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Medicine Through Time - 20th Century
History GCSE Paper 1
10th Grade

Additional History Flashcards




Name 5 developments during the 20th Centry.
Communications and increased travel meant that medical ideas spread quickly. People became less religious so more people were incline to look for medical solutions rather than supernatural explanations. There was a great explosion of scientific and technological innovation. Societies were democratic. Wars, epedemics and famine killed more people in the 20th Century than the whole of the rest of history.
Name 5 positive impacts of WW2 on medicine.
Blood transfusions - blood could be stored longer as Sodium Citrate was developed so blood didn't clot. Diet - rationing improved diet. Drugs - Penicillin was developed as the first antibiotic. Surgery - developments in the use of skin grafts and treatment of burns. Hygiene - government posters educated people on health and hygiene.
Name 5 factors that lead to the development of Penicillin.
Government - British government funded research. US government funded mass production. Technology - microscopes and bacteria growing mediums. Individuals - Florey and Chain were skilled scientists supported by a skilled team of researchers. War - growing casualties of WW2 added to the urgency to mass produce penicillin. Chance - Fleming discovered penicillin by chance in 1928.
How was Penicillin discovered?
One day in 1928, Fleming came to clean up some old culture dishes he had been growing bacteria for his experiments on. By chance, he found a fungal spore had landed and grown on one of the dishes. He noticed that colonies of bacteria around the mould stopped growing. The fungus was identified and given the name penicillin. Fleming was unable to take his work further.
How was Penicillin developed?
In the 1930's two Oxford scientists Florey and Chain became interested in Flemings discovery. They gathered a skilled research team and asked the government to fund their research. British chemical firms were too busy making explosives to start mass production so they asked the US government. By 1944 mass production was sufficient enough for the needs of military medics.
Name a key development in the 1970's.

IVF or...

...Endoscopes (fibre optic cables with a light source to allow doctors to see into the body) or...

...CT scanner (uses xray images from a number of different angles to build up a 3D image from inside the body).

Who established the NHS?
Bevan in 1948.
Name the biggest problem faced by the NHS.
Because the death rate declined, the growing population produced enormous costs on the government.
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