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History Fair
for history fair
10th Grade

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Dubofsky, Melvyn. American Labor Since The New Deal. Chicago: Quadrangle Books, 1999
- One of the major industries affected by the Depression was the Steel Industry. The thousands of workers were on strike with no pay, forcing the steel companies to resort to other methods, including police force, ultimately ending up in the loss of jobs and people. (113)
Dubofsky, Melvyn. American Labor Since The New Deal. Chicago: Quadrangle Books, 1999
- Violence was commonly used to settle up roaring riots and crowds of workers in Chicago, resulting in the death and injury of thousands. (111)
Dubofsky, Melvyn. American Labor Since The New Deal. Chicago: Quadrangle Books, 1999
- Pre-New Deal, workers would react to their low wages and working conditions by striking. However, it would only increase the unemployment rate and cause unnecessary violence. Similar occurrences would happen towards the 22,000 strikers in Chicago from the Steel Industry. (126)
Dubofsky, Melvyn. American Labor Since The New Deal. Chicago: Quadrangle Books, 1999
- The majority of Chicago's industries relied on non-union labor, and at times, it would greatly profit its industries; the Steel Industry's profit margin would increase by 40% after the release of their union workers.
Jones, Gene DeLeon. The Local Political Significance of New Deal Relief Legislation in Chicago 1933-1940. Ann Arbor: University Microfilms International, 1981.
- Within the first years of the Depression, the governor's relief commission would sponsor a joint campiegn where $5,000,000 would be distributed by local agencies; despite that, from April 1930 - January 1931, the unemployment rate in Chicago would increase by 168%. A second solicitation was implemented, but was exhausted quickly, only exemplifying the disaster of the Depression. (22)
Jones, Gene DeLeon. The Local Political Significance of New Deal Relief Legislation in Chicago 1933-1940. Ann Arbor: University Microfilms International, 1981.
- In another attempt towards relief, a new bill in Illinois would need to be passed, but for it to work, there required compromise and the cooperation of both the Democratic and Republican parties. (42)
Jones, Gene DeLeon. The Local Political Significance of New Deal Relief Legislation in Chicago 1933-1940. Ann Arbor: University Microfilms International, 1981.
- Even at the local political level, the Republican party was left in disarray with no leader in its primary, also causing the Reformers to be in disarray and losing financial support. (88)
Jones, Gene DeLeon. The Local Political Significance of New Deal Relief Legislation in Chicago 1933-1940. Ann Arbor: University Microfilms International, 1981.
- The Machine leaders would overwhelm any reforming party and the Republican party. The majority vote went to the Machine and it would be double of whatever the opposing party would get. (89)
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