Shared Flashcard Set


Davis - Final
Undergraduate 2

Additional History Flashcards





During industrialization period 1800’s

Child labor was common in the 1800’s. They were used because they could pay them less without them protesting it. “Use and abuse”. Poor working conditions because machines could cause them to get caught. No regulations on child labor until the 1830’s. 


Late 19th century

Ghandi was a westernized elite of India who was loyal to Great Britain. When he became a lawyer and traveled to South Africa from England, he experienced discrimination on the train from white authorities who told him he could not ride in the section.


During the 19th century

Opium War (1839-1842)

British used India to grow opium and traded illegally with China. Many chinese people became addicted to the drug and the wealth flowed out of china rather than into china. Chinese officials wished to end the spread of opium, and confiscated supplies of opium from British traders. The British government, although not officially denying China's right to control imports, objected to this seizure and used its military power to violently enforce redress. The British win the war and with the Treaty of Nanjing they forced 5 ports to open to British residence and allowed the British merchants to trade with Chinese merchants.


Belgium Occupation in 1916 to 1962

Colonialism is the establishment, exploitation, maintenance, acquisition, and expansion of colonies in one territory by people of a different territory. It reinforced and exaggerated authoritarian tendencies in local cultures. Colonial policy aggravated ethnic and cultural divisions.

There were two groups that weren’t seperatetribes but they occupied Rwanda- Tutsis and Hutus.

Europeans transformed these categories into ethnic categories and tended to privilege the Tutsis to enforce labor and receive a western education. A fluid social identity became and permanent ethnic identity. Europeans restructured local economies to serve European interests, not the interests of the local people. They required them to carry a social ID card naming them Tutsis or Hutus, their social identity could change depending on if they became more rich or poor. The end result was tremendous hatred between the two groups.




Kwame Nkrumah “African Socialism naitionalized private firms. Overthrown by nationl liberation Council in 1966.

Coco prces fell in early 1960s= government revenue dried up and cause a lot of debt.

Western capitalist did not want to invest in goods from Ghana

Tried to hide failures but creating statues of worship for himself. Created an authoritarian government.

The National Liberation Council overthrew Nkrumah in a military coup in 1966

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