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HIST 347
Post-Revolution American History
Undergraduate 4

Additional History Flashcards




Haitian Revolution
Haiti produced half of the worlds coffee and sugar.
1791 to 1804
very violent, high slave population, low white population.
1793- France abolished slavery.

Louisiana lost importance to France after the loss of Haiti.
Burr Conspiracy
James Wilkinson wanted to break off part of the Louisiana Territory and rule separate from the US. Burr helped Wilkinson become governor of territory.
Wilkinson stabs Burr in the back and turns him in.
Burr is charged for treason and arrested in 1806.
Chief Justice John Marshall finds him not guilty based on insufficient evidence.
Sally Hemings
half sister of Martha Jefferson.
3 white grandparents.
went with Jefferson to France in 1787.
Was involved sexually with Jefferson after his wife had died.
They had several children who remained enslaved.
Sally remained a servant in the house until her death.
Battle of Horseshoe Bend
Fought during War of 1812.
March 1814 in Alabama.
Colonel Andrew Jackson defeated the Creek Indians.
Creeks had sided with the British.
Won 23 million acres of land from the Creek to the US.
Jackson was promoted to Major General.
Fletcher vs Peck
1810 - first time Supreme Court ruled a state law unconstitutional.
Overruled Georgia's Yazoo Land Act which had allowed land taken from Indians to be sold to private speculators. Full of corruption.
The Panic of 1819
after and during the Napoleonic Wars, the demand for American agriculture skyrocketed in Europe.
led to lots of speculation and buying lands to cultivate out West.
the demand dropped and put farmers deep into debt because they could not pay back loans or sell their crops.
Banks had been giving out money without having it backed with gold.
Lasted for 6 years and the Second Bank of the United States is blamed for lack of regulation of local banks.
Stay Laws were enacted to try to protect people from losing property.
Marbury v. Madison
1803 - Marbury was never served his commission to become a Justice of the Peace. Adams had appointed him last minute and it was not delivered before Jefferson took over.
Marbury wanted to force Sec of State Madison to deliver the commission.
Madison not forced to deliver because Supreme Court ruled that it was unconstitutional for Marbury to bring his claim to Supreme Court.
Monroe Doctrine
1823- written by JQA
Latin American revolutions throughout Spanish Empire, Spanish lost most of its colonies between 1803 to 1830.
The Doctrine states that European powers cannot colonies in the Western Hemisphere and this would be seen as a direct attack on US interests.
The US would not get involved in European affairs.
Missouri Compromise
Banned slavery in all states north of the 36th parallel in the Louisiana Territory.
Started to create a competitive divide between North and South for control in government.
Transcontinental Treaty
Spanish relinquish Florida and all land above the 42nd parallel.
Webster's Dictionary
published in 1828, Noah Webster sought to create a unique American identity from British language.
He spelled things how they sounded to simplify the language.
Leclerc, Comte de Buffon
French scientist who believed that all races had once been Caucasian (started by Adam and Eve) and that any deviance from this was a degeneration of the genes due to poor diet and sun exposure.
He believed changing the environment to more favorable conditions would turn a person back to white.
Native American leader from the Shawnee Tribe.
Known as the Prophet.
Brother of Tecumseh.
Mobilized Native Americans to fight against the whites in the War of 1812.
Saw Americans as children of the devil.
Defeated in 1811 at the Battle of Tippecanoe.
Market Revolution
Started in the South and eventually effected the entire world.
Spurred by the invention of the Cotton Gin by Eli Whitney, increases in transportation and communication.
Northern cities grew very strong economically and grew the divide which would eventually lead to the Civil War.
After the War of 1812, American economy became more than just an importer from Europe, became a big player in international commerce.
Despite this, slavery remained and was focused on cotton.
Became an industrial revolution (John Deere, etc.) and many people left agrarian life for work in shops and factories.
Boston Manufacturing Company
Started in 1813 by Francis Cabot Lowell to manufacture cotton textiles.
Stole idea from the British power loom while visiting and memorized it before coming back to US.
Rebuilt the power loom with some modifications and improvements.
All steps of cloth production could be done under one roof.
Recruited young girls from the area to come and work and they lived in a boarding house next to the factory.
Waltham System became known as the labor system the factory employed. 80 hour work weeks, tightly regimented.
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