulgarity in Freud in 1920's highly influencial in literature of time capitalist environment, surplus value commodity, market investments replace family and partnership Capitalism Importance in history
Adam Smith- Inquiry into Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations 1776- introduced laissez-faire economy optimistic of individualism, advocate of free trade, no tariffs, against accumulation of gold and silver, divisions of labor, man as a machine, invisible hand of supply and demand= human greed= no altruism
Malthus- essays on population 1798 and 1803- stopping geometric population growth- ideals for equilibrium in population
Herbert Spencer- social statics 1851 Principles of Psychology 1855- unchecked struggle for survival among social classes, unfit should be allowed to perish in name of progress, opposed public education and social reform against equalibrium influences Darwin fittest survive
Darwin Orgin of Species 1859- social darwinism scientific reality, challenged Judeo Christian creation, nature is harsh and unloving, all things subject to natural selection, sexual selection- some things attract things better than others, Love as a serviceable habit- antithetical to progress typical of women, function of nervous system not intellect, change would occur more rapidly if not for love
Critics- Marx Communist Manifesto 1848- socialism inevitable overthrow of capitalism
Nietzsche- Beyond good and evil 1886 will to power- god is dead, radical individualism, rejects science, man torn between rationalism and primal urge, against women and jews influences arian belief in germany,
Freud-1865 born, humble roots son of poor merchant, believed he was fondled by nurse maid infantile amnesia,joy at siblings death,studied at U of vienna supported by rich viennese women, opposes tradition, ambivalent about women like nietzsche, adored scientific method, rationalism prove significance father of psychology, castration of father, love/hate of mother, orality, idealized child, hostile to institutions of family/ marriage - males play with genitalia until realization of social unacceptance idea of libido either repressed(bad,explosion) or sublimated(good directed learning) resides in mind has three parts id-instinctual energy of biological needs/reposits unnatural thoughts ego-minds rationality, conscious remains in touch with reality keeps id in check, superego- conscience learned morality societal values helps ego go against id, libido expressed through some part of body(zone), aimed at someone/something (Object)released by action(Mode) against libido- eros-love instinct thanatos- death instinct
Seven Japanese Tales
Tanizaki Junichiro- 1886 born- greatly influenced by Freud-infantile amnesia claims to remember mother breast feeding him, very close to mother also, normal to outsiders but socially unacceptable thoughts demonstrated through stories physcopathic sexuals- dealing with sexual fetishes, great interest in Genji- translated to modern japanese
1910-Tatooer- do not forget Freud's dictum that "perversion" and "aberration" are "rarely absent from the sexual life ofhealthy people."- Tattooer enjoys pain he creates sadism through sublimation- art- fetish of foot- desire to create masterpiece on the woman whose feet are recognizable- tattoos spider on back transferring his soul/ emotions of sadism she experiences transition from timid to recognizing unconscious sexual desires repression
1913-Terror-written in first person about a young man's phobea of trains refers to complexes of industrialization in Meiji Japans rapid trasition to modernity, demonstrates knowledge of freud using german word for railroad, fears crowds, repression of fear or phobea- demonstrates great images of fear in mind, however outside is repressed not expressed need alcohol abuse to repress fear
early 20th cent- Thief- post romantic first person,involves school aged children in a conundrum about a theft taken place, horoata- complete opposite of narrator in reality jock separate world, only one to suspect narrator as thief, narrator respects him greatly for this admiring thought process,eventually catches him and punches him becoming confused with narrators admiration for him, later becomes professional thief repression of emotion
1922-Aguri-narrator narcisistic- similar to Genji, Daisuke, talks about legs changes in body surrealistic references, creates a mental scenario of own death in which girlfriend is unusually apathetic, metal overview of materialism, associated with Meiji conflicts, taking girlfriend shopping hiding condemnation of the material individualistic means,demonstrates english titles when shopping, globalization
1933- Portrait of Shunkin- narrator is biographer portraying life of Shunkin, blind at early age, daughter of wealthy pharmacist, focuses on music, servant turned into romantic partner/student of music, aids her and supports her in everything, loyal, very arbitrary, mean unsympathetic,sadistic, later dismembered by vengeful student, embarrassed to show sasuke, gives children up for adoption, sasuke blinds himself to demonstrate loyalty to her, when buried headstone is lower than hers showing obedience
1959- Bridge of Dreams- references to crossing Bridge of dreams finishing tale of genji, clacking of water morter passing of time, comparisons between gardens of Genji, however dangers are distinguishable= centepedes pose threat to Tadasu-unusually close relations with mother breast feeds well past proper age,mother is noble pure, dies replaced by raunchy dancer father names her chinu after first mother tries to replace mother assume role in breast feeding, conceives child, put up for adoption father tries to impose marriage to gardeners daughter,divorces after murder attempt on chinu,later finds adopted son Freud's Third Essay on the Theory of Sexuality: "A child's intercourse with anyone responsible for his care affords him an unending source of sexual excitation and satisfaction from his erotogenic zones. This is especially so since the person in charge of him, who, after all, is as a rule the mother, herself regards him with feelings that are derived from her own sexual life: she strokes him, kisses him, rocks him, and quite clearly treats him as a substitute for a complete sexual object. A mother would probably be horrified if she were made aware that all her marks of affection were rousing her child's sexual instinct and preparing for its later intensity."
Mozart/Europe background
Wolfgang Amedeus Mozart- 1787 Europe- Wrote and performed for the 18th c. Viennese aristocracy just as the French Revolution was beginning, the American Revolution had ended with the Constitution, and the English Revolution and Puritanism were a century old.
Background- plague leads to exploration, 1350-1500, 1500-1600 print revolution, leads to protestant reformation transition to vernacular-nation states, scientific revolution, pop culture, Religious DISunity, competing values, Catholic vs Protestant/Puritan, authority backed by print no oaths, optimism/trust human reason, faith in European values imperialism- economic development= growth/conquest=capitalism, division of labor, factories, industry, migration, exploitation of natural resources,
 General European trends:
1)      Rise of family obligations and love, resulting in parent/child/lover triangles
2)      Resort to bureaucracy
3)      Love among the lower classes
4)      Nobility have swords but behave like fops

types of love- carnival, institutional christian, romantic
carnival-Don Giovanni/Leporello and Elvira- scorecard sex all classes eligible, Zerlina toward Masetto
Institutional chrisitan- Donna Anna and ottavio- concerned about his property being penetrated, deep respect for nobility- Ottavio resorts to bureaucratic solutions
Romantic- Elvira toward Don Giovanni- not reciprocated, Masetto and Zerlina- men are stupid, boyish childish, still want women, sado-masochism- freud- in beating, then nurturing aspects of freud as well, Zerlina toward Don Giovanni- love crossing class lines, ambiguous in attraction, flaunts body boccacio,
he dies NOT for being a glutton, a libertine and a rapist but for defying the values of his noble class status e.g.
 (1) he fights Anna’s father, an old defenseless man, and kills him
(2) he expresses a willingness to seduce Leporello’s wife, thus breaking the bond to his own servant
 PRIDE and ARROGANCE kill him as he shakes hands with the statue
 The retribution he receives is divine, looking backward to God, because he will not repent
Everything is in transition:
Honor is giving way to contract
God/vengeance to law
Institutional vs carnival love to romantic love
Sorrows of Young Werther/Romantic Love=Capitalism
Johann Goethe- 1771-1772 transition from Institutional Christian to Carnival to Romantic love,
institutional christian- civilize women who are evil, mans property, shift to carnival- France celebrations of sexuality, sensuous women, Boccaccio's tales, parody role reversal, shift to romantic- body means in achieving divine perfection through love, Freud- oedipus complex- beautiful mother- loves watching her with children,
Werther- Gothic/Romantic- romanticism from capitalism- similarities to Sons and Lovers, developing small towns urbanization- class distinctions, Werther is narcistic, egotistical, misunderstood genius, loves nature, decay of nature=decay of Werther,
shift from courtly love to romantic love- female higher status vs no class distinction, male young foolish vs powerful male, love object not attained obstacles always vs love object attained followed by obstacles, strictly nobility vs all classes, extramarital vs marital, expression refined vs expressed, based upon males feelings vs both sexes, death vs suicide/hatred
Romantic Love- earlier in Europe link to capitalism and middle class- with capitalism comes decline of nobility and priesthood in daily affairs, shifts in focus on past to future, progression not tradition, fixed capital to fluid wealth patriarchy to shared family values wealth, genderless education opportunities
La Vita Nuova 1294- rise of city state? rise of capitalism?= urbanization population growth- both youthful works of young writers, all knowing narrator, writings from past tell story, dreams advance plot? TRIANGLES!! male rival is a loser-females are less developed and understood,
differences- Dante saved by love werther damed by love, werther cannot purify his love needs sexual, driven to forbidden love object, institutional christian view, parallel to romantic love,
Sons and Lovers
D.H. Lawrence- 1913-semi biographic, as paul morel, oedipus complex with mother, depicts small coal mining towns, capitalism industrialization, conflict in paul capitalist competitive individualism vs aestheticism romanticism Daisuke
paul william hate morel- william clashes with mothers puritan ideas, with gypsy
morel - gertrude-children-large disconnect between father and children while children consistently side with mother largely resent father, gertrude finds love in children instead of estranged husband
paul-miriam-gertrude- gertrude resents miriam knows she will take pauls soul, however encourages relations with clara because she knows they are strictly physical maybe paul sublimation through physicalities with clara emotional attachment to mother
paul- clara-baxter-
interesting mother quickly approves of annes engagement but not of william or pauls love interests, mothers deep depression when william dies, both boys constant need of approval from mother
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