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Undergraduate 2

Additional History Flashcards




Ptolematic Astronomy
-Mathematical astronomy
-planets don't move in perfect orbit
- planets moved in spheres, set places. with the moon closes to the earth
-epigrades and epicycles(circles moving in circles)
"bank account of sin" that need to be paid off.
-usually spend time in purgatory expelling sins and indulgences lessen time in "jail"
money(donations) to wipe out sin
sold indulgences
Martin Luther attacked notion of indulgences in 95 theses
The Devastation of the of the Indies
La Casas work that attacked the Spanish Colonial System
Gave first hand accounts of Spaniard's brutish devastation of the Indians.
Christians wanted to convert and for spices
De Revolutionibus Orbium
Copernicus' work that gives an alternate view of the world other than ptolmy's. Heliocentricity. 1543
Francis Bacon's Project
1. Proposed a method of developing philosophy
2. Catalyst of the scientific revolution
3. One of the most influential members of the scientific revolution.
4. Francis Bacon proposes the idea of experimentation and observation, rather than accepting the knowledge from books.
-Ppl accepted that the classical authors were correct, and did not care to go out in the world and look for themselves. Now, the scientific revolution began.
They established the Ching dynasty
The were successful because of military prowess in support from chinese generals who deserted the ming dynasty bc of its corruption
Johannes Kepler
1.Brilliant mathematician who comes up with the ellipse
3.Said no body at any time will inscribe the same area of the ellipse as any other time. 17th century
John Calvin
1. Felt a need to unify the splintered Protestant movement
2. Wrote Institutes of Christian Religion in which he says people are predestined to heaven or hell
a. people worried that others would not hold themselves accountable for their actions.
believed scripture would provide knowledge of God and self
Royal Society
Educational society:
1. Said you cant start from scratch every time you want to learn something
2. They organized an effort to catalog the major libraries
3. Started to formulate notions of who can be a member of this community which was a necessity for trusting one another
a. had to be a christian male(christians were the only trustworthy people)
b. they also had to be financially independent.
telescope(17th c)
used first by the Dutch.
Used by Galileo to show stars were not in a sphere and to practice direct observation
Sail types and the Reconnaissance
3. Beginning about the 12th century, European sailors began outfitting their vessels with two main types of sail.
4. Square sails enabled them to catch a following wind (a wind coming from behind), while triangular lateen sails caught winds from the side as well as from behind.
5. With these sails, European ships were able to use whatever winds arose, thus promoting more exploration in seas with once unusable winds.
6. These sail types illustrate the vast improvements during the Reconnaissance which allowed Europeans to discover more of the world.
Hapsburg and Ottomans
7. Hapsburg and Ottoman’ war (1683-1699)
8. conflict between the Ottoman Empire and the Hapsburg dynasties, which at the time was under control of Vienna and Austria
9. Hapsburgs: one of the most powerful families in 16th cent
1. expanded power from Vienna across northern Europe
2. made alliance with the Ottomans
3. (significant conflict) =>Hapsburg supported Catholic Church and Ottomans supported Protestant Reformation
10. After 1438 the Hapsburg family, with extensive dynastic holdings in Austria, dominated the Holy Roman Empire. Through marriage alliances with princely and royal families, the Habsburgs accumulated rights and titles to lands throughout Europe and beyond. Charles V inherited authority over the Hapsburgs’ Austrian domains as well as the kingdom of Spain. Charles did not extend his authority throughout Europe or even establish a lasting imperial legacy. Foreign difficulties also prevented Charles from establishing his empire as the arbiter of Europe. The prospect of a powerfully holy Roman empire struck fear in the kings of France and it caused concern among the sultans of the Ottoman Empire as well. The Ottoman sultans did not want to see a powerful Christian empire threaten their holding in Eastern Europe and their positions in the Mediterranean basis. During the early 16th century Ottoman forces imposed their rule beyond Egypt and embraced almost all of North Africa. Thus numerous domestic and foreign problems prevented Charles V from establishing his vast empire as supreme political authority in Europe.
Varieties in Protestantism- a.k.a. the reformation (late medieval attempts at church reform)
. Belief that scripture is the sole source of revealed truth rather than just tradition or ecclesiastic interpretation of scripture.
2. Sola Fide – only by faith will get you to heaven
3. sola scriptura- scripture is seen as the sole authority over matters in faith and practice
4. sola gratia- Ephesians 2: 8-9 “For by grace you have been saved through faith and that not of yourselves it is the gift of god not of works lest anyone should boast)
Mughal Religious Policy
1. Mughal emperors sought to forge links between religious communities
2. Emperor Akbar in effort to foster communication and understanding among the different religions, especially Muslim and Hindu groups:
3. Abolished the jizya (Islamic tax imposed on non-muslims)
4. Tolerated all faiths
5. Sponsored discussions and debates between Muslims, Hindus, Jains, Zoroastrians, and Christinas
6. This policy of religious tolerance was not popular with many Muslims, who worried that they would lost their religious identity and might lead to their absorption into Hindu society as another caste.
7. They insisted that Mughal rulers create and maintain an Islamic state based on Islamic law.
8. In 1659, when Aurangzeb reached Mughal throne, he re-instated the jizya and promoted Islam as the official faith of Mughal India.
9. His policy satisfied Muslim but caused bitterness in Hindu
10. Tension between Hindu and Muslim communities in India persisted throughout Mughal dynasty and beyond.
Ka' ba
The most holy structure in Islam, it is located in Mecca and regarded in Islam as the center of the world. believed to have been rebuilt by Abraham and his son Ishmael
Hundred Years War
War between French families for the throne.
Nationalism developed and the aristocractic system fail.
Santa Maria Novella
Church in Florence that was the first basillica there. Medical Center.
council of trent
Council that reformed indulgences, practices of papal court, and introduced singing into church service
Italian painter, architect from florence during the Renaissance. Was into 3-D, natural art, Realism.
Represented volume in his paintings
Italian painter. Painted religious images , one of which he did for the Santa Maria Novella.
Leonardo da Vinci
"renaissance man"
Painted Mona Lisa and the Last Supper. anatomy
Lorenza Valla
1.15th century Italian scholar who analyzed legal texts.
2.He discredited the Donation of Constantine saying it couldn't have been written in this time because of its vernacular.
1. Hobbe's writting that asked what is the nature of mankind in a society without Common Power
A. He said they were competitive, jealous, anxious, brutish.
B. The solution to this was a civil covenant.
1. Catholic from Holland who reevaluated the New Testament and translated it in Greek (addressed it to the elite who were the ones who could read Greek)
-INspired by Valla
T-O Map
1. Map originated by Christian church fathers as a way of representing the world as they saw it
a. it was skewed, North was not on top. Asia was largest
b. Sons of Noah written under each continent
John Mandeville
1. 14th century author whose real name is unknown.
2. Wrote Travels during a time when Europeans were traveling for business or pilgrimage.
a. started traveling for secular purposes instead
Bartolomeu Dias
Portuguese sailor who sailed around the southmost tip of Africa. Gave the cape of good hope the name Cape of Storms. first European known to have done so
Alfonso de albuquerque
Portuguese nobleman.
helped Portuguese establish a colonial empire in the Indian Ocean
-established a center near goya
-established the empire on a"take what you can and leave" attitude. Ruthless. 16th century
Architect of the Italian Renaissance.
Made the dome on the santa maria del fiore
vanishing point
law of linear perspective
Italian architect who wrote the 4 books of architecture which set the rules they could follow. influenced Western architecture
Isma 'il
Successor who conquered heartland of Iran. Builds theocratic state under shi'ism. Set out to convert sunnis to Shiite.
Why did Boccaccio address his preface to the ladies
1.expects they can read and they are weak
2. they are the greatest danger (eve syndrome)
3. women=dangerous in society(esp. when idle)
3. gives them a story to keep them out of trouble.
people whose system was based on strong leaders and subordinate neighbors. In order to do this, they were constantly at war. joined Safavid Dynasty. in Iran. under Ismail
Rural Sufi Group. Started as Sunni in nature but transformed. Claim to be the descendants of the 7th imam and by the end of the 15th century they thought of themselves as "shadow of god on earth"
Suleyman the Magnificent
16th century-ruined the Patriarchal dynasty when he fell in love with his concubine. They didnt stop boning and so she got a whole bunch of power.because of this, the favorite wife continued to stay in the court.
Sola Scripture
"only scripture" the assertion that the Bible as God's written word is self-authenticating
The schools that established the Ulama as the top social class in the world at the time. It established their power. -robert iezza :)
Battle of Chaldiran
a decisive victory for the Ottoman Empire over the Safavids. As a result the Ottomans gained control over the north western part of Iran. Lead isma'il into depression for the last 10 years of his life. Ottomans used Janissaries, gunpowder, and had advanced weaponry.
Martin Waldseemuller
-German cartographer who was among the first to use the word "America".
-produced a globular world map.
Shah Abbas
Took power in 1588. Reestablished the power of the central government by building slave armies and encouraging trade. -lead to a rise of wealth in Iran.
7th imam
The last legitimate imam. developed a bold and new religious theology.
the hidden imam that had to be re-emerged to take leadership.
is the prophesied redeemer of Islam who will stay on earth seven, nine, or nineteen years (depending on the interpretation[1]) before the coming of the da
The Golden Horde
1. Ghenghis Khan divided the Mongol empire into 4 parts, and the Golden Horde was one of the Khanates distributed to his son, then Batu succeeded his reign.
2. The people of Golden Horde adopted Islam very early.
3. The Horde became settled rather than nomadic and by the mid-13th century, they conquered most of Russia.
4. Under the Empire of the Golden Horde, they retained their own rulers and internal administration.
5. Warfare among the Tatar (people of the Golden Horde) leaders to end tributary payments contributed to the decline of the Empire of the Golden Horde in the late 14th century.
6. The state was conquered by Timur where after his death the empire broke up into the independent khanates.
7. The significance of the Golden Horde is that they came together and they kept their own rulers and expanded to Russia, however they fell apart because the leaders were always in disagreement.
Chinese Rockets
Chinese rockets are significant because of use in the war between the Song, Jin and Yuan States between the 10th and 13th centuries. Significant improvements were made in Ming Dynasty. Included single-shot and multi-shot rockets that were made of an arrowhead, arrow barrel, arrow feather, and gunpowder tube
1. It is a simplified version of an instrument used by Greek and Persian astronomers to determine latitude by measuring the angle of the sun above the horizon.
2. Significant because it’s the most important navigational equipment on board of ships.
3. Ancient 4th century BCE,
4. allows user to measure angle of stars to horizon
5. used to measure when seasons started and ended
Ma yuan (1190-1224) (Song dynasty)
1. He was an influential Chinese landscape painter.
2. The Chinese invented landscape painting.
3. He came from a family of painters.
4. Known for painting the “Landscape with figures” (slide lecture).
5. Ma had looked back on ancient paintings to influence his own unique paintings.
6. This was a common trait for landscape painters, which Chinese painters would look back on ancient works and build upon them.
7. An example of relying on ancient concepts includes the use of old trees near the end of their lives, as well as rocks. Most of these landscape paintings were balanced. You can “read” the painting.
8. However, Ma developed a new type of composition, which was the “One corner composition”.
9. One corner composition shifts the weight of the painting to one corner of the image.
10. Prior landscape painting were focused on vertical and horizontal lines, in Ma’s new composition was an emphasis on diagonal lines.
11. He had balanced his painting even though it appeared unbalanced.
12. This was a frame he had created which enhanced the meaning and composition of the work.
13. This influenced many rising landscape artists.
Theory of impetus:
1. This primarily refers to the problems in Aristotle’s theory of motion, which was formulated during the 14th century.
2. Jean Buridan was one of the important figures who inverted the works of Aristotle.
3. Aristotle believed that falling bodies rushed more quickly as they got nearer home, the new teaching inverted this, and said that it was rather the distance from the starting point-that mattered.
4. New theories were proposed that a projectile would move in a straight line until it had exhausted itself and curve to the point where it would drop vertically to the earth.
5. Only in the case of the celestial bodies (planets), the planets were always in a projectile motion that traveled in a circular pattern, which never exhausted itself. It went on forever.
6. Such thought are considered to significant because it shows a complete reconstruction of man’s perception of the universe.
7. It also shows the beginnings of a scientific revolution.
Mongke (aka monake)
1. He was the grandson of Genghis Khan (Camp of Batu) as well as the Great Khan of the Mongol Empire whom ruled from 1251-1259.
2. By the 1250’s the empire had expanded itself, however it was unorganized (it was a economic disarray).
3. The Mongols were deeply in depth by the population whom they were ruling.
4. He had gained the support of all the creditors who thought they were not going to see a dime of that money.
5. He was even paying off the debts that he owed.
6. He had wiped out all the exemptions and had increased the taxes, as well as reestablishing the fiscal government.
7. He chose members of his own families (known as Il-Khans) to be governors of cities.
8. He was known for undertaking the completions of the conquest of the Middle East.
9. As he moved west, he arrived at Baghdad, whom had a heavy resistance. Either he disappeared or he committed suicide. (Lecture).
10. Mongols in 1259 were defeated by a slave army from Egypt.
11. Mongke had died the year before that but it took a year for that news to reach out.
Commander of the Faithful (Caliph) (600’s-900’s)
1. The true line of succession to Muhammad was known as the caliphate, and the successors’ titles were “successor” (caliph).
2. This title underscored religious and political authority, both of which most muslims were willing to recognize in the caliphs Abu Bakr and Umar, and potentially in Uthman and Ali.
3. Unfortunately by the time of Uthman and ali, dissension led to civil war.
4. Yet the first four caliphs had all been close to Muhhammed, and this closeness gave their reigns a nostalgic aura of pristine purity, especially as the later caliphal institutions was based largely on sheer power legitimized by herefitary succession.
5. Although the caliph could exert his power to influence religious matters, he was never “emperor and pope combined”.
6. Although their line continued until 1258, the caliphate was primarily a titular office representing an Islamic unity that existed politically in name only
Quibbla wall
The quibbla wall is located in a mosque and is completely perpendicular to the line drawn toward Mecca.
Congregants pray in rows parallel to the wall in order to face Mecca. This is significant because it shows how precise the Ottoman’s mosques had to be, showing that they devote much time to religion and not just trade, conquest, and expansion.
Veil worn by Ottoman women
In a Muslim marriage, women were very restricted.
They were capable of most anything legally if they were husbandless.
Since society was afraid of showing passion and sex, they made women wear veils so they could go out in public.
These veils are now seen as a form of restriction, but then were a form of freedom.
Women could go around town and be free, without being punished for being provocative.
From this women began to be very smart and sneaky, and would draw up contracts for potentials husbands.
Battle of Kosovo
June 15, 1389. It was a major battle between Ottomans and Serbs.
The Ottomans did win the battle, but both sides lost their leader, and Ottomans never actually sacked Kosovo, like they usually do for all other victories.
As a result, nobles of Kosovo had to pays tributes and supply soldiers to the Ottoman army.
This is significant because it led Serbia into nationalism and its eventual detachment from the Ottoman Empire.
This shows that the Ottomans are destructible, and kept the Ottomans in Turkey and the Middle East.l
Lo Kuan-chung
He was born in the Yuan dynasty in 1330 and lived during the rebellions during the Yuan dynasty and beginning the Ming dynasty.
He wrote The Three Kingdoms (China’s Epic Drama), which is a popular drama with many poems.
He believed that Liu Pei was the legitimate successor of the Han.
Lo wrote about the political situation in China in the 3rd century because it related to the situation of his day, they were supposed to be relevant. Significance: he was about to get his readers to see the relevance between 3rd Century China and 14th Century China and how they were both going down the same road.
He shows his support for Liu Pei, and persuades his readers to as well.
Liu Pei(161-223)
He created the state of Shu Han. He is the legitimate successor of the Han.
He is written about in The Three Kingdoms and is portrayed as the benevolent, humane, leader.
He built his kingdom on Confucian values.
Pei is distantly related to the rulers of the Han dynasty, further legitimizing his position.
He proved that the military does not only need power, but brains.
He was able to dominate and establish Shu Han, using diplomacy over military expertise, which is significant because China has always used diplomacy, while their enemies used force.
Kung-ming is a character in the chinese classical called "Three Kingdoms".
He is the advisor of Liu Pei who strategizes Liu Pei's victories and whom Liu Pei begged three times in order to gain the help and aid of.
He is significant not only because he is a significant character in the Chinese classical "Three Kingdoms", being the advisor of the protagonist Liu Pei, but he is also a representative of the Chinese attitude that plays deceit and cunningness as accepted and fine, as opposed as the Western attitude
T'sao T'sao
T'sao T'sao is a character in the chinese classical called "Three Kingdoms".
He is the antagonist who oppresses the Emperor and whom Liu Pei attempts to overcome in order to aid the Emperor. He is significant because not only is he a character in one of the classical Chinese stories that shows filial piety but because he is a "ruler" who is rumored to be a foreigner and perhaps represent the Mongol rulers in China.
He is also significant because he is the one who Lord Kuan let go due to the debt that he owns to T'sao T'sao, the enemy , thus showing that the Chinese moral system has its faults.
T'sao T'sao
T'sao T'sao is a character in the chinese classical called "Three Kingdoms".
He is the antagonist who oppresses the Emperor and whom Liu Pei attempts to overcome in order to aid the Emperor. He is significant because not only is he a character in one of the classical Chinese stories that shows filial piety but because he is a "ruler" who is rumored to be a foreigner and perhaps represent the Mongol rulers in China.
He is also significant because he is the one who Lord Kuan let go due to the debt that he owns to T'sao T'sao, the enemy , thus showing that the Chinese moral system has its faults.
Red Cliffs
Red Cliffs is a place in the Chinese classical story "Three Kingdoms".
It is the place where Liu Pei and T'sao T'sao, protagonist and antagonist, finally engaged in battle.
It is significant because it is the place where T'sao T'sao's forces were defeated, which preceeds T'sao T'sao being let go by Lord Kuan in a symbolic show of debt that shows the Chineses' moral system's fault.
Leon Batista Alberti(1404-72)
Was part of the Renaisance architectural movement where they were moving away from Medieval architecture and were emulating Gothic and Roman architecture.
Like other Renaissance architects, he took great interest in studying the ruins of classical architecture in Rome and elsewhere, and based his works on Vitruvius, a Roman writer and architect.
He designed a new idea of Renaissance architecure based on pilasters and entablatures--the Palazzo Recuellai, a 15th century palace in Florance Italy.
Santa Maria Novella.
classical order
the grouping of the best and brightest architects during the european renaissance. created three styles of architecture. doric, ionic, and corinthian.
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