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History 9-13 Identifications
Identifications for Exam
Undergraduate 1

Additional History Flashcards




Missouri Comprimise 1820
Missouri wanted to enter as a slave state which would create an unbalanced between slave states and free states. Henry Clay helped to propose the idea of the Missouri Comprimise. Comprimise resulted in an imaginery line between free states and slave states. Missouri entered as slave state and Maine broke off from Massachusets enters as free state to create a balance.
Manifest Destiny
Basically an idea from the 1800s that stated it was the Nations destiny to expand and reach the pacific ocean. Leading to many territory disputes and events such as Mexican-American war, Oregon Boundry dispute, California gold rush etc.
Jacksonian Democracy
Was a type of political beliefs that many people started followind during and after president Andrew Jackson's term. The idea stood for giving power to the "common man" not only the elite. People (specifically white men) should have more say in the way the government was run. Jacksonians also believed that government should have limited power and were not really in-favor of a national bank.
Frederick Douglas
Was a former slave from Maryland and later became known as an extremly knowledgeable man and abolitionist movement leader. He was able to escape from Baltimore disguised as a sailor. Douglas was seen as a hero by many and even had his own newspaper The North Star. 
John Brown
Was a (white) abolitionist strongly against slavey so much so that he belived using violence was justifiable. Most famously known for attempting to led an attack on a armory in Virginia (1859) to take over it and then led a violent rebelion in hope that slaves would do the same. Unfortunatley it was not sucessful and he was hung. He also helped many people escape from slavery and helped with the underground railroad. He was also belived to have been mentaly unstable and not all that there.
Dred Scott Decision 1847
Was one of the first court casses when an African American tried to sue for his freedom in 1847. He had been traveling along with his master and made it to a free state where he then was able to break free for a short time. Then tried sueing his master but court said that since he was a black man (and property) he was not consedered a U.S citizen and had no rights. Scott tried sueing multiple times but unfortunatley all resulted against him.
Popular Sovereignty
From the mid 1800's and pretty much stated that people should be able to decide for themselves the way their government is ran in each seperate state/territory. Became popular thanks to Stephan Douglas and was mainly meant to solve the slavery debates of free vs slave states.
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