Shared Flashcard Set


Hist 101 - final
AKA Rouge memorization 101
Undergraduate 1

Additional History Flashcards




What important factors contributed to the early growth of papal power?

a) Petrine Doctrine - Peter was given control of the church, popes are the heirs to the authority of christ, so all clergy are subordinate to the pope.


b) Imperial interferance in the east - The emperor lives in the east and interferes with thinks like: Council of Nicaea - first console called to resolve a Doctrine issues and it was overseen by Constantinople (325). 


c) Church efforts during barbarian invasions - Despite the government collapsing, the church was able to keep things running and even negotiate with Attila the Hun.



What was the impact of monasticism?

Monasticism - Monks enabled the church to spread the word of god more effectively. Since these monks swore loyalty to the Pope, when these monks made monistaries they increased the power of the pope (Benedictine Monasteries).


Pope Gregory I "The Great" who and how?



He increased power of church through theological changes to make things "clearer" (Penance, Purgatory, shift to saints). 


He increased the wealth of the church. 


Deployed the monks.


Helped used deplomacy against the Lombards.


Set up the concept of Papal primacy.


Who was Clovis?  

Who was Peppin of Heristal?  

Who was Charles Martel?

Who was Peppin the Short?  


Clovis - Established the Merovingian Dynasty (Paris). He dies and his sons fight.

Peppin of Heristal - Mayor (of the palace), who had increasing sway in the direction of the Franks. Made the posion of Mayor a bloodline.

Charles Martel - Son of Pippin

Pippin the short - Son of Martel. He overthrew kings. Used pope to anoint him to king to lessen chance of rebellion by the nobles and his relatives. This began the idea that kings are represenatives of god -> devine right eventually.


What was the nature of Frankish government, under the Merovingians and the Carolingians?  

Was it strong?  

Was it weak?


Merovingians - pretty weak. Lots of internal fighting.


Carolingians - Strong. Charlemagne took over the last pippin. Did a lot of shit to fix stuff. Expands through warefare and is good at it. But his successors were progressively weaker.



What were some of the distinctive features of the reign of Charlemagne? 



a) Fought just above everyone and won. (Lombards/Iberia(Muslims)/Avars/Saxons*(brutal))

b) Grew land under his control sig.

c) Reformed the church to get everyone on the same page, to increase clergical litteracy, and generated common culture.

d) Was crowned emporer after helping Pope Leo III. This is the Latin Christendom (Roman +  Gemanic + Christian parts).


Why did the Carolingian Empire begin to fall apart after Charlemagne's death?  


His son, Louis the Pious, was weak and his kids constantly fought.


What was the Treaty of Verdun?  Why was it such a significant diplomatic treaty?


When Louis died civil war broke out 840-843.

Ending in the Treaty of Verdun divided the empire into three parts:

Lothair - Gets "Emperor" title and the middle section - Middle Kingdom

Louis - Eastern 3rd, Eastern Frankish Kingdom (Modern Germany)

Charles the Bald - Western 3rd, West Frankish kingdom (Modern France)

But none of the borders were clearly defined, so when


Lothair dies in 855 the other two fight over that land

Their successors will continue to fight over it until 1945 


Because of this treaty there will be over 1000 years of warfare

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