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Undergraduate 2

Additional History Flashcards




Spanish American War
Who/What? United States and Spain go to war as a result of American intervention in the Cuban war of Independence. that wasn’t fought in the US or Spain or cuba but in the pacific
When? Spain declares war April 24, 1898
Spain is defeated July 3, 1898
Why? US became involved after hearing brutal stories about what was going on in Cuba. Cuba was resenting Spanish control fighting for independence and rebellion movements. , and Wyler drove Cubans out of their homes and into concentration camps. President Cleveland didn’t sympathize with them,  but encouraged Spain to allow Cubans more autonomy. The US people (Led by Rooselvelt and Lodge) wanted to interfere after hearing “yellow journalism” about how destructive and bloody it had gotten on both sides. United States then sent out USS Maine which eventually blew up. After USS Maine blew up, United States wrongly accused Spain for destroying their ship and declared war.. Battle lasted 10 weeks, US Navy dominated offshore and on land. Also the fact that US was interested in Cuba even before Civil War
So What/Significance? This marked the beginning of the United States becoming a world power or international empire. Spain signed armistice in July; America signed over the Dominican Republic but got Manila and Cuban protectorate. The Platt Amendment granted Cuban independence with American intervention as needed.
Phillipines American War
Who/What? A war between United States and Philippines. Once Emilio Aguinaldo was captured, Philippines surrendered and the war was over.  
When? 1898-1902
Why? United States had agreed on annexation however Philippines did not want to be a protectorate of United States. Philippines were wanting independence.  The Filipinos had been fighting the Spanish when the U.S. won the Spanish-American War, and therefore some of the U.S.  felt as though they had ownership over the Philippines even though the Philippines did not recognize this ownership. The Anti-Imperialist League felt the U.S. should support liberty and self government.
So What/Significance? America found themselves resorting to the same tactics that the Spanish used which included starving the countryside. Also significantly, it took over 40 years for Philippines to finally have their independence (US finally said they could self-govern themselves).
Open Door Policy
Who/What? Secretary of State John Hay. This policy had two parts: the first open door note from Hay to China claimed the right of equal trade access (open door) for all nations wanting to do business with China. The second open door note came after the Boxer Rebellion (which was brought about because a small group of Chinese nationalists-the Boxers- rebelled against the foreigners) was put down by American troops in China. It insisted that the rest of the world recognize China as a sovereign and independent nation; essentially China must ‘be preserved as a territorial and administrative entity’.
When? 1899
Why? Because United States was interested in trading with China.
So What/Significance? A loop hole for United States to trade with China without having to interfere with other sovereign powers (because United States knew that if they tried to compete with these powers then it would only lead to trouble)
US Revolt Hawaii 1893
Who/What? The White population staged a revolted against Queen “L” in 1893.  
When? 1893
Why? Achievement of Annexation of Hawaii was able to happen only because there were British and American population in Congress who influenced the outcome (including a New Constitution that allowed Annexation of Hawaii).
American citizens were not happy with the idea that the Queen of Hawaii wanted to make a new Constitution.  Even though Hawaii was accepted as an independent sovereign state, the stated was eventually forced to annexation
So What/Significance? Eventually lead to a new Constitution for the Republic of Hawaii which included provisions of American Annexation of Hawaii. United States got around Cleveland by Parliament deciding this and not restoring the monarchy. Annexed Hawaii in 1898.
Jane Addams
Who/What? A woman reformer who believed that women should stand for peace. Jane Addams along with Ellen Gates Starr established Hull House on Chicago’s West Side in 1889. She did not regard Hull House as a specifically female enterprise. But, of course, in her personal odyssey, it had mattered that she was a daughter, not a son.
When? During the women suffrage movement was when she was most importantly mentioned; Chapter 20 Progressive Era
Why? Because she believed that women should stand for peace.
So What/Significance?  Possibly contributed to 19th Amendment -suffrage for women- being finally to United States Constitution [----not positive on this though]
Regulatory Liberalism
Who/What? New Deal school of Progressive Liberal thought
When? 1930’s (During the New Deal progression)
Why? Believed that a moderate amount of government intervention won’t sufficiently interfere with capitalist free enterprise but can be used to the benefit of consumers and working people
So What/Significance? Safeguarded individual freedom and opportunity by bolstering the authority of the state and federal governments to control large business corporations.
Clayton Anti-Trust Act
Who/What? Amending with the Sherman Act, the definition of illegal practices was left flexible, subject to the test of whether an action “substantially lessen[ed] competition or tend[ed] to create a monopoly.”
When? 1914
Why? to make modifications to the federal anti-trust laws to prohibit certain types of  conduct between competitive markets.  
So What/Significance?  outlined enforcement and other policies to protect from monopolistic practices in companies.
Booker T. Washington
Who/What? He is the dominant black leader of the Progressive Era who in a famous speech in Atlanta in 1895 advocated accommodation with the South. Washington, born as a slave, banked on black economic progress. He was remarkable both for his ability to act as a spokesman to white Americans and for his deep understanding of the aspirations of black Americans. He understood what it took to gain white support.
When? Progressive Era (1900-1914)
Why? Because he was born a slave, he suffered the indignities experienced by all blacks after the aspirations of black Americans.
So What/Significance? The situations of blacks was deteriorating even in the North. Over 200,000 blacks migrated from the South between 1900 and 1910, sparking white resentment in northern cities. Attacks on blacks became widespread, capped by a bloody race riot in Springfield, Illinois, in 1908. In the face of all this, many black activists lost patience with Booker T. Washington’s silence.
Federal Reserve Act
Who/What? The act delegated operational functions to twelve district reserve banks funded and controlled by their member banks. The Act was signed into law by Pres Woodrow Wilson.
When? 1913
Why? Because it gave the nation a banking system that was resistant to financial panic. Prior to 1913, panics were common occurrences as investors were unsure about the safety of their deposits.
So What/Significance? In one stroke, the act strengthened the banking system and, to a modest degree, reined in Wall Street.
Central Powers
Who/What? Central Powers originally consisted of Germany, Italy,  and Austria-Hungary (later on also Bulgaria and the Ottoman Empire). Italy initially pledged allegiance to the Central Powers following the beginning of the war, but quickly switched to the Allied Powers side due to conflict with the other Central powers
When? 1907-1918
Why? Formed as an alliance between countries to promise military support between the nations. Russia and Austria-Hungary both wanted control of the Ottoman Empire. Austria-Hungary seized some Ottoman provinces that had large Slavic populations and this made both Russia and Serbia mad. Serbian terrorists assassinated Franz Ferdinand, heir to the Austria-Hungary throne.
So What/Significance? After the Allied Powers and the Central Powers were formed, a deadly confrontation between the two European power blocs became possible.
Allied Powers
Who/What? Britain, France, Russia are otherwise known as the Allied Powers. Also called the “Triple Entente”
When? 1907-1918
So What/Significance? US would eventually join in during Great War.
Zimmerman Telegram

Who/What? Arthur Zimmerman, the German foreign secretary urged the Mexican government to
create some sort of diversion to get the US distracted from being involved in the World War, then Germany will help Mexico regain land it lost from the US in the Mexican War. A coded telegram was sent to Mexico City.
When? 1917
Why? To get Mexico to distract the US
So What/Significance? Zimmerman Telegram was intercepted and decoded by the British and given to Woodrow Wilson, which quickened the US’ entry into WWI. It inflamed anti-German sentiment throughout the nation and essentially why we declared wa
16TH Amendment
Who/What? The Congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes on incomes, from whatever source derived, without apportionment among the several states, and without regard to any census or enumeration.
When? 1913
So What/Significance? exempted income taxes from constitutional requirements regarding direct taxes
17TH Amendment
Who/What? The Senate of the United States shall be composed of two Senators from each state, elected by the people thereof, for six years; and each Senator shall have one vote. The electors in each state shall have the qualifications requisite for electors of the most numerous branch of the state legislatures.
When vacancies happen in the representation of any state in the Senate, the executive authority of such state shall issue writs of election to fill such vacancies: Provided, that the legislature of any state may empower the executive thereof to make temporary appointments until the people fill the vacancies by election as the legislature may direct.
This amendment shall not be so construed as to affect the election or term of any Senator chosen before it becomes valid as part of the Constitution.  Can someone please make this more concise? Rephrase please? This is pretty clear.
States vote for thier senators now not the government.
--> Established direct election of Senators by popular vote. They were previously elected by state legislatures.
When? 1913
So What/Significance? Gave each state a fair say in what was voted on.
18TH Amendment
Who/What? SECTION 1. After one year from the ratification of this article the manufacture, sale, or transportation of intoxicating liquors within, the importation thereof into, or the exportation thereof from the United States and all territory subject to the jurisdiction thereof for beverage purposes is hereby prohibited.
SECTION 2.The Congress and the several states shall have concurrent power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation. SECTION 3. This article shall be inoperative unless it shall have been ratified as an amendment to the Constitution by the legislatures of the several states, as provided in the Constitution, within seven years from the date of the submission hereof to the states by the Congress.  Same thing can we please make this more concise? Rephrase anyone please? Prohibition
When? 1919
Why? There was believed to be a direct link between alcohol and many antisocial behaviors, like child abuse and domestic violence. Another famous concern was that of Henry Ford, who believed that alcohol had a negative impact on labor productivity. Anti-German sentiment during WWI helped catapult the issue into law.
So What/Significance?  Americans drank less after the 18th Amendment took effect, but those
19TH Amendment
Who/What? The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any state on account of sex.
Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation.
When? 1920
So What/Significance? Ended women’s suffrage; women finally had the right to vote.
Sheppard-Towner Act
Who/What? The first federally funded health-care legislation, the act lowered infant mortality by subsidizing medical clinics, prenatal educational programs, and visiting nurse projects.
When? 1921
Why? The act was a response to the lack of adequate medical care for women and children, including reports that at least 80% of all pregnant women did not receive adequate pre-natal care. The deficit became especially noticeable during WWI when many potential recruits were rejected for military service due to childhood diseases.
So What/Significance? Many men in Congress supported the act because they feared the voting power of newly enfranchised women. By the late 1920’s, when it became clear that women did not vote as a bloc, Congress cut off appropriations of the program.
Palmer Raids
Who/What? In 1919 Woodrow Wilson appointed A.Mitchell Palmer as his attorney general. Palmer recruited John Hoover  as his special assistant and together they used the Espionage Act (1917) and the Sedition Act (1918) to launch a campaign against radicals.
When? 1919
Why? Palmer believed that Anarchists socialists, communists, and European anarchists wanted to destroy US through foreign ideology and diluting the culture.
So What/Significance?  It lead to an explosive racial violence after the 1920s. Over 10,000 suspected communists and anarchists were arrested. Palmer and Hoover found no evidence of a proposed revolution but large number of these suspects were held without trial for a long time and some of them were deported.. It lead to the revival of KKK and the immigration restrictions (nativism)
100% Americanism
Who/What? Any kind of dissent or unpatriotic activity, or people being critical of the US was not accepted. Racial violence and upheaval after WWI. Americans only wanted Anglo-saxon, non-foreign, no labor union, non-socialist people.
When? After WWI when a communist revolution took over the government in Russia.
Why? To promote national unity by suppressing any opposition of the government
So What/Significance? Many Americans became target of suspicion, Rebirth of KKK and Racial Violence in 1920s
Sedition Act of 1918
Who/What? Also known as the Sedition Amendment, it extended the Espionage Act of 1917. The law made it a crime to criticize by speech or writing the government, Constitution, military, or congress.
When? 1918
Why? It was against 1st amendment. Certain speeches, press, or expressions that would cast the government or war time efforts in a negative way was considered an offense, so you could get arrested/in trouble. The Supreme Court upheld The Sedition Act of 1918 constitutional.
So What/Significance?   Used in conjunction with the Espionage Act, it was almost a crime to disagree with America’s involvement in WWI.
Harlem Renaissance
Who/What? A short-lived movement where many works of art and literature emanated from Harlem, the center of African American life in New York City.
When? 1920’s
Why? Because creative expression was one of the few avenues available to African Americans in the early twentieth century when economic opportunities were scarce and racism still rampant
So What/Significance? It redefined how America, and the world, viewed the African-American population. It stood as “the symbol of liberty and the Promised Land to Negroes everywhere”
Second Industrial Revolution
Who/What? A period with new industries creating new consumer goods
When? 1922-1929
Why? During the post war recession there was a demographic shift; African-Americans moved north to where the jobs were--trade, industry, etc.
So What/Significance? Positive effect on working class. More consumption means better for standard of living. Expansions of suburbs due to availability of vehicles.
Scopes Trial
Who/What? A case in which John T. Scopes, a high school biology teacher, taught the principles of evolution to his class and faced a jail sentence for doing so.
When? 1925
Why? Purposely to attract national attention because Clarence Darrow, a famous criminal lawyer, defended Scopes and William Jennings Bryan, the three-time Democratic presidential candidate and ardent fundamentalist, spoke for the prosecution.  
So What/Significance? Highlighted secular value and emphasized the conflict between modernists and fundamentalists
Dust Bowl
Who/What? Average of 50 storms per year around the Oklahoma panhandle, Kansas, and Nebraska due to drought and livestock stripping the  land of vegetation.
When? 1932-1939
Why? Caused by droughts, winds, and poor farming practices
So What/Significance? One-third of the great plains literally blew away. One of the factors that caused the Great Depression. Led to a mass exodus of farmers to travel to California for low wages and terrible living conditions.
Bonus Army
Who/What? A ragtag group of about 15,000 unemployed World War I veterans, hitchhiked to Washington to demand immediate payment of their Service Certificates, a pension award that was due to be paid in 1945
When? Summer of 1932
Why? Because as heroes in World War 1 are demanding immediate payment of their Service Certificates
So What/Significance? Most publicized and most tragic protest. The Bonus Armyeven set up camps near the U.S. Capitol building. Also significantly after this event and after Hoover called out regular troops, Hoover’s popularity plunged!

Banking Act of 1933

Glass-Steagall Act

Who/What? Closed all the banks and to be inspected the health of all the banks until they have enough cash reserved. Required separation of investment banking from commercial banking
When? 1933 after stock market crash
Why? Because many citizens have lost their money from banks (cut their savings) when the banks failed. Commercial banks were deemed the main culprit for banks failures as they took on too much risks for depositors’ money.
So What/Significance? Guarantee up to $100,000  ====> (I think it is up to $250,000  per depositor under the FDIC) deposit which gave people faith in banks and the government.  
Established FDIC
Agriculture Adjustment Administration
Who/What? Sought to control prices by controlling supply and paying farmers to allow some fields to remain fallow. AAA began direct governmental regulation of the farm economy.
When? 1933
Why? In order to solve the problem of overproduction
So What/Significance?  Somewhat effective but hurt many at bottom. Killed many animals and crops. Later declared unconstitutional. Also, as less crops were grown per farm less workforce was needed and therefore, unemployment increased. Unemployment. Part of the New Deal
Works Progress Administration
Who/What? WPA combated the depression by providing jobs rather than relief. WPA put workers directly on the federal payroll.
When? 1935
Why? To help with the drastic unemployment rates during the Great Depression
So What/Significance? Provided 40% of unemployed with work. Part of the New Deal
Civilian Conservation Corps
Who/What?  Congress created the Home Owners Loan Corporation which then set up CCC in order to mobilized 250,000 young men to do reforestation and conservation work.
When? 1933
Why? Goal was to provide jobs rather than handouts
So What/Significance? It gave many workers jobs  (low pay but free training and board) and taught many unmarried men and women to work and live independently.
Securities and Exchange Commission
Who/What? Congress established to regulate the stock market by disclosing information of stock being sold. The commission had broad powers to regulate purchase of stock.
When? 1934
Why? Because insider trading, fraud, and reckless speculation had triggered the financial panic of 1929 (Wall Street Crash)
So What/Significance? Helped businesses in the long run
National Labor Relations Act
Who/What? AKA the Wagner Act. Promotes collective bargaining between workers and employers
When? 1935
Why? Because Roosevelt wants to emphasize on social justice: the use of national legislation to enhance the power of working people and the economic security and welfare of the old, the disabled, and the unemployed.
So What/Significance? Protected rights of workers to unionization. Made it illegal for employers to fire a worker because they join a union. Another significance is that the Wagner Act did not apply to farm workers only industrial workers.
Social Security Act
Who/What? Imposed compulsory taxes on workers and forced families to comply with ever more complicated bureaucratic regulations.
When? 1935
Why? Created during the Second New Deal (1935-1938) once again a second initiative of Roosevelt to emphasize social justice: the use of national legislation to enhance the power of working people and the economic security welfare of the old, the disabled, and the unemployed.
So What/Significance? The Social Security Act was a milestone in the creation of an American welfare state.
Social Welfare Liberalism
Who/What? Increased the national scope of national legislation, creating a centralized administrative system, and institute new programs (ex: Social Security and Medicare), which increased the responsibility of the national government for the welfare of every American citizen.
When? 1930s
Why? Because the nation was entering the fourth year of the worst economic contraction in its history so Roosevelt promised strong presidential leadership to get the nation to take action now.
So What/Significance? Redefined what was appropriate for government to do to help the economy. Expanded the individuals right to government assistance
Washington Armaments Conference
Who/What? Conference that revealed American strategy in the Pacific
When? 1921
Why? In order to avoid huge U.S. naval expenditures and to prevent Japan from expanding its naval forces and becoming the dominant nation in East Asia.
So What/Significance?
Good Neighbor Policy
Who/What? Secretary of State Cordell Hull implemented the policy in which agreed not to interfere with sovereign nations. It renounced the use of military force and armed intervention in Latin America.
When? 1933
Why? In order to avoid forming more enemies (mostly Latin America)
So What/Significance? Repealed Platt Amendment, a relic of the Spanish-American War, which asserted the United States the right to intervene in Cuba’s affairs.
Neutrality Legislation
Who/What? A series of Neutrality Acts were passed in 1935, 1936, and 1937- these laws placed an embargo on exports of war materials to belligerents. It also warned the U.S. citizens not to travel on belligerent vessels, prohibited loans to belligerent nations, and instituted the cash and carry policy which meant that nations that were seeking to trade with the U.S. had to purchase the goods they wanted as well as provide their own vessels in which they could be shipped out to their country.
When? 1935-1939
Why? Ensured that money or loans would not be provided to any nation in a war, and therefore, maintained America’s neutrality in the conflict.
So What/Significance?  
Munich Agreement
Who/What? Britain and France again capitulated, agreeing to let Germany annex the Sudetenland--a German-speaking border area of Czechoslovakia-- in return for Hitler’s pledge to seek no more territory.
When? September 1938 (if Munich Conference)
Why? Because of the violation of a Versailles Treaty and tried to understand Hitler’s aggression
So What/Significance? However, Hitler’s forces within merely six months had already overrun the rest of Czechoslovakia and were threatening to march into Poland (broke his promise). France and Britain, realizing that their policy of appeasement had been disastrous, warned Hitler that further expansion meant war (which happened after he launched a blitzkrieg against Poland)
Lend-Lease Act
Who/What? Roosevelt convinced Congress to pass the Lend-Lease Act. This legislation authorized the president to “lease, lend, or otherwise dispose of” arms and other equipment to Britain or any country whose defense was considered vital to the security of the United States.
When? 1941
Why?  Because Britain no longer able to pay cash for arms but for Roosevelt, their survival was viewed as the key to American security.
So What/Significance? The implementation of lend-lease marked the unofficial entrance of the United States into the European war.
Axis Powers
Who/What? Axis Powers included Rome-Berlin-Tokyo (Germany, Italy, Japan)
When? World War II (1941-1944)
Why? Formed because of the Anti-Comintern Pact of 1936/Tripartite Act.
So What/Significance?
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