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Final December
Undergraduate 1

Additional History Flashcards




The Other American
Who:Michael Harrington
What: Book on poverty
When: 1950s
Where: USA cities
Definition: Explaining the realities of poverty and how it affected the population
Significance: Helped political leaders discover the realities of poverty and economic depravation
Bay of PIgs
Who: CIA and Cuban soldiers
What: Former Cubans supposed to overthrow Castro and take gov. over again
When: April 17, 1941
Where: Cuba
Significance: Tried to take Cuba over and not get back to JFK(wanted plausible deniability) however failed and people found out JFK behind it so they lost trust in American Gov.
Cuban Missile Crisis
Who: USA and Soviet
What: nuclear threats shared between US and Soviet; US already had missiles in Turkey
When: October 1962
Where: Cuba
Significance: Threatened to ruin the cold war and start a Nuclear war between the two countries
Alliance for Progress
Who: US and European countries
What: Aimed to promote both “political” and “material” progress
When: 1960s
Where: Western Hemisphere
Significance: Tried to solve the problem of poverty however because of military controlled it the plan failed; fit with the Policy Planning study 23
Civil Rights Act
Who: President LB Johnson
What: prohibited racial discrimination in employment, hospitals, schools, restaurants, hotels and theaters
When: 1964
Where: US Congress
Significance: along with banning discrimination on race also banned discrimination on sex; opponents called “bunny law” because opposed the sex part
Hart-Celler Act
Who: President LB Johnson
What: prohibited racial discrimination in employment, hospitals, schools, restaurants, hotels and theaters
When: 1964
Where: US Congress
Significance: along with banning discrimination on race also banned discrimination on sex; opponents called “bunny law” because opposed the sex part
The Great Society
Who: President LB Johnson
What: provided health services to poor and elderly in new Medical and Medicare programs and gave federal money to ed. and urban development
When: 1965-1967
Where: all over USA
Significance: greatly expanded the power of the gov. however it was a response to poverty not depression
Berrigan Brothers
Who: Daniel and Philip both priests
What: American peace activists
When: 1967
Where: Baltimore
Significance: broke into fed building hoever continued to preach peace form prison; helped the anti-war movement grow tremendously
My Lai Incident
Who: American troops
What: troops killed 350 Vietnamese civilians
When: 1968
Where: Vietnam
Significance: resulted in congress passing the Wars Power Act- most vigorous assertion of congressional control over foreign policy
Who: President Nixon
What: started pulling american troops out so that Vietnamese troops could fight
When: 1968
Where: Vietnam
Significance: tried help the anti-war movement however the fight didn’t stop and the war resulted in more war protests which was opposite of Nixon trying to convince the pop. to trust and get out of war
Sexual Freedom Movement
Who: Margaret Sanger
What: movement for more sexual freedom; also helped women to get more involved in society/economy
When: 1970s
Where: America
Significance: encouraged women to become more than housewives and also encouraged contraception
New Left
Who: new generation of america
What: new definition of freedom
When: 1950s
Where: America
Significance: challenged not only mainstream america but also the “Old Left” spoke loneliness isolation, and alienation of powerlessness in face of bureaucratic institutions
Black Power
Who: Malcolm “X”
What: bitter cry at the federal gov failure to stop violence against civil rights workers
When: 1966
Where: America
Significance: Suggested election of more black officials belief that black americans were colonized of people whose freedom could only be won through revolution
Chicano Movement
Who: Mexican Americans
What: trying to forge Mexican culture with American culture and society
When: 1965
Where: American cities
Significance: showed they had a voice & wanted to be involved in fixing issues of constitution
Who: President Nixon/Democratic Party
What: Dem. Party broke into National complex showed prez. had attempted to cover up, Nixon resigned
When: 1970
Where: USA Government
Significance: showed tension of politics & people didn’t trust gov. showed a lof of corruption
The Feminine Mystique
Who: Beth Frieaton
What: book on feminists rights
When: 1963
Where: USA cities
Significance: ignited women’s movement in 1960’s, gave women hope of being something other than mom/housewife, could be involved in politics
National Organization for Women
Who: Betty Friedman
What: demanded for equal jobs, education, and political participation and attacked the “false image of women” spread by the mass media
When: 1966
Where: America
Significance: helped take the Women’s movement into a new phase encouraging women to fight for more equal opportunities
Johnnie Tillmon
Who: Working middle-class african american mother
What: got sick and could no longer work had to use welfare
When: 1963
Where: American Cities
Significance: realized the bad treatment from the employees, demanded respect from welfare company, helped with women’s movement
STOP ERA Campaign
Who: Phyllis Shlafly
What: argued against women’s movement didn’t agree with everything
When: 1972
Where: American Cities
Significance: encouraged divorce, abortion, sent women to war, allowed gays to adopt etc.
Who: David Harvey
What: approach to economic and social policy that stress the efficiency of private enterprises
When: 1970s
Where: America
Significance: resulted in market-driven approach to economy and social policies
Trickle-down Economics
Who: President Reagan
What: relied on high interest rates to curb inflation and lower tax rates, especially for businesses and high-income Americans
When: 1980’s
Where: US Government
Significance: resulted in more military spending however lowered welfare, housing, etc.
Strategic Defense Initiative
Who: President Reagan and US Department of Defenses
What: developing a space-based system to intercept and destroy enemy missiles
When: 1984
Where: US Government
Significance: focused on strategic defense rather than the prior strategic offense doctrine onf Mutual Assured Destruction (MAD)
Undeclalred War
382 Marine Platoon
who- US marines
what- It was a platoon of Marines that when to the battle of Iwo Jima
when- 1940s
where- Iwo Jima
significance- This was a major battle in the war and help us when then war
Women in WWII
who- women of US
what- over 6 million women took wartime jobs in factories or filling in for men on farms, 3 million women volunteered with the Red Cross, and over 200,000 women served the military
where- The US
significance- The women took the jobs and helped us win the war by helping in factories to build the guns and vehicles, helped with doctoring the soldiers wounds
Alternatives to Atom Bombing of Hiroshime and Nagasaki
alternatives- use as a threat, wait for soviets to join the war, drop the bomb, drop one bomb and show them the power of it to get them to surrender
who- united states
what- what we could have done beside using the bomb.
when- the atom bombs were dropped in 40s
where- the us dropped the bombs on hiroshima and nagasaki
why- this could have ended the war without killing as many people
significance- the bombs lowered the will of the japanese to continue fighting, showed the world what the war was capable of.
who- George Kennan
what- he wrote a telegram to the truman administration about the soviets could not be dealt with as normal government
when- 1946
where- letter came from moscow and sent to the US
why- he thought only the US could deal with the soviets
significance- it contained soviet expansion
Marshall Plan
who- George C. Marshall
what- it is a reconstruction program for post world war 2 europe through massive aid to former enemy nations and allies
when- 1947
where- US
significance- it contributed billions of dollars to finance the economic recovery in europe
who- liberal democrats and black leaders
what-urged the truman administration to promote world wide decolonization and it insisted that a free world should not include colonies or empires
when- 1946
where- US
significance- US granted freedom independence to the Philippines
Memorandum 68
who- written by Paul H. Nitze
what- predicted the Soviets could launch a nuclear attack on the United States by 1954 and recommended an increase in U.S. spending for nuclear and conventional arms
when- 1950
where- US
significance- Every successive US administration has implemented hard-line policies that can be directly traced to NSC-68, which calls for the destruction of the Soviet Union and unrivaled US military power
Korean War
who- North and South Korea, US
what- South Korea aligned with the US, North invaded the south in hope to reunify the country under communism
when- 1950-1953
where- north and south Korea
significance- American troops did the majority of the fighting on this first battlefield of the cold war (started the cold war), Americans lost 33 thousand while the korean soldiers lost 1 million and 2 million civilians were killed
Servicemen's Readjustment Act
who- US
what- it is also known as the GI bill of rights, It rewarded members of the armed forces for their service, it prevented unemployment and economic destruction
when- 1944
where- US
significance- provided money for education and other benefits to the soldiers
Bayard Rustin
who- Bayard Rustin, blacks and whites
what- proposed a freedom budget which was going to spend a 100 billion dollars over 10 year on a federal program of job creation and urban redevelopement
when- 1965
where- US
significance- they claimed it would end poverty by 1975
Congress on Racial Equality
who- US, founded by interracial group
what- civil rights organization known for the freedom rides
when- 1942
where- US
significance- launched a voter registration drive, sit ins, freedom rides, worked with NAACP
Brown v. Board of Education
who- oliver brown, marshall, US
what- US supreme court case that was about the segregation in schools
when- 1954
where- topeka, Kansas
significance- the courts decision decision struck down racial segregation in public schools, the court ruled that separate but equal is not constitutional
Women's Political Council
who- African American professional women, Most of its members were educators at Alabama State College or Montgomery's public schools
what- was an organization that was part of the African-American Civil Rights Movement.
when- 1943
where- in the city of Montgomery, Alabama.
significance- was the first group to officially call for a boycott of the bus system during the Montgomery Bus Boycott.
Warren Court
who- Earl Warren who id the chief justice
what- expanded the civil rights, civil liberties, judicial power, and the federal power in dramatic ways
when- 1953-1969
significance- he court was both applauded and criticized for bringing an end to racial segregation in the United States, incorporating the Bill of Rights
Emmitt Till
who- emmet Till
what- He whistled at a white women and was beaten up and killed for it, his mother held a open casket so that the people could see what had taken place.
when- was killed in 1955
where- Mississippi
significance- this showed the severity of the racism that was still going. The pic of emmet was shown to the public and it
Student Nonvoilent Coordinating Committee
who- Blacks and white in north carolina
what- they coordinated sit ins and other forms of protest
when- founded in 1960
where- US
significance- they were dedicated to replacing the culture of segregation with a community of racial justice and empowered ordinary blacks to take control of the decisions of their life
Fannie Lou Hamer
who- Fannie Lou Hamer
what- she testified at the democratic national convention of 1964 on behalf of the freedom democratic party
when- 1964
where- New Jersey is where the convention took place the organization she was in was in mississippi
significance- she played a major role in the grassroots civil rights oraganizing
Growing Up Absurd
who- Paul Goodman
what- its a book about the problems of youth in the organized society
when- 1960
where- US
significance- it analyzed the cause and effect of disaffection of the growing generation
New Frontier
who- John F. Kennedy
what- He used this in acceptance speech
when- 1960
where- US
significance- Peace Corps, the Alliance for Progress in Latin America, a trade expansion act, an increase in the minimum wage, a federal housing act, and an Area Redevelopment Act to benefit depressed rural areas.
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