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GHIST 225 Exam Documents
documents from Voices
Undergraduate 2

Additional History Flashcards




#156: An Anti-Imperialist Perspective
 A response to The Treaty of Paris. George F Hoar writes that if you acquire land for consitiutional purposes, that is okay, but if you do it and it is not contemplated by the consitution, then it is not okay. He says it is unconstiutional to govern people agaisnt their will. He says that although we may think that america has the best ideals of freedom and publin intrest, we cannot make oppose these ideals on oterh countries.
#157: The New Manifest Destiny
For the annexation of the Phillipines. He believes that the Phillipines are territory belonging to the US. H says that they will not abandon their opportunity at the Orient. He says that the largest trade should be done with Asia in order to secure the hold on the Phillipines, becuase it will give the US a base at the door of the East. He believes the power that rules the pacific is the power that rules the world. He also says that the civilizations demands will be improved. He also says that american's need not worry about competition for labor. He says that god made white anglo saxons the master organizers of the world.
#159: Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine
Roosevelt starts off by saying that all he wants is neighboring counrties in western hemisphere to be stable, orderly and propserous. He says countries that conduct themselves with efficiency and decency both socially and politically need not fear the US. It is teh countries which disrupt the ties of civizied society that need to fear intervention. This is addressing mainly the western hemisphere in regards to following the monroe doctrine. He says that any country, including america, must accept the responsibility of making good use of their independence in order to maintain its freedom. He says, however, that in cases of extreme crime and horror, the US will intervene to remove such crimes.
#162: Opposition to the League of Nations

Henry Cabot Lodge is against the League of Nations. He believes that if the US is to become involved in an internal conflict of another country, it should be decided by the people of the US represented by Congress. He says the L.O.N is not a league of peace, but an alliance by 5 great powers. He says the league makes more provisions for war than for peace and the settlement of disputes. He says that congress must declare war for the US, not otehr countries. He says although it may be impossibel to remain isolationist... it does not mean the US has to get involved in every foreign conflict. He says that the US has always serviced her own people and the people of the world and she should continue to do so under her own free will. He says that we need to concentrate on making the US stronger, better and finer so that she can be the greatest service to the worl'd peace and welfare.


#168: Religions and the Scopes Trial

Response to the teaching of evolution by John Scopes in a tennesse public school. He starts off by saying that science is religions foe. He says that science is a material force, but it does not teach morals. For example it can build machinery but it does not instruct society on the misuses of the machinery. In war, science is an evil genius (i.e. air and sea attack). Science does not teach brotherly love but it has made war hellish. He says that the teaching of evolution is an attack on Christianity.
#178: The Tennesse Valley Authority
The TVA consturcted dams to generate power. He says that there are two things you can do with power: let it go to waste or harness it to form energy. He says that they should harness the energy in the hopes that it will become self-supporting. The TVA stands for the abundant life and happier social destiny which alot of cheap energy can supply.
#181: The Four Freedoms

Roosevelt's Inagugural Address about a new american policy which involves meeting the demands of foreign peril. He says that international affairs have been based on the respect for the rights and dignity of fellow men and the justice of morality will win in the end. He asks congress for funds to manufacture weapons for countries at war with aggressor nations. The future of america depends on how effective and immediate Americans aide is felt. He says we must not loose sight of basic things of democracy even in turmoil. He lists 4 essential human freedoms: freedom of speech/expression, religion, economic understanding and from fear.

#184: Life in a Japanese Internment Camp

A Japenese man describes life in internment camp. He starts off by pointing out that his parents had been in the US since 1901 and that his brothers were an architect and a doctor. He describes the internment camp as a penitentiary adn says that there are armed guards watching the prisoners from towers. He says these guards are told to shoot anyone 20 feet from the fence. He says that no one is allowed to go to the bathroom after nine, no exceptions. Stalls which are 18x21 hold families of up to six or seven. He said that food and sanitation is the number one problem. They have no fresh meat, vegetables or butter and that they have to wait in long lines to get food. He describes the agony he feels about leaving the life he built through hard work. However, he says that he still feels hopeful that the army and roosevelt will keep the promises of good treatment. He says that he hates being called "Japs" and that japanese-americans are on amerinca's side and they want to help.

#186: African Americans in the Military
 A 22 y/o black soldier he says that he will fight, suffer and die for the freedom of every black to live equally. He says that any negro would fight for equality in america rather than fight for democracy against an enemy whose principles are the same as america's. The journalist says that this letter is one of hundreds. He says that many African-American soldiers are patriotic, concooius of war aims and eager to fight but they cannot express their feelings freely even though they have fought bravely in every war, they are stil not treated as americans. One soldier described army law as white man law. Many african american soldiers experience huge discrimination and racism in southern bases. One example is that while black soldiers dined behind a Jim Crow curtain on a train, German prisoners dined with the white folks. Many african-americans cook, serve and shovel coal. One african-american soldier commented that he fights not for america today, but for america in the future.
#187: Truman's desicion to drop the bomb
Truman starts off by saying that Stimson, who was one of the men responsible for the creation of the atom bomb, talked to Truman about the effects of the atom bomb on foreign relations and how it will change warfare. A commitee was set to study teh implication of the atom bomb, and they adived Truman to use the bomb asap. They advised him to use it as a suprise where it would create the most devistating results. The comittee told him that there was no accpetable alternative to ending the war. Truman said he wanted to use it on a military base.

#191: Communists in the Government

Mccarthy describes this period of time as a "cold war" in which the world is split into two hostile armed camps. He says that after the war the US was the physically strongest nation with the most intelectual and moral potential, but that it failed to rise to the occasion. He says teh reason for this is because of traitors. He says that these traitors are the ones who were born with "a silver spoon in their mouth". He says that the state department is infested with communists. He says that he has a list of 57 indicidua;s who are loyal communists and are also involved in shaping foreign policy. He says the reason nothing has been doen is do to an "emotional hang-over" which occues after every war.
#193: Governor Herman Talmadge's Statement on the Brown Decision
Talmadge believes that the Supreme Court's decision based on Brown V Board of Education is unconstitutional. He said that there is no constitutional support for the decision that was made. He says it goes against the constitution to say that states do not have control over their internal affairs. He says that Georgia will not accept the mixing of races in public school. He said that as long as he is in office he will uphold the georgian way of life.
#201: Lyndon Johnson on the Great Society
Johnson says that the challenge of the next half century is to use the wealth of wisdom to enrich american civilization. He says that imagination, initiative and indignation will bring abour progress. He says that there is the potential to move upward to the Great Society which rests on liberty for all. The Great society is where every child can get education, leisure is a chance to build and reflect and where the city serves the needs of man. He also says that man can enjoy nature, values quality over quantity and is a safe harbor. He says that we can build the Great Society in cities, countrysides and classrooms. He says cities must be rebuilt, we must take care of america so it doesnt turn into "ugly america" and we must provide more teachers, classrooms and better training for teachers.
#203: SDS Call for a March on Washington

The Students for a Democratic society is trying to gain support and protestors. They start of by saying that america is "mutiliating" Vietnam in teh name of freedom, peace and democracy. They say that the US should be fighting the war of social desperation, not communism. They call for the immediate cease fire and demobilization of South Vietnam. He says that a negoriated agreement will not make Vietnam democratic, only the right of nationhood can do that. They believe the only way to stop the war is a domestic sociak movement which challenges the ligitimacy of foreign policy. They also fight to end racism, welfare, decent income and authoritarian contol of schools.

#205: A Report on Racial Violence in the Cities
The cause of racial disorders include social, economic, political and psychological of negro-white relations. The most fundamental being racial attitudes of whites towards blacks. The three reasons for bitter white racial attitudes are pervasive discrimination adn segregation, black migration and white exodus and black ghettos. Three factors have led to disorder: frustrated hopes, legitimation of violence and powerlessness. Self-esteem and enhanced racial pride are replacing apathy and submission. Their shared sense of deprevation and victimization is felt through the incitment and encouragment of violence as well as the police.
#217: A View on Hispanic Assimilation

Assimilation is described as a gentle process in which people from outside the community gradually become part of the community. America changes its immigrant groups- and teh immigrant groups change america. The government should not be obliged to perseve any groups language or culture. Is hispanic parents want their children to learn the language and culture, that is their responsibility. Hispanic people are responisble for voting. The gov't can only do so much in promoting higher education adn is hispanics want to earn as much as non-hispnaic whites they must invest the same amount in shcooling. affirmative action treats race and ethinicity as synonomous with disadvantage. The status of "victims" for hispanics robs them of real power and they should succeed by their own efforts. They will prosper by following the example of millions before them.

#229: The War in Iraq
The situation in Iraq deteriorated after the bombing of Al-Askari Mosque. The increased level of violence following this bombing has made progress difficult, espicially in Baghdad. The iraq government has found it difficult to gain traction. The Iraqi gov't has been challenged by insurgetns, international terrorists, miliitias, violent criminals, etc.
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