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Undergraduate 1

Additional History Flashcards




July 4, 1826
• Thomas Jefferson and John Adams both died. Jefferson’s slaves and black family on Monticello were set free once he died. Americans took it as a divine message about the revolution. Whites celebrated the confirmation of American liberty, and a few slaves, of Montecello, celebrated their freedom too. This day is important because it showed how slavery bound people together and it represented the ongoing revolution.
The Republican Revolution
• Began with the Election of 1800. Jefferson defeated federalist, Adams. Republicans thought their win was revolutionary, but Federalists thought it was just luck. The new assumption that accompanied it was that people who owned society shouldn’t govern it. Republicans wanted government to unite, not control, society. It shifted government control from elites, and created a goal of simpler, normal, insignificant government. This is important because the Republican Party had very opposite ideas from the Federalists and directed America in a new direction.
Lewis and Clark
Opening west. Although they were seen as heroes after their expedition west of the Mississippi, they didn’t create American interest in the west. Americans were not interested in moving past the Mississippi yet. They were important because they explored new territory that the majority of America had not seen and thought was uncivilized.
• Paternalism was the ideology that masters behaved as fatherly figures to slaves. The master- slave relationships were one of the most important in the South. Masters were much more attentive to their slaves than in other regions, we can see this in the providing of food, clothing, and housing. It was economically beneficial for the master to keep the slave until mature age for reproduction. As a “father” masters beat their slaves and punished them but did not stop providing for their needs. Paternalism was a way to justify the Southern ideology of slavery. It is important because it shows why the South was fighting so hard for slavery to remain.
Removal and Racism
Removal applied to blacks and Indians. It began because Africans and American Indians were seen as socially and biologically inferior. As the Enlightenment period advanced, colonists developed concerns towards racial differences. Justification was needed for their superiority. Morton developed polygenesis in studying Indian skulls. He believed he proved that Indians had smaller skulls, and therefore were inferior to whites. Later, it was found that his measurements were not accurate. But at the time, whites had a racist system of thought and believed they were morally and socially superior to other races. The enlightenment and environmentalist movements influenced the idea that Indians and Africans were completely inferior and savage. This is important because it was a challenge to the Enlightenment Era, when America was trying to justify its racist thoughts in “the land of the free”.
Free Labor
This was the Northern Ideology of how work should be. Free Labor used incentives for paid workers, such as raises or firing workers, versus the Southern whipping of slaves. The North believed this was the best way of labor because it produced harder workers, when slavery was creating lazy whites.This is important because it shows why the North was anti-slavery.
The annexation of Texas
This was a symbol of the South’s victory in slavery expansion. The North was angry because they thought the annexation of TX showed how the government was supporting the South, and ruining the country with the expansion of slavery.
The Missouri Compromise
Henry Clay proposed this, which made the southern border of MO the boundary line (36/30) between free and slave states. Along with this, MO was admitted as a slave state, and slavery was limited within the LA Purchase. The government was trying to make equal numbers of slave and free states. This is important because it showed one attempt from the government in fixing slavery while dealing with expansion issues
This rose in 1810’s in reply to the issue of heavy alcohol consumption. Evangelicals created it to be a religious problem, in which alcohol made bad men who were unsuitable for working or families. It mobilized women due to family issues. It didn’t work on all of America. This is important because it showed how women were playing a major role in the reform era.
Republicans vs. Federalists
This began right before the Election of 1800. Problems in the country led to a split in the Federalist party, such as, the ratification of the Constitution and the economy. Federalists favored ratification and the elite, economically. The Republicans favored the opposite. This was important because it showed the rise of political parties in America.
Caleb Jackson
He wrote down his family's career in a diary. The Jackson family owned an acreage that the family farmed. Caleb and his dad took their products to the market and sold a ton of their products, like cherries. Hannah Taylor lived with them and made clothes. Caleb made shoes on the side, as well. Their family was important because it showed how to be successful in competency, or the balance of comfort and independence.
Republican Motherhood
During the Revolutionary War, women had to step up more in public and families because so many men were off fighting. As a result, this developed. This called for women to use their virtue to inspire husbands and children. They were supposed to be a model in the family, while men were a model in public. This is important because it showed how the Revolutionary War revolutionized gender roles and where women stood in family and public settings.
The Election of 1860
Consisted of 2 separate elections, north and south. Lincoln defeated all of the nominees, even though he didn’t even run for the south. He won all the electoral votes. This is important because it showed the triumph of sectional politics.
How was the ideal of “competency” challenged after the American Revolution?
Comfortably independent. Independence- working for yourself, versus someone else. Comfortable – market. Tension between comfort and independent. Don’t want too much of either. Caleb Jackson gained comfort, Robert Matthews lost comfort. Define competency, then list examples. People.
How did American expansion help lead to the U.S. Civil War?
Expansion made the issue of slavery much more difficult. Firstly, expansion forced the government into discussing slavery. The government had a hard time in making sure they pleased the North and South equally, by equally dividing the states between free and slave states. As America was growing, the government tried several ways to please both sides, such as the MO Compromise and the KA-NB Act, but could not find a way to please both sections. When the government could not please either side, America turned to a war
How did Euro-American views of Native Americans change after the American Revolution?
Civilization policy giving way to ideology. Americans realized they can’t civilize Native Americans after Revolution. They just wanted to remove them after Rev. RACE – This is important because it showed the rise of racism.
What distinguished the economy of the antebellum North from that of the South?
The Northern Antebellum economy was based on a “Free Labor” system, which used machines. The antebellum South used slavery and more manual labor. Both sections were becoming more productive, just in different ways. Due to their different labor systems, the North was growing qualitatively when the South was growing quantitatively.
What role did family and religion play in antebellum slave life?
Slaves were made religious by masters. As slaves learned more about the Bible, they learned they could relate to Jesus through His suffering on the cross. Slaves began to create secret churches with their own interpretation of the Bible. They also created spirituals, which sometimes contained secret messages. Family helped slaves through tragedy. When a family member died or was sold, families were broken up. Slaves looked to their enduring bonds with family for hope in their situations
What was the relationship between the Mexican-American War and the Civil War?
The Mexican American War set the stage for the Civil War. As a result of the Mexican American War, America gained more land. This forced the government to decide how to split the land between slave and free states. The government hadn’t liked talking about slavery up to this point, so this definitely pushed them into discussing it
In what ways could slaves resist their masters? Why did this resistance matter?
Slaves resisted in many ways. On a day-to-day basis, slaves lost things, broke tools and injured themselves. Sometimes slaves ran away. There were even a few cases of organized rebellion, such as Nat Turner’s Rebellion. The slaves’ resistance showed that the slaves were questioning the ideology that whites created of slavery. Slaves were figuring out that the way they were being treated wasn’t okay.
What distinguished “anti-slavery” from “abolitionism”?
Anti-slavery is people who believe that slavery is morally wrong. They think it will die out on its own, as long as they prevent it from expanding in America. Abolition was stopping slavery altogether. Abolitionists supported slaves in getting their freedom and being independent. Abolitionists believed in slaves getting equal rights, and were against racism.
How did Euro-American views of Native Americans change after the American Revolution?
Civilization policy giving way to ideology. Americans realized they can’t civilize Native Americans after Revolution. They just wanted to remove them after Rev. This is important because it showed the rise of racism.
Why were Americans in the early republic so interested in reform movements?
Reformers thought America was placing too much focus on self-interest. They believed America’s character was like unmolded clay and they wanted to mold it. Their goal was to substitute harmony through modernity. Gender roles, temperance This is important because it showed how the revolutionary revolution was changing America and their character.
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